Chapter 563: Lightning Duchess!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 563: Lightning Duchess!

With the way the woman in the blue gown had her hands wrapped around General Cao, she might be mistaken for a mistress. Yet, she was not.

She was indeed Cao Sheng's wife, but more notably, a Rank 3 Heavenly Officer of the Celestial Court, recently promoted to Summer Lightning Duchess.

"So, what's your take on your newson?" General Cao, holding the blue gowned beauty as one would a daughter, asked in a joking tone.

"Be serious," the woman in blue chided with a glare, then spoke earnestly, "Murder, scapegoating, threats, plus a uniquely potent soul—this young man is a veritable harbinger of danger."

"You're thinking along the same lines as I am." General Cao pursed his lips, his gaze growing heavy. "It’s tricky to gauge his upper limits now. If they're low, he’ll simply confirm his status as a good-for-nothing, and we’ll be laughingstocks once more. But if they're high, he could well turn out to be a treacherous wolf we've nurtured, one who might significantly jeopardize our careers once out of our control."

"You’ve come to realize this a bit late. Just earlier, at the Celestial Thunder Platform, you had a chance to sever ties with him, surely someone else would've taken over." The woman in blue shook her head.

"No choice there. The Supreme General favors him, even compares him to the Chaos Sovereign—how could I not take him under my wing?" General Cao paused, then added, "Besides, I’ve only just heard about this matter of the Eight Symbols Guard Pavilion."

"That alone proves the boy’s dangerous temperament. We're no saints ourselves; I’ve no confidence in fostering any motherly affection with him. If a conflict arises, and he sees a chance to soar, he'll surely use us as stepping stones," the woman in blue stated gravely.

"This Immemorial Thunder Seed business—I'm already in too deep," General Cao expressed his irritation.

"Let it go," the woman in blue said with a smile, soothingly stroking his beard, "Fortunately, a genius takes time to mature. We can afford to play along, use him up, and once you replace the Supreme Marshal, dispose of him while he’s still not fully fledged."

"Indeed." General Cao pondered for a moment. "So, do we treat him well wholeheartedly next?"

"He’s no fool; overdoing it will seem insincere," the woman in blue advised.

"So, my dear wife, how do we control a wolf, relish its meat without it biting back?" General Cao asked with a smile.

"The two of us together. You play the strict one; I'll play the kind. You intimidate, I charm," the woman in blue replied softly.

"Could we switch roles?" General Cao asked glumly.

"Please, with your demeanor, fit to be a kind father?" The woman in blue rolled her eyes.

"I admit I'm a rough man, hardly suitable for the role of a kind father," General Cao laughed heartily, patting the woman's waist, "From here on, it’s up to you to take the lead."

"This child is fierce, but still young," the woman in blue stated coldly, her confidence unshaken.

"But I must remind you of one thing," said General Cao.


"Don't overdo the favors, and don’t give away anything truly valuable. Always hold something back," General Cao instructed.

"From what you're saying, you think he might have an extremely high potential?" the woman in the blue dress asked.

"How could anything but the Immemorial Thunder Seed cause such a stir in the Thunder Immortal Formation? Even if it isn't that, it’s something of a similar caliber," General Cao paused, then added, "Just looking into the boy's eyes, I know he’s a sword thrust into the Thunder Department; wielded well, he could eliminate all our rivals."

"Alright," the woman in the blue nodded, "then we keep him under pressure."

"Of course, we don’t give him the best, but we make him believe that what we give is the best," General Cao cautioned.

The woman in blue pinched his nose, pouting, "Nonsense, do I need you to tell me that?"

Their hands and hearts entwined, affection blossoming between them.

General Cao's large hand roamed as he spoke like a bullish suitor, "Why don't we take the time to create a little scoundrel of our own?"Yôur favorite stories at

"No time." the woman in blue leapt from his lap like a gust of blue wind and thunder, leaving behind her words, "I’m busy seeing my darling son."

General Cao grinned and muttered, "Crazy woman, you get into role so quickly."


