Chapter 30 - 30 Light-Smoke Sparse-Rain

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Light-Smoke Sparse-Rain

Building 1

Translator: 549690339

Early the next morning, Luo Chen’s biological clock woke him up as usual.

After sensing his internal conditions, he felt extremely satisfied.

Before he went to sleep last night, he had used the Longevity Technique to recover his Spirit Power, then swallowed a Qi Nurturing Pill.

The bar indicating the Fourth Level Qi Refinement Stage had increased a bit, from the initial one to two.

“It really is a progress bar, not proficiency.”

He once again confirmed his guess, lifespan and realm demonstrate progress. As for Cultivation Techniques, skills, and Techniques, they display proficiency. “So, if I finish all five Qi Nurturing Pills I bought, it should roughly fill up half of the progress bar.”

It’s a bit slow, but combined with the Perfection Level Longevity Technique and First Order Spirit Vein, the progress bar should rise more.

The change in speed from crawling to this was already like turning over heaven and earth.

After making a brief calculation, Luo Chen stopped dwelling on this.

He pulled out the forty Fire Dog Tails from his Storage Bag, his fists itching to get started.

The other materials were from the Hundred Herbs Pavilion, which saved him quite a lot of preparation time. Now, he just needed to process the main material a bit, and then he could start refining the Allure Pills.

Time is Spirit Stones!

Let’s get started!

Around dawn, when the sun was yet to rise, Luo Chen finally had the medicinal liquid prepared.

Next, he only needed to soak the Fire Dog Tails in it for three days and nights until they became soft and mushy.

Luo Chen shoved the Fire Dog Tails one by one into the wooden basin. A rancid smell wafted out.

Luo Chen put on a self-made mask and intermittently stirred the Fire Dog Tails.

Just when he was busily getting things heated, a vomiting sound came from the yard.


“It stinks!”

Then, the sound of frantic footsteps followed.

Thud thud thud! The tether to the source of this data rests in n0v3lb!n★

The door was knocked.

Luo Chen opened the door, and a somewhat familiar little face came into view. “You are... ugh!”

Luo Chen was confident in professing his occupation.

“So, what kind of elixir do you refine?”

Luo Chen felt a headache coming on. How could he have two women ask him the same question in just one day!

“Are you too embarrassed to say? Or do you dare not?” Bai Meiling’s eyes narrowed, “You’re not refining some sort of Path of Demon Pill, are you? The Yu Ding Sword Sect is a righteous sect, we don’t allow cultivators to refine those evil Path of Demon Pills!”

Luo Chen instantly became alert, “Absolutely not any kind of Path of Demon Pill!”

Bai Meiling retorted: “Then why are you stammering.”

Luo Chen was starting to suspect whether it was a mistake to rent this quadrangle house.

It’s not that he was thin-skinned and afraid of admitting what elixir he refines. Back when he had made the decision, he had already thrown away his face.

In front of male cultivators, he could speak eloquently, giving lectures, quoting classics.

Because, male cultivators were his target customers.

But female cultivators?

That was quite awkward.

Speaking out, except for being looked down upon, there was nothing he could get out of it.

It would have been alright if it were other women, but both Gu Caiyi and Bai Meiling would be his neighbors for at least the next three months.

Who on earth would want to live being glared at disdainfully every day for three months?

“Hmph, I too know a thing or two about elixirs. No matter what you refine, you have to sell me one when it’s done. If it turns out to be a Path of Demon Pill, I will report you to the Yu Ding Sword Pavilion. Plus, there’s a reward for reporting.”

“I have to go to work now, goodbye!”

Having spoken, she dashed off out of the house.

Only then did Luo Chen notice that a tall and sturdy woman was standing at the door, seemingly waiting for Bai Meiling.

If there were no surprises, this would be Feng Xia, who also lives in another room and works at the Hundred Herbs Pavilion with Bai Meiling.

Watching these two working women cultivators rush off, Luo Chen felt a strange sense of nostalgia.

They seemed quite alive and full of life, unlike the cultivators in this world, rather more like white-collar beauties from Earth in his previous life.

There was no signs of the hardship and dedication to the Dao on their faces, nor the vicious aura of the cultivators in the Outer City.

All they had was the daily satisfaction and joy of going to and coming back from work.

When she interacted with Luo Chen, a minor cultivator at the Fourth Level Qi Refinement Stage, it was blunt, yet not alienating, as if they were setting aside the cultivation realms and were two ordinary people conversing.

Between ordinary people, who have no desires or needs, who needs to be courteous?

“It’s a shame that big companies like Hundred Herbs Pavilion and Spirit Source Study only hire female cultivators, otherwise, I would have applied.”

Muttering to himself, Luo Chen then dove into his busy work of processing herbs..