~: Chapter Volume 4 Family care (32)

The agent said, I met Manager Wang yesterday, and I will see another boss today.

Li Luo thought that Han Yuejun had something to accompany him today, so he agreed.

In a game, one's own efforts are critical, and human relationships are equally important.

Neither Li Luo nor Tan Broker thought of losing the award they deserved because of their lack of communication.

Practice well when it's time to practice, and socialize well when it's time to socialize.

The place they went was different from yesterday's Pinjin Cave. It was a high-end restaurant in Ningcheng.

In some places, the level is very clear, this restaurant is.

The restaurant is divided into two floors. The first floor is the same as the outside, but the second floor is not accessible to ordinary people. A certain identity background that can come to the top kind.

Even so, there are still many people who treat the first-floor box as an advantage.

Li Luo followed Agent Tan to socialize. With Agent Tan present, she would drink as much as she could, but if she couldn't drink, Agent Tan would stop her.

Today's boss is not as good as yesterday's Wang, nor is there any seriousness. As soon as Li Luo entered, he stared at Li Luo, causing Agent Tan to regret that he shouldn't bring people over.

Li Luo knew that she couldn't go straight away when she came. She drank a lot of wine in the voice of the boss. Agent Tan wanted to block it. They were not happy, so Li Luo could only drink it himself.

She had a good amount of alcohol, and when she drank a lot, she went to the bathroom as an excuse.

After drinking for a long time, she was in a hurry to go to the toilet, and she didn't know what was going on in the restaurant tonight, there were people inside.

Li Luo was not in a hurry, so she went directly to the second floor to find the bathroom.

When she got out of the bathroom, she walked through the long corridor and marveled that the decoration on the second floor was much more refined and elegant than the first floor.

Although it cannot be said that there is one sky and one earth, the two places are really far apart.

Li Luo walked slowly, and when he reached a box, the box door opened and a very beautiful girl came out.

The two almost ran into each other.

The little girl was stunned when she saw Li Luo, staring at her blankly.


Li Luo smiled apologetically.

The little girl turned to look at the box behind her, and hurriedly closed the door.

Li Luo was surprised that the little girl closed the door so quickly what she did, she couldn't help but glanced inside.

The man's profile crossed his eyes, and Li Luo was stunned. She was wrong, why did she seem to see Han Yuejun.

Li Luo didn't feel embarrassed to push the door in to verify, she felt that she had misunderstood, and left slowly with doubts.

The little girl, that is, sister Han was relieved when she saw Li Luo gone.

How can you run into the future sister-in-law, if you let her know that her brother is on a blind date, how can this be done?

Yes, Han Yuejun is indeed on a blind date, but he really didn't know beforehand.

When he was about to get off work, Han Ran called again and said he was eating out.

He is not surprised, anyway, it is normal for a family of four to have dinner together.

However, after he arrived at the restaurant, he realized that not only the four of them, but also others.

He knew all the other people, and he knew one of them very well.

"Brother Yuejun."

When Han Yuejun was anxiously trying to leave, Zhu Xincheng beside him smiled and said, "This is delicious, you can try it."

She said, using her chopsticks to put the dishes into Han Yuejun's bowl.

What Han Yuejun saw was not the delicious food in the bowl, but the saliva on that thing.

People are really strange, let alone a little saliva when they like it, he can eat a lot of saliva.

Now, he is a little disgusted with the food Zhu Xincheng has given him.

"Sister Xincheng." Sister Han who came back from the toilet looked at Zhu Xincheng and said faintly, "Your chopsticks are stained with saliva, do you know how many bacteria are in the saliva?"

When Sister Han said, Zhu Xincheng's smile froze.

Han Ran repeatedly scolded sister Han, "Sister, what are you talking about!"

Sister Han was trained to eat her own food without talking.

None of these people showed up. Doesn't her brother like Zhu Xincheng?

"Brother Yuejun, I will become a colleague with you in the future."


When she was talking, Han Yuejun's cell phone lit up, he read the text message first, and said something absently. It was a text message from Li Luo. Li Luo asked where he was?

"Yuejun." Han Ran expressed dissatisfaction when seeing Han Yuejun looking at his mobile phone and not answering Zhu Xincheng's words.

"From now on, Xincheng will enter Ningcheng Hospital to work with you."

Han Yuejun replied to Li Luo's text message and told her that he was outside and could not pick her up, and asked her to go back earlier.


Han Yuejun put down his mobile phone and responded lightly.

"Brother Yuejun." Zhu Xincheng smiled and held up the wine glass, respecting Han Yuejun, "Please take care of you in the future."

"Heart, rest assured."

Han Ran smiled and looked at Zhu Xincheng and Han Yuejun, and the more they looked, the more they felt like a match.

"You and Yue Jun are together, and we can rest assured."

Her words made Zhu Xincheng's parents laugh.

The two were former neighbors, and Han Yuejun and Zhu Xincheng have always had a very good relationship. They are also childhood sweethearts. They went to elementary school together, and middle school and high school together.

They were separated when they were in college, but the two of them secretly dated, and Han Ran knew about this from behind.

Later, Zhu Xincheng's family went to other cities because of Mr. Zhu's work. After returning this time, Han Ran wanted to match her with his son.

Han Yuejun's life-long event is now an event for the Gu family and Han family. Han Ran even wants his son to be happy.

Thinking that Han Yuejun and Zhu Xincheng had a history, it would be easy for the two to walk together.

This is all Han Ran's own thinking, Han Yuejun didn't think so in his heart.

Now he has fallen with Li, and the development of the two is quite good. He has not thought about changing girlfriends.

Besides, Zhu Xincheng, those are all things in the past, and he let go of it quickly.

Han Yuejun listened to them chatting, thinking about talking to Han Ran Gu Jingrui after returning.

After dinner, Han Ran spoke again and asked Han Yuejun to send Zhu Xincheng back.

Han Yuejun thought that Zhu Xincheng's parents were there, so he didn't need to say.

"Xincheng lives outside by herself now, in a different direction from where we live."

Mother Zhu said with a smile.

This is the opportunity that both parents give them to be alone.

"Send it off." Gu Jingrui also said.

Han Yuejun thought, give it away, just give it away, just to make it clear to Zhu Xincheng that he has no interest in this blind date.

"Brother." Sister Han approached Han Yuejun's side and said in a low voice, "I saw Sister Li just now, she was also here to send it."


Han Yuejun was surprised. He knew that Li Luo was socializing again today, but he didn't know that she was also here.

"Sister Li seems to drink a lot of alcohol."

Drinking? Only Li Luo drank a lot of alcohol in Han Yuejun's mind.

He followed Han Ran and them to the door, and after sending them to the car, he and Zhu Xincheng were left.

"Brother Yuejun, where is your car?"

Zhu Xincheng asked with a smile.

Han Yuejun didn't answer, he stopped a car directly on the side of the road, "Sorry, I can't use you to go back."

With that, regardless of Zhu Xincheng's smile, he drove the person into the taxi and returned to the restaurant by himself.