At the Nine Thunders Arena, Yun Xiao stood with Jiang Haiyan and Jiang Heqing.

Jiang Heqing clung to his arm, her face sweet with affection.

Jiang Haiyan's head was bowed, her cheeks flushed with emotion.

As Dongfang Yong died before her eyes, she felt no sorrow; when she heard her father cheer, she knew their family’s future was about to improve.

Yun Xiao had truly become the adopted son of the Summer Thunder Duke. He had risen from a lowly and poor Rank 9 Arbiter Initiate to someone utterly unattainable.

"..." Jiang Taiping could only give a wry smile.

Neither the matter of the Boundary Defining Divine Needle nor that of Jiang Heqing were pursued further.

"Since General Cao hasn’t asked to see me, I should head back to the Hall of Soaring Thunder. What do you think?" Yun Xiao asked.

"My daughters haven't yet fought in the first round," Jiang Taiping said.

"Then I'll head back now and you can notify me when the second round starts," Yun Xiao said.

"No problem," Jiang Taiping nodded. He was soon to be a Rank 4 Thunder Emissary of the Celestial Court, and the way he spoke with Yun Xiao, after this battle, had completely changed.

This was the elevation in status Yun Xiao had sought!

However, he also knew that this elevation was still a distance away from acquiring the Boundary Defining Divine Needle.

To truly rely on his strength, there was still a vast gap between him and this Rank 4 Heavenly Officer.

His slaying of Dongfang Yong, a cultivator at the Divine Self Realm, suggested that his current strength was nearing that of a Rank 8 Arbiter Commander like Liu Mumu.

Yun Xiao and she exchanged glances.

Silently, the two made their way toward the Hall of Soaring Thunder.

Along the path, Liu Mumu calmly stated, "You're stirring up more trouble than ever."

"It’s getting better, isn’t it?" Yun Xiao said.

"The Thunder Department isn’t as simple as you think," Liu Mumu said, biting her lip.

"I know," Yun Xiao said.

"Cao Sheng is certainly no saint either. He will use you," Liu Mumu warned.

"I'm aware," Yun Xiao nodded.

Hearing this, Liu Mumu looked at the young man anew, pausing before she finally said, "Be careful in all things, and good luck to you."

Yun Xiao smiled. "At last, you're not trying to stop me."

Liu Mumu also smiled softly. "Because honestly, I've watched you advance from your Arbiter examination to now... you truly are remarkable."

"Thanks for the compliment!" Yun Xiao was delighted.

Killing Dongfang Yong and earning widespread recognition didn't stir much inside him. But when Liu Mumu finally acknowledged from her heart all that he had done, his joy was immense.

"Master," Yun Xiao's eyes trembled as he looked at her, suddenly saying, "In this life, the more one seeks approval from others, the more exhausting it becomes."

"And so?" Liu Mumu asked.

"So, it's enough to be recognized by those you care about. That alone is beautiful," Yun Xiao declared.

"Oh?" Liu Mumu was taken aback, somewhat self-mockingly she asked, "Don't tell me, I'm someone you care about?"

"Yes," Yun Xiao affirmed with a nod, "You, Arbiter Lu, and that Lu Yao, as well as Miss Yu, I care about all of you. It’s because of you that I realize my actions have meaning, and that there is still hope in this world."

"Oh..." Liu Mumu nodded vaguely, her eyes reddening again.

"So!" Yun Xiao's eyes sparkled fiercely, "Here and now, I swear to you, whoever caused the death of Arbiter Lu, no matter who they are, will not meet a good end!"

"..." Liu Mumu stared at him blankly.

After a long while, she took out a notebook from her embrace, whispering, "You are Lu Yao now, the journal, it's yours again."


Back at the Hall of Soaring Thunder... When Yun Xiao returned, he found quite a few people at the Eight Symbols Guard Pavilion.

"Young Master." An elder in black robes bowed to Yun Xiao, then said, "The Madame s waiting for you in your cultivation chamber."