Chapter 3044: Anti-kill all

Chapter 3044 All Anti-kill

The beasts living here sensed the crisis and spread their hoofs to make the birth level run to the edge of Canaan at the maximum speed.

Several loud bangs came from deep underground, like the roar of a giant beast.

Volcanoes continue to erupt from the ground, huge energy surging underground, and the ground in Canaan is surging.


With a loud explosion, the entire land of Canaan was overturned by the vitality light wave.

Countless escaped beasts were swallowed by the light wave and turned into nothingness.

The land of Canaan in the black desert has disappeared, replaced by a pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.

The pit was deep and dark, and at the bottom, a group of dilapidated palaces appeared.

This palace community looks unremarkable, but it exudes the most yin and most yang aura, enough to make the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix and Black Dragon clan crazy.

The air of the most yin and the air of the most yang floated, drifting to every corner of the gods with the momentum of thunder.

The turbulence caused by the birth of the Canaan Underground Palace was so great that it radiated throughout the entire God Realm, centered on the land of Canaan.

The white-clothed girl and Emperor Wuming were the closest to Canaan, and they were the first to notice this movement.

At that time, the girl in white was enjoying the fun of enslaving a few monsters. Suddenly the underground palace ground expanded by the cave shook the mountain, and the rock and soil fell down.

The girl in white stood up with her pregnant belly, panicked, she was about to be hit by a boulder.

Emperor Wuming fished her into his arms and left in no time.

The two people left the cave to expand the palace, and the entire mountain collapsed.

The white-clothed girl shrank next to Emperor Wuming, clutching his sleeves tightly, smiling pale and trembling all over.

If it was not for Emperor Wuming to take her out in time, the collapsed gorgeous palace would become her tomb.

"Husband, what is going on? Could it be that the holy beasts finally succeeded in hunting their prey?"

Not only did the hill on which the palace was located collapsed, but all the hills around it were a little uplifted, the ground cracked, and the surrounding giant trees collapsed, creating a mess.

The girl in white had a bad feeling in her heart.

She ordered the sacred beasts to chase and kill Jun Mo's Phoenix.

The big movement that broke out this time must be that Jun Mohuang was still fighting back.

The holy beasts hadn't killed her for so long, and the white-clothed girl thought of Jun Mohuang's endless methods, and there was an Emperor Lingtian beside her, so she was naturally worried.

She really hoped that the noise made just now was Jun Mohuang's last dying struggle, and she also hoped that Emperor Wuming would affirm her guess.

"The prey is so powerful, and it hasn't been killed for so long, how can the holy beast succeed."

Emperor Wuming knew the little nine-nine in the heart of the white-clothed girl, and a hint of irony on her perfect thin lips flashed away.

"The holy beast not only failed, but was all killed."

"No... how is this possible! Impossible!"

Dense cold sweat emerged from the forehead of the white-clothed girl. When Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian attacked the Heavenly Spirit Realm, she only had the second-order strength of the Primordial Divine Realm.

No matter how talented a cultivator is, she now has the fifth-order cultivation base of the Primordial God Realm, it is already against the sky.

How could the fifth-tier Monarch Mo Phoenix in the Yuanshen realm escape the pursuit of the sacred beasts and instead kill all the sacred beasts.

That is thousands of holy beasts, not thousands of ants.

"How impossible. The prey has opened up the treasure that we seem to have on this trip. Of course, it is a thousand times stronger than being killed by the holy beast."

(End of this chapter)