Chapter 460: Regressed Into a Demon!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 460: Regressed Into a Demon!

In the shadowed depths of the Immortal Asylum, at the heart of the first floor where the crevices cut deepest, the ground itself roared to life. A skinless beast, teetering at death's door, slammed a paw against the earth, stirring the Immortal Asylum into a violent tremor.

"Why the hell are you making a racket? Weren't we supposed to be in disguise?" the Nian grumbled at its own belly, spitting curses.

"Disguise be damned! Now's the time to break free, immediately, without delay! There's no better moment than now!" The silver-white veins that laced its body, spreading throughout its flesh, bellowed from within.

"Are you joking with me?" A cold light flickered through the beast's eyeless gaze.

With a thunderous boom, even as the words left its mouth, its form surged upright, its eyes, or where they would be, locked onto the cracks beyond with fierce determination.

"What the hell?" The beast was baffled.

Its body seemed to rebel, no longer under its control.

Caught in its confusion, its form suddenly burst forth with terrifying speed. The silver-white veins, having feasted on countless desolate Gu, sprouted anew, branching out a hundredfold, spreading like the roots of a colossal tree through the beast's nerves, into its bones, brain, and viscera...

"AHH! AHHH! AHHHH!!" The Nian's mind reeled, "You vile creature, you're corrupting my form! I am a creature of the divine path, not some lowly demon!"

"Nonsense, this body is mine now. Your part in this is over."

Moon Fairy growled lowly, paying no further heed. Its power of Divine Desolation swept through the Nian, a maelstrom of demonic energy transforming its body in an upheaval as profound as the upheaval of worlds.

With a sizzling sound, its bare flesh began to sprout skin, and then, astonishingly, silver luminescent fur, as an overwhelming demonic aura enveloped its form.

"Ah, I don't want to be a furry..." the Nian wailed in despair. But its cries were in vain. Moon Fairy, having devoured so many desolate Gu, had waited for this moment.

Crackling with the sound of snapping branches, a silver-white demonic mist swirled and rose. The massive and brutal form of the skinless Nian, under the sweeping force of Divine Desolation, transformed into a new Divine Desolation Physique. Its former guise, reminiscent of lions, tigers, and leopards, gradually shifted into that of another creature entirely—a fox.

With a sizzle, six grand and slender fox tails emerged from its rear, their silver luminescence illuminating the heavens and the earth.

"Ugh..." The Nian felt as if it'd been struck by lightning.

"No, damn you!" It screamed in madness, its curses fading into whispers, and then to silence, confined within its own form. For by then, even the sovereignty over its own voice had been usurped by Moon Fairy.

"I am the beast of calamity, unmatched and tyrannical! And you've turned me into a fox? This outrage, this violation of my lineage!" the Nian cried out in anguish.

"Is that so?" Moon Fairy's voice was a cold whisper, a smile lurking in its tone. "Perhaps, in the end, you'll find fortune in this transformation."

"Ah, I'm free! I am finally free!" The Nian's dull yellow eyes screamed in exhilaration. Despite the earlier despair, this moment of liberation ignited a tumultuous change within.

"You dare turn into a demon, abandoning your very bloodline. From now on, you shall be frail as a reed..." The man in the golden robe was cut off mid-sentence as Moon Fairy suddenly collided with him.

BOOM! The man was sent flying, crashing into the walls of the Immortal Asylum, which then dented and cracked, spider-webbing with thousands of fractures.

With a swish, Moon Fairy did not linger, darting towards the exit of the Immortal Asylum.

"Thinking of escaping? You're already broken!" The voice of the man in the golden robe followed, hauntingly. As he spoke, countless butterflies ignited into flames, attacking Moon Fairy.

"United in purpose, we both can find a way out," Moon Fairy said.

"Enough talk, I'm off to see the world!" The beast was bursting with excitement. United in heart and mind, their new form braved through the barrage of countless butterflies, shooting out like a bolt of lightning.

BOOM! At last, Moon Fairy burst forth from the Immortal Asylum! Though countless butterfly formations still lay ahead, he and the beast had truly returned to the world.

In that moment, tears streamed from the dull yellow eyes on his face.

"The Nian descends upon the human realm!" It howled.

"Shut your howling!" Moon Fairy growled, suddenly shifting from the silver-haired being into the immense Six-Tailed Demon Fox, then casting a cold gaze from his silver-white eyes towards the heavens.

"Mystic Earth Immortal!" With a roar, the six-tailed silver fox transformed into a beam of silver fire and divine light, as swift as a ray, crashing into the butterfly formation!

BOOM! With that collision, the monument surrounding the Immortal Asylum shattered, and the entire formation fell apart.

"The world outside..." The Nian gazed greedily at the surrounding foliage and mountains, tears filling its eyes once again. But Moon Fairy had no time for sentiments! He cut through the heavens, racing towards the sky.

And just then, a golden light surged from within the Immortal Asylum, chasing after Moon Fairy with furious speed.

"Planning to stir trouble in the Primordial Ruins?

"Little demon, you cannot escape from my grasp..."

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

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