Chapter 40 - Chapter 40: Chapter 40: The Hidden Dragon Pendant of the Azure Moon

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: The Hidden Dragon Pendant of the Azure Moon

Translator: 549690339

“Golden Core Magic Treasure?”

Lin Jing’s interest was piqued, and he followed the restless crowd moving forward.

Upon arriving at a stall, he found the area in front of it already packed with people.

Peering through the crowd, he could see an exquisite wooden box on the vendor’s table, containing a circular Jade Pendant emanating a hazy azure light as if trying to conceal the pendant itself. Next to the wooden box stood a sign that read:

[The Hidden Dragon Pendant of the Azure Moon]

A Golden Core Stage concealment Magical Treasure, capable of altering one’s appearance ancl aura. Its errect IS extraoramary, aD1e to deceive tne DIVIne Sense of a Golden Core Stage Cultivator.

This Magical Treasure is for exchange only, not for sale. Required for the exchange: three Pure Clear Accumulation Elixirs, three Pure Foundation

Building Elixirs, plus ten Supreme Foundation Building Elixirs and twenty Supreme Gathering Yuan Pills.

At this moment, the crowd began to stir.

“God, has this person gone mad? To ask for so much, and all of it Pure Elixir Medicine.”

“Indeed, with so many Pure Elixirs needed, I fear the entire Fang Market couldn’t come up with that amount.”

“Isn’t that too expensive? All of those combined must be worth tens of thousands of Spirit Stones.”

“Don’t say that; this is a Magical Treasure crafted by a Golden Core Stage

Cultivator. Tens of thousands of Spirit Stones isn’t expensive, right?”

“Even if it is a Golden Core Magic Treasure, those Pure Elixirs… even with money, where would you go to buy them? They are simply unobtainable.” “Exactly, exactly.”

“I think so too. Tens of thousands of Spirit Stones might be manageable, but

Pure Elixirs, those you can’t necessarily buy even if you have the money.”

“Besides, this is just an auxiliary Magical Treasure for concealment, not an offensive or Defensive Magical Treasure. What’s the use of having it?” “Offensive Magical Treasures would likely cost much more than this.”


“Forget it, can’t afford it, can’t afford it.”

The onlookers, who were just there for the excitement, scattered all at once, and the previously congested stall was now much emptier.

Only a few people remained in front of the stall, evidently interested parties intent on acquiring the Magical Treasure.

Lin Jing also reached the front of the stall at this moment. The vendor wore a large bamboo hat, pulled down to cover his face thoroughly, likely to avoid recognition.

A young man was currently speaking with the vendor.

“Boss, I’ve calculated it for you, the items you’re asking for add up to about seventy thousand Spirit Stones.”

“How about this, I have one Pure Foundation Building Elixir here, and I will give you an additional seventy thousand Spirit Stones for your treasure. What do you think of this offer, Boss?”

After hearing this, the vendor shook his head and pointed to the sign, saying:

“I don’t want Spirit Stones, only Elixir Medicine. If you truly desire this Jade Pendant, you can collect them on your own, and then come to exchange with me.”

“Before this Jade Pendant is sold, I will be here periodically, until it is exchanged.”

The young man’s expression turned somewhat unsightly.

“Boss, you are making this quite difficult. Other Elixirs are negotiable, but Pure Elixirs are all but impossible to gather in the entire Fang Market.”

“How about this instead, one Pure Elixir equated to twenty of the same grade Supreme Elixirs, what do you say?

“You must realize that the price of a Pure Elixir is almost equivalent to ten times that of a Supreme Elixir. I’m offering you twenty times the amount, which is like paying double the price. You would be making a huge profit from this.”

The vendor shook his head again.

“Young Master, as you yourself have said before, Pure Elixirs are hard to find; their value cannot be compared with Supreme Elixirs.”

“You really won’t sell?” the young man asked coldly.

“I will not.” The vendor continued to shake his head, his attitude quite resolute.

