Chapter 3356: Meet 3 (Outside)

Chapter 3356 Meet 3 (Fanwai)

"Wow, my son, this time your move is better than last time. The blood moon drawn by swordsmanship is much bigger, and it's very close to your spiritual power. You can give this disobedient little one later. The cat has collected the body, remember to keep its four paws, that can be a good thing."

In the Di Lingtian divine consciousness, the female voice sounded again.

Di Lingtian responded lightly: "Shut up, I know what to do."

The sword net closed, and the Nether Ocelot was about to be chopped into a ball of meat sauce in the next second.

The spiritual energy above the celestial pole valley vibrated, the sky broke through a crack, and a small black spot fell from the crack. The place where it fell was the Nether Ocelot that was surrounded by sword nets.

"Something has fallen, no, it's a person, brat, hurry up, don't forget what my old lady taught you. You can kill Beasts, you can't kill people for no reason."

Within the Di Ling Tian Divine Consciousness, the woman's voice sounded again, with a little rush.

This time, Di Lingtian did not respond.

Long before the woman spoke to urge him, the whole person had already risen into the air, and a second before the incoming person fell into the sword net, he stretched out his hand to catch him.

Almost at the same instant, the Nether Ocelot let out a scream, and hundreds of flying swords pierced its side at the same time.

The Nether Ocelot couldn't bear so many flying sword attacks, and his body was exploded into a cloud of blood, leaving only four sharp claws intact.

Hundreds of blood-colored flying swords were inserted on the ground, layered on top of each other, like a blood-colored sword lotus.

Di Lingtian landed on the ground leisurely, he didn't look at the four sharp claws, his **** eyes looked at the person he was catching, his brows frowned.

Is it a girl, or a girl with the smell of the spirit race.

What's even stranger is that she has no spiritual fluctuations in her body, nor her strength.

Di Lingtian slowly narrowed his blood eyes.

Upon sensing the arrival of the master, the blood-colored flying swords on the ground turned into droplets of blood, attached to the surface of the long sword on the waist of Emperor Lingtian.

"Oh, it's so risky, it's dangerous. Fortunately, you shot in time. As long as you take a slow shot, this person will be torn to pieces by the sword energy."

In Di Lingtian's divine consciousness, the female voice sounded again, with a very grateful tone.

"Hey, it's a girl, hahaha, son smash, the sky will drop you a daughter-in-law directly, you make a lot of money. No, she is very injured." The woman's voice quickly became anxious.

The girl caught by Di Lingtian was Mo Phoenix.

The body guard divine light put her last bit of energy to send her into the celestial pole valley, and immediately dissipated.

In order to be afraid of those who deliberately use Mo Phoenix's identity, the body guard divine light wiped off the ink-colored phoenix feathers between Mo Phoenix's forehead at the last moment.

In Di Lingtian's arms, Mo Phoenix slowly opened his eyes.

She was protected by a barrier formed by the body guard divine light all the way, and she only felt that she had traveled a long way.

Mo Phoenix opened his eyes laboriously and slammed into a pair of **** eyes.

The blood eyes are deep and bottomless, as if to absorb her whole soul.

"Brother, look so good-looking." Better-looking than any male she has ever seen.

Mo Phoenix stared at Di Lingtian blankly, and sighed sincerely, but soon she lost the leisurely love of Di Lingtian who appreciated the beauty of the prosperous age.

Mo Huang's brows were furrowed, and an endless coldness spread from the depths of his body.

The wave of sleepiness was higher than the wave, and she was about to swallow her body, and the vitality of her whole body was fading fast.

Without the protection of the body guard and divine light, her body defense is zero, and the internal injuries caused by the beating of the girl in white quickly deteriorated.

"Please... please help me..."

Mo Huang struggled to look at Di Lingtian, and under the crisis, she could only turn to this handsome young man who was as beautiful as a god.

The story of Mohuang and Zi Shuilan in the divine palace in Fanwaili is still a bit different from the memories of Zi Shuilan that appeared before in the main text. At that time, Zi Shuilan was aroused by Ling Tian in some fragments of memories, not very complete, so write them all. It will feel different.

(End of this chapter)