Chapter 441: Iron Blooded Justice!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 441: Iron Blooded Justice!

"Make haste to the Liu Manor, there's a spectacle to behold!"

At the crack of dawn, as the morning drills of the Ascension Technique concluded, the streets of the Primordial Ruins teemed with a surging crowd, voices echoing far and wide.

"Which Liu Manor?" many queried.

"The one in the pawnshop business, quite the wealthy lot!"

"In the Primordial Ruins, the Liu families running pawnshops are a dime a dozen."

"The one that raised that child of disaster!"


With such a description, most knew exactly which it was.

"What misdeed has Liu Yuan committed? Let's go see!"

Instantly, a human tide flowed towards a particular residence. This was a manor in the Primordial Ruins of moderate standing—not too noble, yet holding considerable capital.

At this moment, the entrance to Liu Manor was engulfed by a sea of people! On the surrounding streets, amidst the Immortal towers, heads crowded, necks stretched, all eager to catch a glimpse of the Liu Manor's entrance, buzzing with speculation.

There, before the Liu Manor, stood a contingent of over 2,000 Primordial Guards, armored, their expressions solemn.

Under their escort, many of the Liu Family's elderly, weak, women, and children emerged, faces pale, terror-stricken, with the sharp cries of children piercing the air.

"What's the situation with the Liu Manor?"

Some of the onlookers, cultivators from the Primordial Ruins, were yet clueless about the details.

"Didn't they just confirm that the remnants of the Devil Ark were behind the tragedies at the Pathseeker Society and the Jade Immortal Tower? I heard that the Primordial Guards found Devil Desolation Beads used by devils for physical enhancement in this Liu Manor, proving that the Liu Family colluded with devils, betraying humanity!" many voiced indignantly.

"Good heavens, what audacity."

"People die for wealth, as birds die for food. In these times, few before the face of profit have a conscience. The Liu Family, already flush from their usual earnings, even dared to profit from devils, and now this fate is well deserved!"

"Absolutely vile!"

"Even viler is the thought that among us, how many more heartless vermin there might be."

Hearing these shocking revelations, the cultivators of the Primordial Ruins were utterly astounded.

"Enough with the accusations, the Heavenly Order Temple has already issued an enforcement decree. To serve as a warning to others, to sternly deter those with malicious intent, the Heavenly Order Temple has decided to publicly execute the entire Liu Family!"

"An entire clan execution? Truly, justice served... heh."

Hundreds of thousands watched intently, their gazes scrutinizing the Liu Family.

"The enforcers are actually those two!"

With that, his indifferent gaze swept over the over 1,000 people, adding, "I've decided, on top of the execution of your entire clan, to impose an additional penalty. Your souls, after death, will be imprisoned in my Mystic Starfire Banner, subjected to the torment of starfire for ten years without release, to serve as a warning to others!"

These words caused an uproar. To burn the soul, preventing reincarnation! This was, in fact, even more ruthless than a clan-wide execution.

"Truly the actions of a direct descendant of the Three Immortals, decisively iron-blooded!"

"Those who betray humanity deserve to be punished!"

"Without such iron-blooded measures, the heartless would only grow..."

Liu Yuan, the middle-aged man, had never imagined that his plea for mercy would plunge his clan deeper into hell. Struck as if by thunder, his eyes wept blood.

Behind him, the elderly, women, and children of his clan trembled on their knees, crying in despair, some already scared witless. Especially the children old enough to understand, hearing of the Mystic Starfire Banner, screamed and wailed even louder.

"Great sirs, I am willing to plead guilty! This matter has nothing to do with my family. I beg you to punish me a thousandfold instead, spare them, please. The children... they are too young..." As Liu Yuan prostrated himself, knocking his head on the ground with such force that blood mingled with his tears, which fell like rain.

"Knowing the kids are young, yet you dared to commit such a grievous error? And to have so many? If anyone is to blame, it's only yourself, Liu Yuan," Jian Xing said with a cold chuckle.

"Even if the crime were yours alone, it's a crime of abandoning your clan, a crime for which everyone is justified in punishing you. Not exterminating your nine generations would not quell the public outrage." Upon saying this, Tian Chen turned to face the hundreds of thousands of cultivators from the Primordial Ruins, asking, "My friends, do you deem it just to execute the entire family?"

"Execute them all!"

The cry of excitement overwhelmed the heavens.

"We, the righteous people of humanity, share no sky with devils."

Tian Chen said this with a somber expression, then raised his hand, loudly declaring to all present, "The time has come, execute them all!"

This command to execute the Liu Family reverberated in all directions.

Over a thousand members of the Liu family were forced to kneel!

Of the more than 2,000 Primordial Guards, half suppressed the crowd while the other half raised their swords, the cold gleam of their blades chilling to the core.

"Why Liu Yuan, just because he took in Lian Xi?"

Perhaps this question flickered through some minds at that moment, but none dared to voice it.

Before even speaking, the little voice inside their heads corrected such absurd thoughts.

The Three Immortals saved the world, guiding all beings to enlightenment. The Heavenly Order Temple carries out the will of the Three Immortals. How could it falsely accuse the innocent? The little voice insisted, believing in the Three Immortals was never a mistake.

And so, under the golden mists of immortality, whether it was the onlookers, the executioners, or those to be executed, their expressions were twisted, bizarre, and utterly absurd.

The swords raised for execution were held high.

Those beneath the blades trembled and wept, their minds blank.

And just as the swords were about to fall—

BOOM! A white figure suddenly crashed down into the center, the force of its impact throwing people around it into disarray, and the execution was abruptly halted.