“Do you know who I am?”

The young man attempted to say more but was held back by someone at his side.

“Forget it, let’s not buy it.”

“This is the black market; don’t stir up trouble.”

Upon hearing this, the young man frowned, waved his hand dismissively, and left the place.

After this matter, the rest also understood that without Pure Elixir Medicine, the Magical Treasure could not be traded. Everyone felt a wave of regret before they all departed from this place.

At this time, only Lin Jing remained at the stall.

The stall owner looked at Lin Jing and asked, “Fellow Daoist, are you also interested in this Jade Pendant?”

“Yes,” Lin Jing replied.

“I’d like to ask the owner how long you plan to sell here. I wish to collect Elixir Medicine to trade for your Jade Pendant.”

The stall owner was taken aback, then regained his composure and extended two fingers, saying,

“Two years, I will be here for at most two years. After two years, whether you have collected the items or not, I will depart.”

“Good,” Lin Jing said.

“Within one year, I will have gathered all the Elixir Medicines.”

“Fellow Daoist, that’s a rather bold joke,” the stall owner’s tone dropped sharply, clearly suppressing anger.

It seemed he thought Lin Jing was playing him for a fool.

“I am not joking,” Lin Jing stated earnestly.

“Since you will not leave for the time being, why not wait and see? After all, you stand to lose nothing.”

“Could it be that you believe someone else could gather the items you require?”

The stall owner looked up at the person before him. By the sound of his voice, he was not old, but his tone was no less arrogant than that of the young man before—and even more presumptuous.

Yet upon hearing what he said, the stall owner began to hesitate again.

“Could it be that he speaks the truth? Can he really gather so many Pure Elixir Medicines within a year?”

After some thought, the stall owner finally made a decision.

“Alright, Fellow Daoist, I’ll take you at your word this once.”

“From now on, I will come to this black market every few days. I’ll be waiting for the year’s end,” he said.

Lin Jing responded, “Good, then I ask you to await the results, Fellow Daoist.”

One year was Lin Jing’s conservative estimate; within six months he should be able to reach the status of a Second-Grade Alchemist, directly capable of refining second-grade Elixir Medicines. Why would he need a year?

Nevertheless, it was best to allow some buffer time, just in case something unexpected occurred.

After leaving the stall selling the Jade Pendant Magical Treasure, Lin Jing took several more turns around the black market to get an understanding of some of the prices.

In the end, he found out that the prices inside the black market were two to three-tenths higher than the outside world.

After learning the ropes, he calculated that the time he had arranged to meet with Wei Zhengqing was nearly upon them.

Then, he returned to the location he and the others had initially agreed upon.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Wei Zhengqing and Yan Xiong appeared.

After discussing for a while, the three decided to leave.

When departing, they were at the end of the street, where several

Teleportation Arrays were located.

Unlike the Teleportation Array they used to enter, these were random, transporting users to any location near Fang Market.

This arrangement also served as a precaution against those who specialized in killing and robbing others, proving to be exceedingly considerate.

Upon exiting, Lin Jing surveyed his surroundings; the place he had been transported to was at the edge of Fang Market—a stroke of very good luck.

When he got home, Wei Zhengqing had not yet returned. Perhaps he was teleported quite far, or perhaps he went straight to find Yan Xiong.

With his Late Stage Qi Refining cultivation, the likelihood of encountering danger was small.

Afterward, Lin Jing no longer concerned himself with this and settled his mind to begin meditating and cultivating.

Not until the next day’s noon did Wei Zhengqing return, accompanied by Yan Xiong.

This time, Wei Zhengqing bid farewell to Lin Jing and Ning Yue, as he had to leave for a while.

He entrusted Lin Jing with the care of Luo Luo during those times when Ning Yue was too busy.

Lin Jing naturally agreed without hesitation.

Finally, after a meal together, Wei Zhengqing and Yan Xiong departed directly..