v7 Chapter 3064: Wan Ying and Long Mei!

Since Chu Ci wanted to go around looking for delicacies in Wanduan City tomorrow, Lin Yuan did not disappoint and told Chu Ci that in fact, he could order all the delicacies in Wanduan City in Fubao Palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that Fubao Palace treats top VIPs as their biological parents with its service!

There are actually many forces like Fubao Palace in Yunwai Tianyu, and the people who can be the guests of these forces are either top experts or come from powerful forces.

And forces like Fubao Palace can often provide services to these powerful people in terms of channels.

Since there is no difference in terms of convenience, the most important thing is the service.

In Fubao Palace, whatever enjoyment you want can be provided.

The status of Fubao Palace in Wanduan City is far less impressive than that in Duobao City, but it still occupies a large territory.

The person in charge of Fubao Palace in a super big city like Wanduan City has a higher level than Zhan Lu, second only to the three palace owners of Fubao Palace.

Lin Yuan's trip was very low-key, but after showing his special VIP card at Fubao Palace, the person in charge of Fubao Palace in Wanduan City trotted all the way to Lin Yuan.

He said to Lin Yuan in a very warm and respectful tone.

"I don't know that Mr. Lin's visit has been delayed, but I hope Mr. Lin will forgive me!"

"My name is Wan Ying, the person in charge of this Fubao Palace!"

The person in charge of Fubao Palace in Wanduan City is a woman with gorgeous long dark purple hair hanging down to her waist.

On her fair and delicate face, she has a pair of pink and purple eyes with different pupils of the same color, adding a unique flavor and a strange temperament to this woman.

Facing Wanying's warm reception, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

"Guanshi Wan, you are too polite. My sister and I came to Wanduan City to participate in the auction held by Youlong Palace. I wonder if Guanshi Wan can get three places for me to participate in the fair?"

Lin Yuan was not polite to Wan Ying, and directly stated his intention to go to Wanduan City. He had just arrived in Wanduan City and was not familiar with the place, so it was difficult to get a place in the Youlong Palace auction.

But Fu Baogong, a local snake, can probably do it.

As a special VIP guest, Lin Yuan can make any requests to Fubao Palace at will. Fubao Palace will definitely do its best to fulfill Lin Yuan's requests.

Because Lin Yuan's previous transaction with Fubao Palace brought great benefits to Fubao Palace.

It would have been impossible for other forces to trade so many high-star builder resources with Fubao Palace.

Fubao Palace knows this very well, otherwise Ling Muzhuo, one of the three palace masters of Fubao Palace, would not have personally contacted Lin Yuan and formed a friendship with Lin Yuan!

Wan Ying likes Lin Yuan's straightforward character very much. Compared with the special VIPs who have to guess everything by themselves, it is undoubtedly easier to deal with special VIPs like Lin Yuan who directly express their intentions.

"Mr. Lin, many of the people who come to Wanduan City during this period are coming for the trade fair of Youlong Palace. There are only a thousand places for the trade fair of Youlong Palace."

"Our Fubao Palace has only allocated fifteen places, and each place represents one person."

"If the special VIP next to me asked me for a quota, I would definitely hesitate, but this quota is yours, so there will never be any problem."

"You have three people here, I can directly reserve three places for you."

Wan Ying said this not to please Lin Yuan, but because Wan Ying knew the importance of Lin Yuan to Fubao Palace, she said such words.

Every special VIP card issued by Fubao Palace is marked with the corresponding identity information.

If ordinary VIPs came to Wanying, they would not show up in person to receive them, but would just randomly arrange a receptionist.

The person in charge, Wan Ying, has thirty receptionists under his command. Given the flow of people in Wanduan City, special VIPs will come basically every day.

But Wanying really needs to receive no more than two people per month in person.

There are three palace masters in Fubao Palace. There has always been competition among forces with multiple leaders, and the same is true for Fubao Palace.

Wan Ying was on Ling Muzhuo's side, so she was very warm to Lin Yuan.

After receiving the news of Lin Yuan's arrival, Wan Ying hurriedly informed Ling Muzhuo of the news. Wan Ying had a hunch that if Lin Yuan stayed in Wanduan City long enough, Ling Muzhuo might come over in person and want to talk to Lin Muzhuo. Foresight.

While speaking to Lin Yuan, Wan Ying set her sights on Chu Ci.

Lin Yuan just said that Chu Ci was his sister. In the Yunwai Tianyu, a place where all ethnic groups attach great importance to blood, only those with the same father and mother would treat each other as brother and sister.

If they are cousins ​​of the same race, they will call each other cousin and cousin.

Out of respect for the bloodline, there is no such thing as a godmother.

Chu Ci did not have the ability to hide his aura, nor did he deliberately hide his aura.

Chu Ci's age was similar to that of Lin Yuan. Wan Ying was quite surprised that his strength reached the peak of the realm of the realm emperor after only a few decades of life.

Chu Ci, who was standing next to Lin Yuan, had an extremely close relationship with Lin Yuan, which proved that Chu Ci must be extremely popular among Lin Yuan's forces.

This made Wan Ying know that she must maintain the same respect for Chu Ci and Lin Yuan.

As for Dong Wanying, who was standing behind Lin Yuan, she didn't pay much attention.

No matter how powerful Dong was, he was just a bodyguard for Lin Yuan, responsible for protecting Lin Yuan's safety.

There is no need to spend time making friends with such people.

When he faced Lin Yuan but took the initiative to make friends with his subordinates, he would inevitably be misunderstood by Lin Yuan.

Wan Ying can be the person in charge in such a big city, and his brain is much better than Zhan Lu's.

Lin Yuan said with a smile when he heard this.

"Thank you very much, Manager Wan. In the super big city of Wanduan City, Fubao Palace must have accumulated much more supplies than Duobao City."

"I hope you can trouble me later and let me replace a batch of supplies with four-star and above creator resources."

Wan Ying's reception of his group was very considerate. Wan Ying, the person in charge of Fubao Palace, had clearly shown respect for him. Lin Yuan was naturally willing to give Wan Ying some feedback. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

Moreover, Lin Yuan originally intended to gain something in Fubao Palace when he came to Wanduan City.

It just so happens that I can fulfill Wanying!

Wan Ying couldn't help but look happy when she heard Lin Yuan's words. Wan Ying had heard Ling Muzhuo talk about Lin Yuan's feats in Duobao City's Fubao Palace.

Zhan Lu often used this to brag.

Even those in charge who have a higher level than Zhan Lu are extremely envious of this.

Relying on Lin Yuan's massive acquisition of resources, Zhan Lu surpassed his old rival who had always suppressed him in the rating of the person in charge of Fubao Palace.

The ranking rose by more than 160 places.

How powerful Zhan Lu is. Those in charge in Fu Bao Palace all know very well that Zhan Lu was able to suddenly leap over the dragon gate entirely because of Lin Yuan, a special guest.

Now he is enjoying the same dividends as Zhan Lu.

The Fubao Palace in Wanduan City has always been ranked middle or lower among all the Fubao Palaces in super big cities, but its ranking has been declining in recent decades.

In the past few years, it suddenly dropped to the third from the bottom.