Chapter 237: Five Elements Art

Name:Immortal of the Nine Realms Author:
Chapter 237: Five Elements Art

Fang Chen eyed the captain, followed by the survivors, and said, Hand over your nautical chart, and Ill accede to your request.

Captain, hurry up and give the nautical chart to him! the other cultivators exclaimed.

The captain hesitated. Nautical charts were worth a lot. Cultivators who did business on the ocean treated it as their greatest treasure, and they would never easily show it to others.

Reluctant? Then well follow our previous deal. Send me to my destination. Fang Chen smiled.

Sire, this is my nautical chart. It only has one path, but its worth at least 400 to 500 low-grade ki stones on the market. The captain clenched his jaws and passed a jade seal to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen infused his spirit ki into the jade seal, and a well-charted route appeared before him. This route stopped by dozens of ports, and the final destination was Infernoblaze Country.


Fang Chen grabbed Liu Mu and leaped onto the black boat.

The captain hurriedly steered the boat away, only to hear Fang Chens voice. Stop. You havent refunded my traveling fee yet.

Of course, of course. The captain nodded as he tossed some ki stones to Fang Chen.

Thats not enough. Fang Chen shook his head. Driving this black boat will cost an exorbitant sum of ki stones. I wont ask for too much; how does 300 low-grade ki stones sound?

The captains face turned pale.

300 low-grade ki stones was not a small sum. He would have made a loss for this trip if he gave that sum to Fang Chen. Thus, he turned to the other cultivators and said, Why dont we put our ki stones together?

The other cultivators were reluctant to give up on their ki stones, but they knew there was no choice here. Right now, Fang Chen was the god of plague to them, and they were desperate to send him on his way.

Thus, they gritted their teeth and pulled out some ki stones too. In the end, they collectively raised 300 low-grade ki stones and tossed it over to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen accepted the ki stones before waving the captain off. You may leave now.

The boat sliced through the water and disappeared from Fang Chens sight at the fastest speed possible.

Fang Chen first drew out his soul to confirm that there were no survivors hidden on the boat. Then, he began to assimilate the black boat.

Little sword was starving, but it obediently stayed by Fang Chens side. Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator would have to be wary of its counterattack if they tried to make a move on Fang Chen.

Fang Chen headed to the black boats core. There was a formation there where the ki stones were to be placed to power the artifact. There were still a hundred low-grade ki stones there.

I wonder if its enough for me to reach Infernoblaze.

Fang Chens spirit ki flickered, and the black boat began swiftly sailing toward Infernoblaze in accordance with the nautical charts pathing. His spirit ki was just a trigger to control the black boats movement; what was truly powering it were the ki stones.

Shortly after setting off, Fang Chen assimilated the blue shirt.

Other than its resistance to fire and water, it was also stretchable, allowing for a comfortable fit.

This shirt is worth twelve daosoul imprints. It should be capable of more than this, Fang Chen mumbled as he slowly infused his spirit ki into it.

The blue shirt emanated a brilliant golden light, forming a thick spirit ki barrier. Its defensive prowess was formidable. It was doubtful whether Fang Chen would have been able to breach it if he relied solely on his Purple Lightning Talismans.

This is a bargain. Fang Chen chuckled.

With that, he took out the jade seal containing the Five Elements Art and began practicing it.

Days later, on the deck of the black boat, Fang Chen gently waved his hand, and a terrifying wave was drawn over via his spirit ki, forming a massive python of over 300 meters in length.

He waved his hand once more, and a second water python appeared.

Maintaining these two water pythons was extremely demanding on his spirit ki. It only took five minutes for him to deplete all his spirit ki.

The reverend of the Cloudless Monastery might have been at twelfth stage Ki Refinement, but given that his immortal veins were far less sturdier and thinner than Fang Chens, his spirit ki capacity should be roughly the same. It was likely that he could have only maintained the earth dragons for around five minutes too.

The Five Elements Art uses spirit ki to manipulate the surrounding environment to cause great devastation. I am only able to conjure water pythons of over 300 meters long here because the water spirit ki is richer in the ocean.

If I am on land, I would only be able to manipulate earth spirit ki. As for metal, wood, and fire, that would take specific terrains, or else its prowess would be greatly discounted, Fang Chen concluded his findings.

He had already grasped the Five Elements Art.

The principles behind the skill were simple, so there was no grade to them. Its strength depended on how strong the cultivator was, as well as their subtle understanding of the five elements ki.

Since theres a way to control the five elements, there should be a method to control lightning too. But lightning ki is much more violent and potent, so such methods should be rare to come by.

With such a thought in mind, Fang Chen took out his brush, Thunderjolt Wood Talisman Papers, and Nine Tribulations Cinnabar, and began drawing talismans.