Chapter 365: Symbol of the Primordial Ruins!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 365: Symbol of the Primordial Ruins!

"Pay taxes?" The crowd was utterly gobsmacked when Yun Xiao laid it out so bluntly.

"Each of you, hand over half of the Immortal Jades in your Bags of Holding, right now," Yun Xiao said, as if he were discussing the weather.

"Half?" The sheer audacity had the 10,000 humans, demons, and devils stepping back in unison, their faces a picture of bewildered shock.

"Surely he's joking..." murmured a few Inscription Cultivators among themselves, their expressions a mix of amusement and disbelief.

The Yang Devils and resentment demons weren't looking too pleased either.

"If it weren't for Exile Yun here, you'd all be dead meat by now. What good's your wealth then?" Mu Daxiong sneered, leaving the crowd speechless with his cold logic.

"There's no debate here, hand it over." With a sweep of his gaze, Yun Xiao had every head bowed, not out of respect, but resignation. He wasn't about to waste his breath on these penny-pinchers.

It's not like he was the one who let the Nian out of the cage. Now, with the Nine Hells teetering on the brink of disaster, it was Immortal Jades to the rescue!

Yun Xiao didn't even need to lift a finger to collect the taxes; there were always those eager to curry favor, ready to do the legwork for him.

Among the Inscription Cultivators and Yang Devils, those who were left were quick to see which way the wind was blowing. They scrambled to serve Yun Xiao, hoping to at least be small fries in his new order.

So, in less than half an hour, Yun Xiao's first tax collection was a roaring success.

"These folks are the backbone of the Nine Hells, and boy, are they loaded..."

Aside from a few high and mighty types like the Sword Warden, the Netherworld Emperor, and the Phoenix Empress, the rest coughed up half their Immortal Jades, tallying up to a whopping 500 million!

And with the death of over 100 figures like the Wick Devil and the Talisman Emperor, their wealth now lined Yun Xiao's pockets, pushing his Immortal Jade count into the billions!

In the Nine Hells, where the common folk still traded in Saint Stones, and only those in the Dao Heart Realm dealt in Immortal Jades, Yun Xiao had pretty much cornered the market. His Bag of Holding, now several times heavier, bulged with a wealth that sent Blue Star and Red Moon straight to cloud nine.

"We're rich! Filthy rich!" The excitement was palpable, with his trusty beast hopping around him, its four eyes gleaming with delight.

With this windfall, the losses in the Immortal Asylum were more than compensated for; they were making a profit.

"Now, I truly hold the Nine Hells in the palm of my hand!"

That's what you called a true Nine Hells Conqueror!

But Yun Xiao knew, the common folk and the armies of the other eight hells, still blissfully unaware of the upheaval in the Nine Hells, had yet to hear the news of his newfound dominion.

For instance, places like the Calamity Seal Purgatory were probably still holding out for their Talisman Emperor to return in triumph...

Yun Xiao, however, wasn't about to let the higher-ups and the common folk of the Nine Hells, along with their armies, remain disconnected. So, he made a new decision.

"All of you below the Perfect Fate Ocean Realm, step forward," Yun Xiao commanded with a gravity that silenced the crowd.

"Yes..." came the hesitant response.

About two-thirds of the assembly, a motley crew of humans, devils, and demons, shuffled forward.

Inscription Cultivators and Yang Devils included, they all fell in line.

"Your task is to return to your respective hells, ensure stability, and recount everything that transpired in the Immortal Asylum. Lead your people to revere me as their guide in our united stand against the Nian," Yun Xiao declared with a stern voice.

The armies of the Calamity Seal Purgatory and Rising Sun Inferno were likely still waiting to take down the Sword Ruins.

Yun Xiao needed them to understand that internal strife was a thing of the past!

On one hand, he demanded their allegiance.

On the other, he sought their acceptance of his reign.

Hearing Yun Xiao's decree, the crowd, ranging from Early to Late stages of the Fate Ocean Realm, exchanged glances. Relieved they weren't part of the fray against the Nian, they felt a stroke of luck.

"I did, but us demons put all our stock in physical strength. Once the bone and sinew are injured, it's not so easy to heal." The Phoenix Empress bit her lip and shot him a look. "All because you couldn't protect me. You're not up to snuff."

"Then you should head back to the Primeval Demon Hell to rest," Yun Xiao said seriously, letting go of her arm.

"No," she turned away.

"Staying here injured will only cause me trouble," Yun Xiao stated.

"So cold-hearted, to use me up and then want to send me away?" the Phoenix Empress raised an eyebrow.

Yun Xiao couldn't be bothered to argue, dismissing her with, "Suit yourself, you silly chicken."


This nickname was almost too much for the Phoenix Empress.

"I find you're much bolder without your disguise. Tell me, how many have you fooled with that fox persona, pretending to be your own enemy?" the Phoenix Empress asked, biting her lip.

"Too many to count," Yun Xiao replied.

"You... heartbreaker!" The Phoenix Empress was livid.

Yun Xiao ignored her tantrum, turning serious. "You know this secret must stay with you alone."

"Hmph!" She glared at him. After a long stare-down, she sighed and relented, "You may look more dashing this way, but I miss the worldly air of the little fox. Give him back to me."

"Alright." Yun Xiao was planning to continue his separate training among humans, demons, and devils anyway. The War Princess wouldn't last much longer without support.

Now, with funds aplenty, it was the perfect time for a breakthrough.

"Huh?" Just as Yun Xiao was about to revert to his fox guise for her, a disturbance suddenly came from above.

The sudden commotion had Yun Xiao's instincts screaming: trouble.

"Be on guard!" His voice sliced through the air, icy and sharp.

Buzzing filled the air as the hidden powerhouses of the Nine Hells, alerted by his cry, converged towards Yun Xiao's position, ready for whatever was about to unfold.

BOOM! Out of the blue, amidst the serene blue skies and fluffy white clouds of noon, an explosion sounded, breaking the calm.

Yun Xiao looked up to see the clouds churn and twist, forming two concentric ringsa spectacle that defied nature.

"These clouds wouldn't shape themselves like that without a nudge... someone's stirring the pot," Yun Xiao thought, his eyes narrowing.

Just then, three figures emerged at the heart of the smaller ring, their presence alone broadcasting a lethal threat.

"These folks aren't from around here," Yun Xiao realized instantly, the air around him growing thick with danger. They seemed as formidable as that fiery-haired Old Immortal.

"The circular Return symbol... that's the hallmark of the Primordial Ruins!" The Sword Warden appeared beside Yun Xiao, his voice trembling with a mix of awe and dread.

As his words hung in the air, the trio descended from the skies, floating above the crowd with an air of superiority that made the toughest of the Nine Hells powerhouses avert their gaze.

Yun Xiao took them inthree men, likely brothers, given their striking resemblance.

At the center stood a youth in a platinum robe, his long hair tied back, exuding an aura of unyielding strength. His skin shimmered with a golden sheen, as if cast from gold itself, radiating the vibe of a celestial warrior.

But what caught Yun Xiao's attention most were his golden eyes, piercing and keen, as if capable of cutting through the deepest mysteries.

"He reminds me of an old friend, not a cultivator of the dao but a warrior spirit, taking the martial path like the demons," Yun Xiao mused, puzzled by the resemblance.

Regardless, the pressure emanating from this golden-eyed youth was undeniable.

All around Yun Xiao, even the bravest souls bowed their heads under his gaze, overwhelmed by an invisible force that left many sweating and gasping, as if the air itself was being squeezed from their lungs.