Chapter 92 - 90 He Luo Chen, is the Biggest Rat in

Chapter 92: Chapter 90 He Luo Chen, is the Biggest Rat in

Broken Mountain Gang (First Update)_l

Translator: 549690339

After finishing his morning cultivation, Luo Chen stumbled upon a problem.

Or perhaps it was not so much a problem as it was something he had contemplated before.

That is, was he to personally oversee all pill refinement in the Pill Hall from here on out?

If he were to do so, he’d certainly be run ragged!

His initial solution was to delegate certain tasks to others.

Like keeping an eye on the fire, for instance.

That’s why he had done so while refining pills yesterday.

However, the actual situation was rather woeful.

Even though he had hastily trained those cultivators, they were still incapable of handling their tasks effectively.

As a result, Luo Chen found himself frantically dashing between three Pill Rooms, occasionally intervening in their tasks.

While the Fasting Elixir is a rather insignificant pill, the Allure Pill is a first order pill requiring greater attention to every detail!

in order to prevent overexerting himself, Luo Chen carefully contemplated that morning and decided to make some changes.

He would break down the tasks even further!

“Division of work?”

Upon hearing this, the thirty-person team began to stir with unrest. They did not understand the concept. They were under the impression that pill refinement should be a straightforward, continuous process. How could it involve a division of labor?

Luo Chen gave a glance towards the man who had asked, a man named Luo Er Duo, who appeared to be older than him.

A relative!

Gu Caiyi led a group of people in, bringing with them all sorts of medicinal herbs that Luo Chen had requested.

“This here is the most common ginseng, artificially cultivated for about ten years. It contains very little Spirit Power but is an important supplement for many low order pills.”

“Therefore, there are countless ways to process it. I’ll teach two methods first. You five, come with me to the pharmacy!”

Five people excitedly followed Luo Chen into the room.

The rest of the people standing outside began whispering amongst themselves.

In the crowd, Mi Li’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, her pale face showing hints of confusion.

What Luo Chen had described was indeed the orthodox process.

But was it necessary to divide the tasks so meticulously?

Was it necessary?

Luo Chen responded- of course it was!

If he didn’t break down tasks into meticulous details and had them all learn everything, they would end up learning nearly all the preparatory steps for refining pills.

If they ever get their hands on the ingredients ratio for every furnace of pills and learn the corresponding pill refinement techniques,

Then after a couple of tens or hundreds of failures, they just might succeed. And when that inevitably happens, what was the point of his position as the number one pill refiner of the Broken Mountain Gang?

Luo Chen was deliberately creating boundaries in the range of knowledge each group could have.

Even later, if someone purposefully pooled these people together, gathering knowledge from every group, they would inevitably have to go through a lot of work.

Even if they eventually figured it out, Luo Chen planned to tweak some details in the pill refinement process.

Long story short, he certainly didn’t want to teach his apprentices to the point of starvation!

Teaching these people to master their respective skills took Luo Chen five days in total.

It might not sound like much, but some people were becoming frantic. Mi Shuhua specifically had Sikong Shou Jia ask him when the production of Allure Pills would begin.

After all, with so many cultivators stationed in the Pill Hall, the gang still had to provide them with Spirit Stones!