v7 Chapter 3051: Ancient Water Sky Python 1 Clan!

A life's physique, mind, spirit and soul belong to four different levels of power.

They are independent of each other but have a certain relationship.

But as a creature becomes stronger, the soul becomes more important to the creature.

The soul and spirit are closely related to the power of perception. The improvement of spiritual power makes it easier for a living being to gain enlightenment.

But the improvement of the soul can improve the level of this creature's enlightenment.

The divine power of the Soul Whale [Soul Leaping Tidal Fountain] can be said to be the best promotion ability for creators, comparable to what these creators call opportunity.

It can be said that all creators have been refined by the power of the Kingdom of God [Soul Leap Tide Fountain], and this creator has become easier to progress, and the creator's ability has been easier to improve.

In addition to these creators, those who have received the baptism of the power of the Kingdom of God [Soul Leap Tide Fountain] can make progress.

Even if the creator is not baptized by the exclusive characteristic [Soul Leap Tide Fountain], it will be easier to reach a higher level.

In addition to the power of faith, the improvement of the strength of other creatures also requires a certain amount of perception.

It's just that it shouldn't be that easy for the praying soul whale to use the power of the Kingdom of God [Soul Leap Tide Spring] to breed a spring in the Kingdom of God.

Condensing springs also require absorbing a large amount of souls to be possible.

Lin Yuan did not remain immersed in the joy brought by the praying soul whale obtaining the power of the Kingdom of God [Soul Leap Tide Spring], but asked the praying soul whale extremely seriously.

"How long will it take for you to form a spring in the kingdom of God?"

After hearing the words, Qizhou Soul Whale felt it carefully before speaking to Lin Yuan.

"It's difficult for me to condense a spring when Lin Yuan is outside, because there aren't many souls outside that I can absorb."

"And even if we can absorb some souls, the level and quality of these souls will definitely not be comparable to those here in the Land of the Blood Ancestor."

"I might not be able to condense a spring outside for a year or two, but here I can still absorb souls as wantonly as before."

"I can condense a spring every dozens of minutes!"

Lin Yuan usually has no chance to take the Soul Praying Whale around to collect souls. Living north of the Jihe River, the Soul Praying Whale rarely has the opportunity to absorb a large number of souls.

Therefore, Lin Yuan must seize the opportunity that the Soul Praying Whale is currently in the Land of the Blood Ancestor, and use the convenience of the Land of the Blood Ancestor to let the Soul Praying Whale Duoduo condense in the Kingdom of God.

The country of faith can produce a large amount of power of faith at all times, and the power of faith produced in the country of faith is enough for the Soul Whale to increase its strength in the future.

In this case, it would be too much of a waste to let the Qizhou Soul Whale use the skill [Soul Energy Transformation] to convert these soul powers into the power of faith!

Lin Yuan changed his plan. Instead of letting the Soul Praying Whales who had set foot in the Holy Spirit Realm continue to try to improve their strength in the Land of the Blood Ancestor, they would instead let the Soul Praying Whales rely on the souls in the Land of the Blood Ancestors to condense springs in the Kingdom of God.

Qiu and Dong were quite surprised by the new exclusive characteristics gained by the Soul Praying Whale after setting foot in the Holy Spirit Realm.

Because the newly acquired exclusive characteristic of the praying soul whale [Soul Leap Tide Fountain] is equally effective for both of them.

Lin Yuan did not let the Soul Praying Whale leave him too far away. There were many restrictions in the Blood Ancestor Land. If he was not careful, he might not be able to take care of the Soul Whale and injure the Soul Whale.

Qiu and Dong frequently took action after setting foot in the Land of the Blood Ancestor, but they had not encountered too dangerous situations in the depths of this place, which was not the Land of the Blood Ancestor.

The Soul Praying Whale does not need to deliberately capture the souls in the Blood Ancestor Land.

The fresh breath exuded by Lin Yuan and others will attract those souls.

After the praying soul whale spent some effort to absorb a soul that was obviously very intelligent, the praying soul whale hurriedly informed Lin Yuan of the useful information he had just received.

"There is a blood forest two kilometers ahead of the forest to the right. There is something in this blood forest that makes the soul I just sucked very scary."

"There might be a treasure somewhere!"

"Before I absorbed him, this soul had already tricked a bunch of people into heading to the blood forest."

"Is it necessary for us to go to this blood forest and see what is in the blood forest?"

The Qizhou Soul Whale knew that Lin Yuan's purpose in coming to the land of the Blood Ancestor was to hunt for treasure, and he must go wherever there is treasure.

The relationship between the praying soul whale and Huashang Yangui in the soul-locking space is very good, which makes the praying soul whale more or less tainted with some attributes of being a money addict.

There are indeed a lot of resources here, but the level of these resources is a bit too low, and Lin Yuan is not very interested in these resources.

Now that the Qizhou Soul Whale has found a place where treasures may be hidden, Lin Yuan has no reason not to go.

As for whether other vampire teams went there, Lin Yuan didn't care at all.

Qin Yu's development in the Scarlet Realm was not smooth. It was basically impossible for Qin Yu to control the Scarlet Realm alone.

The reason why other blood queens don't take Qin Yu seriously is very simple, because Qin Yu, the new blood queen, is not strong enough.

If she can meet the current blood queen or a potential blood clan, controlling these blood clans can bring great help to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu, the blood queen, had no role after taking Lin Yuan to the land of the blood ancestors.

Qin Yu had entered the Land of Blood Ancestor twice before. Less than a day after entering the Land of Blood Ancestor for the first time, Qin Yu was forced to escape from the Land of Blood Ancestor.

The second time we entered the Land of the Blood Tribe, we did explore it for two or three days, but Qin Yu, who was still a Prince of the Blood Tribe at the time, only dared to explore the outermost areas.

Moreover, the Land of Blood Ancestor is very large, and the location of each teleportation is not fixed.

Even the Blood Clan, which is currently more powerful than the Elisa Clan, cannot have a map of the Blood Ancestor Land.

Since Qin Yu couldn't help Lin Yuan in any action, she had no choice but to follow Lin Yuan and cooperate with Lin Yuan's actions, and took the initiative to take on the work of collector.

Come and help Lin Yuan collect those blood-based spiritual materials ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and secretly give these collected blood-based spiritual materials to Lin Yuan.

Regardless of whether Lin Yuan wants these blood-based spiritual materials or not, he still has to express what he should express!

Lin Yuan was not far from the Blood Forest before, but before he reached the Blood Forest, Lin Yuan discovered that two vampire teams were confronting each other.

The Vampire team on one side consisted of six Vampires. It was obviously a combination of two or three Vampire clans.

There are only three people in the team on the other side, two of them are members of the vampire clan, and the other one exudes a strong aura of water elements.

It was obvious that he was not a member of the blood clan, but a foreign aid brought in by a clan that had the Queen's bloodline but only had a blood clan prince.

Lin Yuan and others discovered the location of these people. Since Qiu and Dong had been shielding Lin Yuan, Chu Ci and Qin Yu's aura, the two opposing parties had not discovered Lin Yuan's existence.

Qin Yu couldn't help but say while looking at the two teams of vampires confronting each other.

"Master Lin Yuan didn't expect that the Doros clan would get involved with the Ancient Water Sky Python clan!"

"I just don't know whether the Doros clan will be dominant or the Ancient Water Sky Python clan will be dominant in this cooperation."