Chapter 1421: : Yinuo Qingqing (4)

"Mr. Xu, I have finished drinking."

She spoke, and Mr. Xu saw the blood on the tip of her tongue.

I couldn't see that Xia Enuo was a strong temper, and it should be more exciting to play.

"Okay." Mr. Xu looked at her with a smile. After he signed, Xia Enuo took the contract and said to go to the bathroom.

Her supervisor has been to the bathroom for so long, but he hasn't shown up. If you think about the dinner of only three of them today, they set a game for themselves.

She Xia Enoch became a drowning dog, and everyone likes to step on her.

Xia Enuo staggered out of the box. She took a few steps and leaned against the wall.

The cold wall made her comfortable, she leaned on it and looked at the wall in the corridor in a daze.

After a long time, there were footsteps in the corridor. It was good for Xia Enuo not to look at it. She was stunned when she saw the man headed by walking.

From breaking up to now, there are four years.

The good-looking man looks better. People like him will not lack women, and she has become Xia Enuo, even less qualified to be with him.

Xia Enuo thought so, when he passed by her side, she still reached out and grabbed him.

"Huo Mian, take me away."

She looks like this, she will be taken away by the supervisor and Mr. Xu at any time. Mr. Xu leaves her to play a game of cat and mouse.

When Xia Enuo grasped Huo Mian's hand, Mr. Xu came out of the box and was startled when he saw Huo Mian.

Huo Mian's face was too dazzling, and Xia Enuo was still inferior to him. Huo's family can eat both black and white dishes. Huo Mian is Huo Sheng's only son. From now on, Huo's things will be taken over by him.

The most important thing is to hear that Huo Mian's methods are more powerful than Huo Sheng.

"Mr. Huo, you and Bai." Mr. Xu stepped forward and said with a smile. He remembered that the Huo family and the Bai family are both famous families in Yucheng, and the two must have contact.

Huo Mian and Bai Enuo are about the same age, and their relationship is uncertain.

If so, Mr. Xu had to let Xia Enuo go.

"Unfamiliar!" Huo Mian took his hand out of Xia Enuo and said quietly without finishing Mr. Xu's words.

After he pulled it out, he asked his subordinates to take a tissue and wipe his hand that Xia Enoch had grasped.

Xia Enuo watched his hand wiping action, the position of the heart hurt. She remembered that Huo Mian has a habit of cleanliness and would wipe his hands a little bit after touching dirty things.

He thinks she is dirty!

Xia Enuo watched Huo Mian pass by, but she didn't beg him again.

Four years ago, those bad memories all ran out, and she stared at him as he disappeared from her eyes.

In four years, the two of them were separated for four years. During these four years, he might have forgotten her completely, while she still loved him where she was.

Love him, but dare not tell him.

"Miss Xia." Seeing that Huo Mian didn't care about Xia Yinuo, the corner of Xu's mouth was smiling. He looked at Xia Yinuo, who was leaning on the wall, and this stunner was his tonight.

"Let's go." Mr. Xu reached out to help Xia Enuo.

Xia Enuo didn't know that white wine was the stamina. When she heard Huo Mian say "unfamiliar", the world was shaking up and down.


They've been together, he didn't know her well!

Two of their classmates of twelve years, he didn't know her well!

Xia Enuo thought sadly, letting Xu always move her out weakly.

Mr. Xu opened the room in the hotel early, and he hugged Xia Enuo to the elevator entrance, suddenly feeling the coldness of his back, as if someone had been staring at him.

When the man covered it, Xia Enuo felt that when she wanted to struggle, she smelled a familiar smell, and then narrowed her eyes, the face that had been missed thousands of times came into her eyes.

"Still so stupid!" Huo Mian said with a low voice, and a smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

Xia Enuo didn't think she was stupid. Compared to Huo Mian, a student with a high IQ, she really couldn't, but she worked very hard and she played the piano well.

"I'm not stupid." Xia Enuo replied.

She must be really drunk, otherwise why didn't she know her, Huo Mian, who left her alone, would look at herself tenderly.

She remembered that he said that she hated her most pretending girl!

It's a dream. It must be after drinking too much to dream of that Huo Mian who treats her well.

"Huo Mian." Xia Enuo raised his head and kissed Huo Mian's lips.

When she first saw Huo Mian, she was thinking, how could there be such a good-looking boy better than her.

Anyway, she fell in love with Huo Mian at first sight, and of course there were few girls in Yucheng who took aim at him.

"Bai Enuo." Huo Mian said, staring at Xia Enuo who was smiling under her.

Xia Enuo shook his head, "No, my last name is Xia."

When she left Bai's house, they said that her surname was Xia and could no longer be Bai.

"Xia Enuo." Huo Mian followed her words and changed her words. Anyway, her name and identity make no difference to him.

"En." Xia Enuo pursed his lips and grinned, "Yes, my name is Xia Enuo."

"Huo Mian, why did you show up in front of me? You said, don't allow me to dangle in front of your eyes." Xia Enuo repeated what Huo Mian said a long time ago.

It was the day after she gave him the first kiss, she went to him happily, and he said, get out!

"Xia Enuo, don't show up in front of me in the future."

Because of his words, she refused to accept the Bai family's arrangement and went to a university in this city, and insisted on going to Jingcheng to study at a university.

If it wasn't for her life experience to be exposed, she would not come back, let alone stay in Yucheng.

"Yeah." Xia Enuo felt uncomfortable. Looking at such a perfect face, she reached out and touched his cheek.

"You are so good to others, you just coldly face me, do you know? I hate you!"

Xia Enuo said that she hated Huo Mian, so that she could feel more comfortable.

"I really hate you, Huo Mian."

She really likes him very much!

From the time she knew him, she regarded marrying Huo Mian as her life's dream.

The relationship between the Bai family and the Huo family is very good, even if she stays in the field, she still holds a glimmer of hope for this matter. Now, she is not a daughter of the Bai family, and this hope is shattered.

"Yeah." Huo Mian's expression became cold when he heard Xia Enuo's words, his eyes sank and looked at her coldly.

Hate him? Didn't he know it long ago! The person in Xia Enuo's heart was not him at all.

He was guilty, and seeing her down, he just wanted to put her in his arms and protect her.

"To each other." Huo Mian said quietly.

When he said, his eyes fell on Xia Enuo's undulating chest.

She has a beautiful face and a good figure. When she looked at her exposed skin, Huo Mian breathed heavily.

If he hadn't sent someone to look at Xia Enuo in advance, this idiot would be in the bed named Mr. Xu tonight. Does she know that her appearance and her figure have long been stared at by many men in Yucheng. Now that she has no identity as a daughter of the Bai family, she is more than a man who wants her.