Chapter 300: Infiltrators

Name:Immortal Path Space Author:
Chapter 300: Infiltrators

When Luo Yuxuan and Gu Wei, accompanied by a group of Qi Cultivators, arrived, they were shocked by the sight of the hanging bodies.

Grabbing the Demonic Beast that Wang Hong had thrown to the ground, they unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks. Using Spiritual Weapons at this point wouldn't help vent their frustration.

The Demonic Beast had a tough and thick hide, and after a prolonged fight, they had barely broken any of its bones.

Despite being beaten, the Demonic Beast remained defiant, taunting the two of them with sarcasm.

Wang Hong stepped forward, delivering a couple of blows to shatter its jaw. Only then did it become cooperative.

"Senior Brother Luo, is there a way to extract information from this Demonic Beast?" Wang Hong had spared the creature in the hopes of gaining some information.

From his encounter with these beasts when he ventured into the Boundary Mountain Range years ago to their recent activities, Wang Hong suspected that these Demonic Beasts' actions were not isolated incidents but part of an organized and premeditated effort.

Considering Yun Qingya's entry into the Qingxu Sect, it seemed that the Demon Clan had been infiltrating the East Zhou Cultivation Realm for a long time, with the potential to change the entire course of events at a critical moment.

"I'm not particularly skilled in interrogation, but I'll give it a try," Luo Yuxuan replied.

"Very well. I'll be waiting for your good news," Wang Hong said, leaving these captives, both human and demonic, in Luo Yuxuan's care.

He set fire to the chamber, reducing the bodies to ashes.

Three days later, Luo Yuxuan emerged shaking his head.

"I'm ashamed to say that the Demonic Beast was quite stubborn. It revealed nothing. As for the other Qi Cultivators, they didn't have much information either. Whenever we touched upon crucial points, their Blood Contracts triggered, causing them to become either mentally impaired or their souls to dissipate. All I know is that there are more of them lurking in the Marketplace, but I don't have a specific list."

Over the past three days, Luo Yuxuan and Gu Wei had used every method they could think of, but the Demonic Beast remained tight-lipped. He felt somewhat defeated. Wang Hong had managed to eliminate all these individuals on his own, yet he couldn't extract any valuable information.

"Don't be disheartened, Senior Brother Luo. I have a friend who excels at extracting information. He's scheduled to deliver some pills in a few days. Perhaps we can wait for his arrival?" Wang Hong suggested.

Wang Hong handed the information Ling Shuai had extracted to Luo Yuxuan. Luo Yuxuan promptly organized a team to arrest all the infiltrators in the Marketplace. Finally, alongside the captured cultivators from the mountain cave, they were all executed.

Although these individuals had been coerced into signing Blood Contracts, they had also been accomplices in harming many people. Additionally, after killing the Demonic Beast, these cultivators who had signed the slave Blood Contracts suffered severe soul damage and became mentally impaired.

Luo Yuxuan did not keep this matter a secret; he wanted more people to be aware of it to strengthen their vigilance.

The revelation sent shockwaves throughout the community. Many were taken aback, realizing that their friends could potentially lead them to be sacrificed to a Demonic Beast.

Word of this incident also spread to neighboring Marketplaces, alerting their management.

Once Ling Shuai had finished dealing with the matters here, he found Wang Hong.

"Hello, Uncle Wang!" Ling Xue greeted Wang Hong with the same warmth as when she was a child.

"Ah, just over a year, and Ling Xue has grown so much taller. In a couple more years, she might be taller than me, and that would make her Uncle Wang feel embarrassed," Wang Hong teased.

"In that case, I'll bend over and stoop!" Ling Xue replied with determination.

"I couldn't bear to see such a lovely young lady stooping."

"All right, Ling Xue! I need to talk to Uncle Wang about something. You can go play over there," Ling Shuai said, approaching Wang Hong.

Ling Xue obediently walked away but turned back after a few steps, playfully winking and saying, "Daddy, Uncle Wang, I'm already all grown up!"

Once Ling Xue had moved away, Ling Shuai explained to Wang Hong that the other Demonic Beast interrogated by Ling Shuai was not far from their location, and he wanted to go and eliminate that demon.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]