v7 Chapter 3045: Nirvana of the Phoenix!

The main reason why Yinyin's physical feathers appear to change externally is because Yinyin's bloodline is undergoing transformation.

Originally, even if there were no Utopian Suzuki's tree stump and Holy Light Phoenix's eggshell, Yinyin would be able to transform successfully.

Now that these two precious spiritual materials have assisted Yinyin's bloodline to advance, Yinyin's bloodline transformation has become a certainty.

In the light, Lin Yuan could feel the pain that Yinyin was suffering.

The inside of Yinyin's body is constantly disintegrating and reorganizing, but Lin Yuan can't help Yinyin in matters such as bloodline transformation. He can only provide resources for Yinyin.

Sun Yin knew that there were six-star creators stationed in the Sky City, but Sun Yin did not know that the six-star creator resources promised by Lin Yuan were actually produced by Lin Yuan himself.

Sun Yin saw Lin Yuan's nervousness about Yinyin's promotion and couldn't help but say.

"Young master, don't look at me as just a fifth-level low-level creator, but my foundation is extremely solid."

"It won't be a problem for me to advance in the rank of your spiritual creature!"

"If there is an emergency later, I will help."

"In addition, I have a lot of potions here, some of which should come in handy."

Lin Yuan did not refuse Sun Yin's kindness when he heard this. Yinyin's journey to this day can be said to be a way out that Lin Yuan helped Yinyin seek.

No one has walked on this road before, so if something goes wrong while walking, it is very likely that serious problems will occur.

With the help of Sun Yin, a traditional fifth-level creator, it will be much easier to handle it.

"It is unlikely that Uncle Sun will have an accident, but if an accident does happen, we will have to rely on Uncle Sun for help!"

Sun Yin smiled when he heard what Lin Yuan said. Sun Yin didn't need Lin Yuan to affirm him.

Because Sun Yin knew how capable he was.

Lin Yuan has so many fifth-level creators under his command, and among them there are even fifth-level intermediate creators.

No matter how talented I am, there is still a gap in ability compared to those fifth-level intermediate creators.

Sun Yin didn't need Lin Yuan's affirmation. What he really needed was Lin Yuan's need for him and his willingness to help.

This is the most important thing to yourself.

Now that he has the opportunity to help Lin Yuan at the juncture of his spiritual transformation, this shows that Lin Yuan trusts him.

"Don't worry, young master, I will pay attention to the condition of your spiritual creature."

"Speaking of which, young master, you have cultivated this spiritual creature really well. I have rarely had the opportunity to see such an outstanding spiritual creature before."

Lin Yuan knew that with Sun Yin's ability, he could tell the depth of Yin Yin at a glance.

A spiritual creature that has not even reached the realm of God has no secrets at all in front of a fifth-level creator.

Lin Yuan had not been in contact with Sun Yin for a long time, but he also knew that Sun Yin was extremely arrogant and would not tell lies with his eyes open.

In Sun Yin's eyes, his voice was indeed excellent, which made Lin Yuan feel proud.

Yinyin has not yet set foot in the Realm of Realm Emperor level gods, and there is still a lot of potential for future development.

Lin Yuan believes that Yinyin must have an extremely bright future.

In terms of Yinyin's newly acquired power of the Kingdom of God, Lin Yuan hopes that Yinyin can either obtain the power of the Kingdom of God that can improve his own strength, or obtain the power of the Kingdom of God that can accelerate the acquisition of the power of faith.

One of these two powers of the Kingdom of God is of great benefit to Yinyin itself, and the other is of great benefit to the City in the Sky.

Yinyin's willpower is extremely strong, just because of the addition of two things: the tree stump of Utopia Suzuki and the eggshell of Holy Light Phoenix.

These two things promoted the further improvement of Yinyin's bloodline, which intensified the changes in Yinyin's bloodline.

The reorganization of the body is more refined than before.

Yinyin persisted with her strong willpower and did not let out a scream to worry Lin Yuan.

Yinyin just hopes that her mouth can sing a joyful song that makes people happy.

Sun Yin originally thought that he needed to provide Yinyin with a few bottles of medicine that could temporarily increase his mental strength and stabilize his mind.

The tree stump of Utopia Suzuki and the eggshell of Holy Light Phoenix are two extremely high-level spiritual materials. These two spiritual materials have a strong ability to promote the bloodline transformation of this bird.

But the bird contracted by Lin Yuan actually managed to survive with its own strength and successfully completed its transformation.

Lin Yuan saw that the new sun produced in Yinyin's head was much brighter than before, and the echo between this new sun and the main celestial body became stronger and stronger.

The light spots appearing at the end of each feather of Yinyin make Yinyin more luxurious.

Yinyin's feathers are at least twice as long as the original down feathers, and her body shape is more elegant than before.

However, Yinyin's own bird bloodline is still forcibly suppressing the main phoenix bloodline in the body. The addition of the Holy Light Phoenix Eggshell did not cause the bloodline in Yinyin's body to be dominated by the phoenix bloodline. Below.

Feeling the smooth transformation of Yinyin's bloodline, Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [Real Data] to investigate Yinyin.

[Name of the spiritual object]: Sihuang Holy Sun Bird

[Spiritual Species]: Finch/Finch

[Spiritual object level]: Realm Emperor level (1/10)

[Spiritual Department]: Sound/Light

[Spiritual Material Quality]: Elementary Divine Kingdom

[Divine Kingdom Level]: Micro


[Phoenix Crying Sound]: Dominate the power of the phoenix, blending the phoenix singing into the musical notes to form a flying bird. The flying bird-shaped musical notes have a huge penetrating effect. After touching the target, the phoenix singing will be emitted from the notes, shocking the target. And interference, after the notes in the flying birds are attacked or blocked, new flying birds will split.