v7 Chapter 2957: Bai Yunzong’s little thought!

Lin Yuan always felt that Jing Bai was a little dull. If he didn't give Jing Bai some supplies, Lin Yuan was really afraid that when Jing Bai woke up, he would think that what he just experienced was just a dream!

After transferring the supplies through the [Star Spirit Chair], Wen Yu's face turned ugly.

Lin Yuan knew that Wen Yu had basically reached his limit at this time.

If the Celestial Parliament is still forcibly maintained after reaching the limit, it will inevitably have a great impact on Wen Yu's health.

A small amount of mental overdraft can be recovered later.

If the mental energy is overdrawn for a long time, it will cause permanent damage.

Lin Yuan directly asked Wen Yu to end the Celestial Body Council. Anyway, this time the Celestial Body Council brought in a new member, learned about the new member's situation, and solved the problem for the new member.

No matter from which aspect you look at the convening of the Celestial Parliament, it was a success!

Wen Yu did not force himself and immediately ended the Celestial Body Council.

Wen Yu, who opened his eyes, endured the physical discomfort and used the precious spiritual materials that Lin Yuan had provided for himself before to restore his mental power.

Wen Yu soon recovered, but Wen Yu had overdrawn his mental power and needed some time to recover.

Wen Yu checked his physical condition and said to Lin Yuan.

"Master, I think it would be better to set the time for the next Celestial Council meeting in twenty days!"

"Having a Celestial Council every twenty days is basically my limit!"

"The development in Yunwai Tianyu has just begun. If we delay the time for too long, it will be too timeless for us to deal with the situation."

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard this.

Compared with the previous Celestial Parliament held in the main world, holding a Celestial Body Parliament every twenty days is already relatively frequent.

At that time, the Celestial Body Council in the main world would sometimes only be held once every few months.

There are two reasons why the Celestial Body Council took so long. First, Lin Yuan was busy controlling the main world at that time, and there was no need for the Celestial Body Council to create any value for Lin Yuan himself.

Secondly, it was because the members of the Celestial Body Council basically gathered around Lin Yuan at that time. Even those members of the Celestial Body Council who did not gather around Lin Yuan all had a piece of writing paper in their hands.

The members of the Celestial Body Council can communicate with each other by using the mind paper, so there is no need to always convene the Celestial Body Council.

Now, Lin Yuan actually has something in his hand that can replace the note paper in his heart. This thing is the clone of the Silhouette Lithops.

Lin Yuan was able to communicate with Kong Huan through the Illusion Crystal Lithops, and naturally he could also communicate with Jing Bai in the future.

If it weren't for the relatively small number of Lithops plants at the moment, Lin Yuan wouldn't have too many Lithops to waste.

Lin Yuan can now arrange a Lithops phantom for Jingbai to facilitate Jingbai's communication with him.

"Wen Yu puts your health first, and the convening of the Celestial Body Council must ensure that it does not affect your safety and health."

"This time the Celestial Council lasted for more than sixteen minutes in total when you used the Star Spirit Chair."

"This shows that the Celestial Parliament can be officially convened!"

"Next time we convene the Celestial Council, in order to prevent your mental energy from being exhausted, we can deliberately shorten the time."

"Keep the duration of the Celestial Parliament within fourteen minutes!"

While Lin Yuan and Wen Yu were communicating, Jingbai opened his eyes in the cave. He was aware of the familiar darkness around him and the repeated breathing of his companions not far away. Jingbai coughed twice.

Jingbai's cough soon elicited an angry shout.

"If you can't sleep, don't disturb others' sleep. If you don't get enough rest, everyone will be whipped!"

Basically, whenever someone makes a sound during the break, they will be shouted at like this.

But did the person who shouted fiercely think that this roar would wake up everyone else?

Compared with this roar, my cough is too insignificant!

Jingbai just complained secretly in his heart. Jingbai knew very well that if he spoke out at this time, it would inevitably cause a dispute.

It would be fine if it was an immediate dispute, but if the dispute was too loud and disturbed the guards, it would definitely cause a very bad chain reaction.

Jingbai doesn’t want others to be punished because of herself!

Now that Jingbai has completely woken up, Jingbai really thought that everything just happened was a dream, as Lin Yuan thought.

But it was undeniable that the dream just gave Jingbai a very pleasant feeling.

In the dream, Jingbai seemed to be the savior of the Pure Water Phantom Snake lineage, but unfortunately this sense of satisfaction was fleeting.

Jingbai rubbed his eyes with his hands, and then spread his hands around.

At this moment, Jingbai suddenly found that he touched something very hard.

Jingbai has lived in this cave for a long time, and there shouldn't be any debris in this cave.

Jingbai took the thing that hit her in her hand and took a look, and found that the thing turned out to be a very exquisite ring!

Jingbai had never seen anything with such a beautiful shape. Even if such a thing existed, it was usually in the hands of the Crystal Rock Phantom Snake.

The Crystal Rock Phantom Snake lineage will not give the Pure Water Phantom Snake lineage any chance to enjoy it.

The appearance of this ring reminded Jingbai of what Lin Yuan said about leaving a gift for herself.

Lin Yuan specifically told Jingbai how to use it, and Jingbai activated his mental power and projected it onto the ring.

Jingbai's breathing suddenly became rapid.

If Jingbai hadn't been mentally prepared, Jingbai would have screamed in surprise at this moment.

Jingbai saw that this space equipment contained a large number of crystals and round pearl-like things. The crystals contained a large amount of pure spiritual energy.

Pearls also contain extremely pure water element energy.

These things can promote the improvement of Jingbai's strength in a very short period of time. UUReadingwww.uukanshhu.comm

Rather than being surprised by the contents of this space equipment, Jingbai was even more surprised that the parliament held among the stars actually existed.

The existence of this council is tantamount to telling Jingbai that his wishes may really come true in the future.

I am no longer a helpless poor person, and now I have officially found an organization.

Jingbai knew the importance of this ring to herself. Instead of putting the ring on her hand, Jingbai opened her mouth and held the ring in her mouth.

The ring was always placed under her back molars, tightly clamped by Jingbai's jaw muscles.

Jingbai will secretly use these materials in uninhabited places. Now if Jingbai cannot calm down and uses these materials, the pure spiritual energy in the crystal and the pure water element energy in the pearl will immediately cause water purification. The vigilance of others in the Phantom Snake lineage.

Based on the current situation of the Pure Water Phantom Snake lineage, those guys would probably report their private resources to the supervisors in exchange for some benefits.

If it weren't for the Pure Water Phantom Snake lineage being rotten to the core, Jingbai wouldn't mind sharing these resources with other members of the Pure Water Phantom Snake lineage.