Chapter 21 - 21: Sudden Riches_1

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Sudden Riches_1

The Fasting Pill sold for eleven Spirit Stones, and the Allure Pill sold for one hundred and fifty-five.

In total, that would be one hundred and sixty-six.

This was Luo Chen's income for the day.

After counting his Spirit Stones, Luo Chen couldn't help but laugh with glee.

He had been breaking even for so long, and now he finally got a small profit.

If the ninety-two Spirit Stones contributed by Short-lived Ghost were added, his savings would instantly skyrocket to two hundred and fifty-three!

That was an unprecedented peak!

He could buy two Lower Grade Magic Tools, or two and a half bottles of Qi Nurturing Pills, or he could feast on Spirit Qi-rich food in the Zhong Ding Family restaurant for half a month.

Even more, he could book a few nights at the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion. Embark on a journey to the beginning at n0v#lbin★

However, these thoughts didn't even linger in Luo Chen's mind for half a second.

With more liquid assets, what should he do?

Naturally, it was to expand production, make it big, and create another glory!

"Friend Xiao Luo, isn't it time for that to be returned..."

"Uncle Chen, do you want some fish? I caught this yesterday, and it was roasted for half an hour using the Fireball Technique. Just heat it up a little, and it'll be really delicious."


"Spirit Stones, yes, I know. It's all in my mind. Isn't it that Xiao Luo is currently in a period of technical advancement and needs more herbs for practice? Once I earn enough, I will definitely pay you back. By then, I will hold a banquet at my place in the Zhong Ding Family and personally welcome you!"

The Zhong Ding Family, the highest-grade restaurant in The Great River District.

They sell all types of food ingredients infused with Spirit Qi, drinks brewed from Spirit Veins, and even the snacks and fruits to pass the time with are rare goods transported from the Lancang River!

Hearing that Elder Chen was a bit moved, Luo Chen struck while the iron was hot.

"And you know, we are both in the Middle Stage of Qi Refinement, will I be so stingy as to borrow just fifty pieces and not return them?"

"Rest assured, I will definitely pay you back by then."

"I am in a hurry to go and buy medicinal materials, so I'll leave first!"

Watching Luo Chen, who disappeared in a puff of smoke, Elder Chen felt a bit annoyed.

This little rascal!

He does remind me of myself when I was younger, holding on tightly even to a couple of Spirit Stones.

"I only hope that the banquet you mentioned at the Zhong Ding Family isn't to fool this old man!"


"Double the Infernal Chicken blood order?"

"Yes, the more the better!"

"Only a few pieces of Jade Mountain Medicine left? I'll take them all, and next time, please keep more for me."

"I'll take five kilograms of this!"

After a major purchase, Luo Chen was busy and sweaty.

Everything is fine at the Rogue Cultivator Market, except that they love to bargain. Even though some of them have done business with him several times, they still like to negotiate based on the season and market trends.


Lady Xiao Ling spat out disdainfully, her face slightly red, she said, "I bet he can't produce any decent elixir!"


Is the Allure Pill a good elixir?

That's really a matter of perspective.

For those cultivators who are ambitious yet still want to enjoy the pleasures of earthly relationships, it's a godsend for men!

For those who have no interest in the Great Dao Path and only seek earthly pleasures, it's an indispensable tool!

The only ones who might be hard done by are the Fiery Fire Dogs.

Every time someone uses an Allure Pill and indulges in amorous activities, a Fiery Fire Dog somewhere unknown would inevitably howl in excruciating pain.

It really rings true that I do not kill Boren, yet Boren dies because of me.

On his way home, Luo Chen was quite cheerful.

Out of all his trips to the market, this was by far the most relaxed.

No more toting around a burlap sack, zipping from one street to another.

The storage bag is a wonderful thing, arguably the greatest invention in the immortal cultivation world.

The minimum price of ten thousand was entirely fitting for its noble stature.

I wonder which sect that produces these things. They must be overjoyed every day, counting their spirit stones in bed!

It was still daylight in the afternoon, so the outer city seems quite safe.

Although there were occasional splashes of blood on the road, Luo Chen was already used to it.

He activated his Carefree Wandering technique at the mastery level, weaving through the bustling city like the wind, aimed straight home.

This procurement trip cost him over two hundred spirit stones, leaving only forty for emergencies.

The raw materials for the Allure Pills, the raw materials for the Fasting Pills, and living necessities.

It really felt like he'd been shopping at a hypermarket once a month in his previous life.

Once home, he carefully stowed the items, and then Luo Chen started his cultivation for the day.

In addition to the Fireball Technique, he also picked up the Entanglement Technique.

Being an intrinsic technique in the Longevity Technique and a proficiency level of 176/200, it was close to ascending to the mastery level.

Even though this technique was generally not highly rated.

But it is a wood type technique, perfectly compatible with the Longevity Technique, its power fully dependent on the consumption of spirit power.

If Luo Chen could increase his proficiency in the Entanglement Technique, then he would have an additional weapon against his enemies.

Moreover, who said the Entanglement Technique couldn't kill? (A certain Divine King surreptitiously gave it a thumbs up!)

At night.

Luo Chen, who had finished cleaning himself, sat cross-legged on the bed, gazing up at the sky, operating his cultivation technique to restore his spirit power.

The perfection level Longevity Technique is good, quick and efficient, and increasingly in harmony with his body, as if it was a technique tailored for him.

Even without the Qi Nurturing Pill's assistance, Luo Chen could still sense that his cultivation speed was fundamentally different.

After finishing his cultivation, he lay down to sleep.

Suddenly, Luo Chen, who had just closed his eyes, opened them and stared straight into the dark corridor beyond his room.