Chapter 445: Justice is When You Have the People on Your Side!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 445: Justice is When You Have the People on Your Side!

Beside Lian Xi, over a hundred individuals clad in white robes stood guard. At this point, any attempt at defending Lian Xi's name was utterly meaningless.

The white-robed elders looked at the Martial Emperor Armor with eyes full of melancholic sighs. Yet, their regard for Lian Xi remained unshakably firm!

"Please, take my family to the Primordial Academy." Lian Xi found clarity amidst confusion, seemingly understanding what needed to be done.

The over 100 white-robed elders, each with the strength surpassing that of a Dharma Crown, found it relatively easy to escort over 1,000 people.

"Let's go!" Entering the throng outside the Liu Manor, they each employed their magical techniques, safeguarding more than a dozen individuals each as they departed amidst the tumultuous public outrage.Geett the latest novels at

Their movements were swift! The Liu Family, from start to finish, were completely bewildered. Though their heads were not taken, being branded as colluding with devils and opposing the Three Immortals... their panic did not subside, with many children still crying.

"Let's go." Yun Xiao lifted Lian Xi onto his six-foot Sovereign Sword. With a vroom, the azure sword soared into the sky.

Behind them was the dust of the mundane world and the ugliness of society, where everyone's eyes were bloodshot, controlled by the Gu.

Yun Xiao didn't look back, nor did he allow Lian Xi to.


After they had taken these thousands of people away in front of the masses, the entrance to the Liu Manor was swarmed by a sea of people!

The matter of Lian Xi being a survivor of the Martial Emperor Clan, amidst this surging crowd, was spreading throughout the Primordial Ruins, inciting an even larger scale of universal hatred.

This divine ark, because of one girl, appeared to be set ablaze.

Not far from the Liu Manor, atop a tall building, stood over 300 Immortals dressed in gold, silver, and black brocade.

Among them was the withered Sky Source Son, hunched over and standing at the forefront! He looked out over dozens of streets, where every inch of land seemed aflame.

The Jade Immortal Tower Lord, the red-robed woman, Celestial Officials, and Manor Masters stood by, having almost witnessed the entirety of the events at the Liu Manor entrance.

From beginning to end, their expressions were utterly cold! The Mysterious Sword Manor Master, Celestial Official Qin, Tian Yulan, and the Drunken Mad Sword were also present.

In the silence, the Jade Immortal Tower Lord suddenly expressed his lamentation, "If not for the Primordial Pagoda's fate being intertwined with ours, always protecting her, given today's atmosphere, we could have directly eliminated this little scourge and dealt with the problem of the Primordial Academy as well."

The red-robed woman, with her dazzling red eyes, stared in the direction of the Primordial Pagoda and murmured softly, "We've been waiting for this moment for over 100 years... Tomorrow, on Three Immortals Day, we will witness the convergence of the sun and moon. Once the light of the Primordial Pagoda is obscured by the overlapping sun and moon, there will be no forbidden areas in the Primordial Ruins. All opposition will be wiped out in one sweep."

"The convergence of the sun and moon, a divine spectacle of the ages! Under its brilliance, all worlds will forever belong to the Three Immortals!" The Celestial Officials and Manor Masters were infinitely fervent in their gaze.

Kill tomorrow! Condemn today! This was their routine operation.

Tian Yulan broke into a chilling smile. "Lian Xi is the survivor of the Martial Emperor Clan, a child of disaster. Yet, she was raised by the Liu Family, who've been found guilty of colluding with the Blood Devils. This shows that both the Martial Emperor Clan and the Blood Devils have forgotten their animosities and are working together. This is indeed the first scandal of the era of the Three Immortals. Now that it has erupted, Lian Xi's reputation has plummeted into the abyss...

"Annihilate the child of disaster, slaughter all the servants of the devils, and flatten the Primordial Academy!"

The entire Primordial Ruins erupted with this earth-shattering roar simultaneously. Under such a sonic tremor, endless golden mists rolled like ocean waves, with the surrounding worlds trembling.

"When many gather, that is justice!" The Sky Source Son's face bore the signature compassionate smile of a savior, gazing at the masses.

His ilk committed endless atrocities but never let it affect their portrayal as the embodiment of justice. Because they excelled in using Gu to stimulate and incite the minds of the masses.

The Sky Source Son had grown fanatically fond of the world his ancestors created!

In this moment, he was a holy Immortal! All beings needed him!

Amidst the fervent atmosphere, the Sky Source Son set aside his compassionate demeanor and, with the utmost solemnity, projected his voice far and wide.

"I declare, from this moment forth, the Heavenly Order Temple issues the Sky Source Decree against the descendant of the Martial Emperor Clan, Lian Xi. Until the child of disaster ceases to exist, this decree shall not rest!"

As these words were uttered, cheers like a tidal wave erupted along the thousands of streets in the Primordial Ruins. A gratification to the hearts of the people!

"Furthermore, any clan, group, or individual sheltering the child of disaster will be listed in the Sky Source Ruin's blacklist of grave offenses, implicating nine generations. All shall be executed, their souls condemned to burn in the eternal hells, never to be reborn!

"If their ancestors had merits, they shall be revoked. If there are tombs, they shall be leveled. If there are remains, they shall be scattered into the Forgotten Demon Sea!" the Sky Source Son proclaimed once more.

This was undoubtedly the most explosive decree issued before Three Immortals Day.

Upon hearing this declaration, the blood of the people in the Primordial Ruins boiled again, with cheers covering the skies.

"The Three Immortals are supreme heavenly dignitaries!"

"The Sky Source Son is the reliever of suffering. May you live eternally!"

Thousands of beings, looking up at that divine figure in the sky, were moved to tears.

"To deal with demons and devils, such iron-fisted measures are necessary. Only by eradicating them at their roots, leaving not a single ember, can all beings in all worlds live in eternal peace!"

"Decisive in slaughter, such is the way of the Three Immortals!"

In the face of this Sky Source Decree, the actions committed by Yun Xiao at the Academy seemed like a light drizzle before the vast ocean, making the five-day trial period seem laughable.

Almost the entire Primordial Academy was judged guilty. What use was a preferential trial period for Level 7 Ding disciples?

Plans couldn't keep pace with changes!

For a moment, countless cultivators in the Primordial Ruins turned their gaze towards the direction of the Primordial Academy! Within the golden immortal mist, they widened their bloodshot eyes and started laughing with deranged expressions.