Chapter 482: Greed and change

Immediately after the release, Lin Yuan found that this world's soul-blooded vines were greedy.

The blood-stuffed vines that didn't have this time had not so many roots and could be used.

However, in order to be able to invade all the eyes of the sacrificial offering, the blood-stuffed vines have spawned many young roots.

After the young roots are born, they drill into the eyes of each offering with the old roots.

After ensuring that all the eyes of the sacrifice were invaded, the blood vines of the heaven and earth spirits began to absorb the blood and energy in the eyes of the sacrifice.

And when Lin Yuan discovered this process, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Brewing Blood Vine still had his own care.

The young roots of the newly-grown **** vines are much sharper than the old roots, with a layer of sharp woody cuticles.

With the existence of these newly born young roots, it is no longer necessary for Lin Yuan to help after the blood-stuffed vines.

But you can rely on yourself to open the defense of the eyes of the sacrifice.

Along with the twenty-nine eye offerings, the majestic flesh and blood energy was absorbed into the blood-growing vines little by little.

The blood-stuffed vines began to sprout young shoots on the pergola above.

The blood-stuffed vines that produced a large number of young shoots looked more than twice as lush as before.

Lin Yuan did not care about this.

The old man who had previously sold the heaven and earth spirits and blood vines should have pruned all the branches and leaves of the blood vines.

Only one main vine is left to ensure that all the blood energy absorbed by the blood vine can supply the bunch of blood vines produced on the main vine.

Compared with blood-bred grapes grown in this way.

Lin Yuan, on the contrary, hoped that the blood-brewed vines could produce more vines and produce more blood-brewed grapes.

Although this will undoubtedly increase the growth cycle of blood-growing vines.

But without pruning the branches of the blood-stuffed vines, to a certain extent, it can ensure that the blood-stuffed vines will not lose energy in the body.

After all, the pruned branches were also produced by the blood-brewing vines by absorbing a large amount of blood gas energy.

The mother of the blood bath wants to advance to the three realms of the myth, not knowing how much blood-stuffed grapes she needs to eat.

Such large-scale production of blood-brewed vines can produce blood-brewed grapes, which allows the mother of the blood bath to eat enough and refresh every time the blood-brewed grapes harvest.

Lin Yuan observed for a while and found that there was no problem, so he collected the red thorns and blood-stuffed vines in a leaf-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box.

Previously, because Lin Yuan was going to use the eyes of the sacrifice offering to test the heaven and earth spirit-blooded vines, Lin Yuan did not allow the red thorn to keep the eyes of the sacrifice offering on his body.

But then Lin Yuan will always use the eyes of the sacrificial offerings formed by the red thorns to cultivate the heaven and earth spirits to brew blood vines.

It is still necessary to keep the eyes of the sacrifice offering on the red thorn as much as possible in a state of 60 full value.

The knotted eyes of the sacrificial sacrifice let red thorns immediately erode through the vines and place them on the roots of the potted vines.

Cultivate the blood vines of heaven and earth.

Although Lin Yuan’s current main battle spirit is the source sand of the first-level fantasy change of the Golden Order.

The goal of the red thorns of the silver level first-level fantasy is to focus on the group's combat ability. Only in certain circumstances can it play a great role.

However, Lin Yuan is still used to maintaining his combat power at a maximum.

Use the best state to face any unexpected situation that may occur.

Even if Lin Yuan is surrounded by a strong guardian such as the mother of the Blood Bath and Endless Summer, there is a pole card given after the month.

However, Lin Yuan still felt that he should have a sense of awe.

The heaven and earth spirit-blooded vines can absorb the eyes of the red thorn, and watch the blood-grown vines grow faster.

Lin Yuan was also relieved.

It has to be said that Lin Yuan has saved a lot of expenses virtually.

The eyes of the red thorn now come from the flesh and blood of the dimensional creatures of the water world.

The dimensional organisms of the water world are huge, and the price of each flesh is extremely cheap.

It can be said to be the cheapest flesh material in the world.

Red thorns only rely on the flesh and blood of these golden-order water world dimensional creatures, saving Lin Yuan from the trouble of collecting spirit blood.

Lin Yuan was still worried about the flesh and blood of the dimensional creatures of the Golden Order Water World, but in this way, Lin Yuan has found a way to buy the dimensional creatures of the Golden Order Water World.

It is about to reach the active period of the dimensional crack, and to trade with the people of Indangwei Water World Dimensional creatures, it can be said that it is really inexhaustible.

After Lin Yuan planned to return to Wangdu, he immediately made a deal with the middle-aged man in Indigo.

It's best to get a diamond-level trapped gold box of the water level of the world's next-dimensional creatures to spare.

Suddenly Lin Yuan thought that if the mother of the blood bath eats blood-brewed grapes, she knows that her raw material for blood-brewed grapes is processed from the flesh and blood of the second-order creatures of the Jinjie Water World.

I don't know if I will feel sick.

However, Lin Yuan feels that the raw materials are not important. What is important is that the blood-brewed grapes are succulent and juicy, full of grains, and contain the blood energy most needed by the mother of the blood bath. UU Reading

Just like Jindi La is a good companion for crops.

Lin Yuan, who is busy with other things, can finally busy himself.

Lin Yuan took out the strategic-level Lingcai Mountain Embryo he had previously traded from the amber button-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box.

Lin Yuan looked at the Rongshan land embryo beating like an embryo, and the more he looked, the more Rongshan land embryo looked like a potato.

It's just that the Rongshan Land Embryo is held in his hand, and there is a sense of bearing in the virtuous load in the breath emanating from the beating.

It's as if this little earthy yellow ball can lift up thousands of peaks.

Or that the feeling of Rongshan's embryo to Lin Yuan was originally the mountain itself.

Lin Yuan directly sanded the amber button-shaped source at the cuff into a handful of gravel, and then wrapped the beating Rongshan embryo.

Lin Yuan was able to feel Yuan Sha's consciousness which was not aura, and an unusual feeling of joy came.

Obviously, the source sand itself can also feel the benefits of Rongshan embryo.

In the embryo of Rongshan Mountain, there is the will to continuously change and change the mountain range.

Therefore, Lin Yuan let the source sand absorb the embryos of Rongshan.

At the same time, the unique characteristics of the source sand are also used to engulf the gold-order metal spirit material, day and night spirit silver, and the shape of the memory of the black feather feather.

Transformed into gray, the gray feather shape that grows at the moment when it transforms into a heaven and earth spirit.

The feather shape of Phnom Penh is much more complicated than that of Shenxing Black Swallow.

So it takes a while to complete the memory and all changes.

At the same time, the source sand consumes the ability to engulf and absorb the altered derivative in the Rongshan embryos.

Therefore, Lin Yuan collected the source sand that was wrapping and absorbing the embryo of Rongshan.