Chapter 1345: Lin Yuan's Soulsmith Team

This is because when the island whale hatches, the water element energy and aura concentration provided by the top forces are not as pure as the aura and water element energy released from the whale landing.

In the eyes of the forces, the floating island whale is not regarded as an ordinary spiritual creature, but as a strategic material of the heritage level.

Some forces whose functions are oceans or trade, such as whale ocean trade, cultivate island whales for shipping on the sea.

Taking advantage of the feature that island whales will not be attacked by sea creatures, cross-sea commerce and trade between major federations can be conducted.

Therefore, there is no need for the whale ocean trade to be perfect when cultivating island whale embryos.

The purity of the aura and the water element does not depend on the number of creators, but on the star of the creator.

The concentration of water element and aura produced by the high star creator is higher than that of the low star creator.

The resource of builders of any force is in short supply, and as many provinces as possible can be used.

The whale ocean trade naturally hopes to hatch island whales at the least cost.

This can save a lot of creator resources.

The resources saved are even enough to breed two or three new island whales.

At the moment, Lin Yuan is using all the elemental pearls of the wind attribute with various beads.

At present, a lot of celestial-level elemental pearls with water attributes are still being taken out and piled around the floating island whale eggshell.

It can be said that there is no essential difference between the floating island whales artificially cultivated by Lin Yuan and the island whales hatched from large whale landings.

Even the floating island whales cultivated by Lin Yuan are better than the island whales that naturally hatch from large whale landings.

The pearls are the diminished goddess-class elemental pearls. The purity of the elements contained in the pearls is not comparable to that of large whales, and is the limit of the current five-star creator.

With the pouring of more than ninety-headed island whale and whale pulp and the consumption of thousands of wind-attribute celestial element pearls, Lin Yuan finally felt the original tremor of the floating island whale embryo.

At the same time, the sound of whales in the embryos of floating island whales became louder.

Listening to the loud cries of the floating island whales and the tremors of the eggshells in the embryo, Lin Yuan smiled.

As long as the little guy in the eggshell is strong enough to break through the eggshell, the floating island whale will hatch.

With the consumption of the last giant whale's marrow and the last breath of the floating island whale embryo, everything on the island returned to calm.

The floating island whale embryo could not leave the pure aura before it hatched. Lin Yuan hurriedly sent the floating island whale embryo back to the spiritual lock space after everything returned to calm.

Then put away the unused feng shui double element celestial element pearls.

Liu Jie said while helping Lin Yuan tidy up the whale bones that released the whale marrow.

"Lin Yuan looks like a floating island whale will definitely be able to hatch within this month."

"Waiting for the floating island whale to hatch and build on its back is a big project."

"Hu Quan Tiangong Pavilion has only three to five hundred craftsmen. The underground palace on the side of the Shenmu Federation will be inseparable from Hu Quan for a while, and the swamp world also needs craftsmen."

"I think the number of spiritists in the Tiangong Pavilion is too small, so I should talk to Hu Quan to let Hu Quan expand the number of spiritists in the Tiangong Pavilion."

Lin Yuan didn't nod immediately when he heard Liu Jie's words, but frowned in thought.

The city of the sky on the back of the whale on the floating island, the underground palace of the Shenmu Federation, and the base of the swamp world want to build together. Huquan Tiangong Pavilion must not have enough craftsmen.

In fact, five hundred sages were taken into the swamp world to smash infrastructure, but they may not be able to keep up with the speed of development.

No one doesn't want the infrastructure to be built quickly, so the number of craftsmen in Tiangong Pavilion is not enough.

Moreover, the psychics were recruited into the Tiangong Pavilion on a large scale, not to mention how many resources were consumed.

Whether Hu Quan can teach it is a question.

Lin Yuan and Hu Quan talked about this issue, and Hu Quan said that bringing five hundred spiritual masters at a time is the limit.

The more people recruited, the bigger the stall on his side.

People are unpredictable, and large-scale recruitment of spiritsmiths will inevitably attract some spies.

This is likely to cause the internal news of Sky City to leak out.

At the junction of the Shenmu Federation and the Hammer Federation, Lin Yuan first saw a goblin this kind of terrestrial creature.

In fact, goblins are even better at building underground palaces than psychics.

Three level five goblins are comparable to a team of four-star spiritists.

At the same time, the goblin's hands are very clever, don't look at the dirty and ugly goblin dimension creatures.

In fact, every goblin is a master of architectural aesthetics.

When some aura professionals enter the land above two stars, the next time they encounter a goblin in the Meta-Crack, they will not immediately kill the goblin.

Instead, they follow the goblin and follow the goblin back to the lair where it lives.

Then kill the goblin and move the objects in the goblin nest.

These artifacts made by goblins are very popular in the luxury market.

For this reason, many forces with the function of creating divisions issued tasks in the guild federation.

Let the adventurer capture the living goblin and then invest in the acquisition.

The creators of these forces tamed the goblins through the deployment of spiritual liquid, and found that the goblins were very difficult to be domesticated by humans.

Even if it takes a long time to successfully domesticate, the domesticated goblin is still not very loyal and lazy.

As soon as I seize the opportunity, I will find ways to escape.

These forces, whose function is the creator, have invested so much manpower and material resources and creator resources, and ultimately received very little return.

One of the worst losses is the Valley of Panlong.

When chatting with Long Tao before, Long Tao also specifically complained to Lin Yuan about the failure to domesticate goblins in the Valley of Panlong.

Although Lin Yuan sympathizes with Long Tao, what Panlong Valley cannot do does not mean that Lin Yuan cannot do it either.

The builder can't make the goblin pay loyalty, nothing more than because the builder can't extract the source power.

It can only give birth to spiritual energy, and has no idea about the power of faith.

Reiki has an irresistible temptation to spiritual things, UU reading , but for dimensional creatures, it is no different from tasteless farts.

But whether it was the source of power or the power of faith, Lin Yuan relied on the Queen and Bilan to be able to give birth.

Moreover, Lin Yuan also collected a mineral vein goblin in the Shenmu Federation and transformed it into an apostle.

There are mineral vein goblins, if you catch the goblin in the future, you can directly give it to the vein goblin to teach.

Let the mineral vein goblins select the plastic ones and accept them as believers, or use the power of totem to transform them into favored believers.

This can not only increase the strength of the belief power of the mineral vein goblins, but also pull up a completely loyal construction team for Lin Yuan.

By then, let Lin Yuan's current devotees of large resources to cultivate these goblins to command these goblins, and they will surely be able to do more with less.

With the opening of the cracks in the six-star dimension to Quan Huiyao, a change will inevitably occur in the Huiyao Federation.

Since this is the main theme of the development of the times, Lin Yuan intends to follow the call of the times.

Try to develop the potential of dimensional creatures for your own use.