Chapter 384: Execute You!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 384: Execute You!

A white haired woman sped through the skies on a lotus platform, fast enough to leave the Primordial Ruins in the dust. Yun Xiao reckoned they were way out of there by now.

"Huh?" The lady took a quick gander at Yun Xiao and Lian Xi, noticing their hands clasped tight. Lian Xi, seeming eager to say more, gripped even tighter.

"So, what were you going to tell me?" the woman said, shifting her gaze from their hands to Lian Xi's eyes.

So, Lian Xi laid it all out, the tale of the Nian and Zhang Qingwei's death, clear as day.

"Alright," the woman responded, her eyes turning frostier with each word until she finally nodded.

"Master, the affairs of the Sky Source Ruins are overseen by the Sky Source Immortal. It's not our jurisdiction," Lian Xi whispered.



"No worries," the white haired woman reassured with a slight smile. "Go fall in love or something."

"Okie dokie," Lian Xi nodded obediently.

Yun Xiao stayed mum throughout the exchange.

"My master is the Dean of the Primordial Academy. You can call her Dean Yu," Lian Xi whispered to Yun Xiao.

"Got it," he nodded, impressed by the solid backing Lian Xi had. Yun Xiao felt a weight lift off his shoulders, the tension for the Nine Hells easing a bit.

"The Dean of the Primordial Academy doesn't that mean she's one of the mightiest figures in the Primordial Ruins? To the Nine Hells, that's practically a deity descending."

Lotus platforms, white hair, eyes bright as celestial bodies, radiance glowing off her skin... quite the sight! But respect for elders was a given for Yun Xiao; it didn't ruffle him one bit.

He glanced over at Lian Xi, her nose slightly reddened with anger for Zhang Qingwei, stirring a sense of compassion...

"Big Brother," she called out again.

"Meet me at the Divine Dawn Pavilion tonight," Yun Xiao whispered back.

"Mhm..." Lian Xi nodded, all agreeable.

In the heart of the Nine Hells, within the Immortal Asylum, where the deepest crevices hid, the Nian without a single hair, trapped and bleeding, fought fiercely against Moon Fairy. Its roars and screams echoed, a struggle for life and death.

"Someone's coming!" Moon Fairy's voice cut through the chaos.

The blood-soaked Nian lifted its head, spotting at the tunnel's end seven figures in golden robes, mostly elders. Leading them was none other than Yuan Xianjun, arms crossed, an eyebrow raised at the struggling creature.

"A mythical Nian from ancient legends, reduced to such a state after endless torments in the Immortal Asylum. A pity," a voice rang out.

The Nian glared back, venom in its gaze. "Insects and worms, you pose no threat to me."

It feared none but Moon Fairy. To the Nian, these seven were merely nourishment waiting to be claimed, once it freed itself.

Laughter broke out among the golden-robed figures.

"We, the Sky Source Seven, have prepared a special gift for you. Ready to receive it?" With those ominous words, they retreated, vanishing into the sky above the Immortal Asylum.

Yuan Xianjun glanced over the ravaged lands surrounding the asylum, then across the expanse of Nine Hells. "A serene and clear place, indeed a fine spot."

His companions shared his sentiment, their eyes alight with anticipation.

The remaining five launched a combined assault with their magic treasures against the white haired woman.

"Huh?" The lotus platform under Yun Xiao suddenly jerked into motion, tossing him and Lian Xi into a tumble, blurring their view of the chaos around them.

Explosions roared louder than the Nian's rampage, the ground rolling like stormy seas, with firestorms and lightning converging in a wild bombardment, as if the Nine Hells themselves were capsizing.

"Big Brother!" Lian Xi braced herself, pulling Yun Xiao close to shield him within the relative calm of the lotus.

Despite the outer tumult, the lotus remained a sanctuary of softness amidst the storm.

Yun Xiao was thrown all around, the booming din churning his insides. He realized Dean Yu was steering the lotus in battle against Yuan Xianjun, the ride anything but gentle.

Lian Xi, though just a young girl, bore the brunt of the storm to protect Yun Xiao.

"Dean Yu, meddle further and the Three True Immortals will rain their wrath upon you!"

"Have you considered the consequences?"

"Wench, your whole clan will pay with their lives!"

From the escalating shouts and threats, Yun Xiao pieced together the tide of battle, Yuan Xianjun's voice growing increasingly vicious.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Yuan Xianjun, hovering above the lotus platform, went berserk with a giant ruler magic weapon, hammering down on it. But the lotus flipped mightily, smacking him like a mountain crashing onto his head!

Yun Xiao, inside the lotus, felt the world turn upside down as they crashed!

KLANG! The sound of the lotus colliding with the Immortal Asylum sent shivers down the spine of the world, with Yuan Xianjun caught smack in the middle.

Then, a scream from Yuan Xianjun, cut it all abruptly short!

With one last explosion, silence fell as the battle ceased.

The lotus, now resting atop the Immortal Asylum, seemed to still.

"Ugh!" Before Yun Xiao could react, his stomach revolted. "Good heavens," he muttered as his clothes were soaked through.

"What's wrong?" Lian Xi asked, alarmed.

"Nothing, nothing..." Yun Xiao, not wanting to reveal his discomfort in front of Dean Yu, shook his head.

"Eh..." Lian Xi glanced down, her face turning beet red, "Brother, did you...?"

Yun Xiao clamped a hand over her mouth, his eyes wide, "Don't be ridiculous!"

An awkward silence ensued.

Fortunately, the white lotus descended, breaking the tension, with Dean Yu making her entrance.

"Master, what happened to Yuan Xianjun?" Lian Xi scanned the area.

"Here," Dean Yu pointed beneath the lotus.

WHOOSH! The lotus rose.

Yun Xiao peered down to see nothing but a pancake where Yuan Xianjun once stood.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts