Zheng Baozhu couldn't help but retort when Qi Sheng praised Qu Zhi so much, "Exactly, that's what makes his 'for the country, for the people' persona more convincing."

Qi Sheng questioned back, "How do you know he's not sincere?"

"Because I know him," Zheng Baozhu replied. She recalled last night when Qu Zhi moved the shared bicycles outside in the cold darkness. She couldn't help but wonder why he did that in the middle of winter.

Could it be that he got tired of his own persona?

Qi Sheng pondered for a moment and asked Zheng Baozhu, "Let's say there's a hypocritical person who has done good deeds all their life. Doesn't that make them a good person?"

"For others, maybe, but for those who know them, it would be considered hypocrisy," Zheng Baozhu explained.

Qi Sheng leaned forward, gazing at Zheng Baozhu's back, "I'm curious. Why do you think Qu Zhi's actions are driven by the desire for fame and recognition?"

"Because I know it's true. He has built such a perfect image that even if he did something bad, no one would believe it," Zheng Baozhu said, glancing at Qi Sheng through the rearview mirror, "Just like you, someone who is deceived by his facade."


Qi Sheng fell silent for a moment, becoming even more curious. "So, what bad thing did Qu Zhi do?"

Zheng Baozhu hesitated and then held back her words, "Forget it, I don't want to say. Besides, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it."

"...How do you know I wouldn't believe it?" Qi Sheng, being a gossip enthusiast, couldn't stand being left in the dark, "Tell me, and I'll help you analyze it!"

"Forget it, I get angry when I think about it."


Qi Sheng fell silent.

Oh well, he would just go and ask Qu Zhi directly later! He wanted to see what bad thing Qu Zhi had done to leave such an impression on Zheng Baozhu for all these years.

At this time, it was the peak of the evening rush hour. Zheng Baozhu's car was stuck in traffic for a while, causing her to arrive at the restaurant later than expected. This restaurant was the first Chinese restaurant she opened in the area and had been in business for many years. Over time, its storefront had expanded several times, and the interior decoration had been renovated a few times. Other nearby shops changed owners frequently, but this restaurant had always stood firm.

After parking the car, Zheng Baozhu led Qi Sheng into the restaurant. It was Qi Sheng's first time eating here. The restaurant had a trendy decor, and most of the diners were young people. There were also private rooms in the restaurant, usually reserved for banquets. Today, Zheng Baozhu booked one of these private rooms. The restaurant staff recognized her and promptly led them to the reserved room when they entered.

"This is the menu, take a look," Zheng Baozhu handed the menu to Qi Sheng. Qi Sheng glanced at the prices; they were moderate, and he could afford it. He smiled and passed the menu back to Zheng Baozhu, saying, "I said I'm treating you, so you can order."

"Okay," Zheng Baozhu didn't even look at the menu and ordered some signature dishes and seasonal specialties, "Let's start with these. If Qu Zhi arrives later and we need more, we can order then."

"Sounds good."

The server collected the menu and left. Another person came in to pour tea and serve some snacks to them.

After a short while, the server brought Qu Zhi over. Qi Sheng hadn't expected Qu Zhi to arrive so early and looked at him in surprise, "You're not working overtime today?"

"Uh," Qu Zhi nodded and took a seat at the table, "I left a bit early today and took the subway."

"Oh... no wonder," Qi Sheng said, smiling playfully, "So, you really wanted to have a meal with Miss Baozhu."


Qu Zhi picked up the teacup and took a sip, "You're overthinking. This meal is on you, so I shouldn't let it go to waste."


Hmph, men.

Seeing another person join them, the server handed Qu Zhi the menu. Qu Zhi took a look. Although this restaurant also served Chinese cuisine, it was more delicately designed compared to the dishes in Zheng Baozhu's hotel restaurant, which focused on authentic homestyle stir-fry. Here, the dishes were more elaborate.

He ordered two dishes that Zheng Baozhu hadn't picked and then handed the menu back to the server.

The restaurant's serving speed was quite good. Before Qu Zhi finished his tea, the dishes Zheng Baozhu ordered were already brought to the table. Qi Sheng tasted a shrimp and nodded repeatedly towards Zheng Baozhu, "The taste is excellent, and the presentation is so appealing, crystal clear."

Zheng Baozhu naturally praised her own chef, "Tonight, all our dishes were personally made by Wang Yuqi. He's now on par with Chef Zhao, a top chef in our restaurant."

Qu Zhi heard this and remembered the apprentice mentioned earlier, "Is that the apprentice you mentioned before?"

"Yes," Zheng Baozhu nodded, "He is very talented in culinary skills. When Chef Zhao first arrived, some people had prejudices against him because he was young, but now Chef Zhao is our restaurant's top chef."

Qi Sheng praised while picking up some food, "His skills are indeed impressive. These dishes may not look extraordinary, but they are delightful when you take a bite."

Zheng Baozhu added, "Unfortunately, the kitchen is busy right now, or else I could have introduced you to our head chef. Well, it goes to show that I have good judgment."

As Zheng Baozhu spoke, she started boasting about how she had chosen the seemingly ordinary Wang Yuqi from among many other candidates back then.

It wasn't too late when they finished their meal. Zheng Baozhu had already planned to go to Starlight Department Store and asked Qi Sheng and Qu Zhi if they would be joining her.

Qi Sheng tactfully said, "I won't go; I'll head back first. Qu Zhi can accompany you, and we'll meet back at Starlight Farm later."

Qu Zhi glanced at Zheng Baozhu but didn't say anything. Seeing that he didn't refuse, Zheng Baozhu thought he probably wanted to hitch a ride in her car, "Whatever, if he wants to go, let him. I can't stop him."

"Then you two can go together, Qu Zhi can help you carry things," Qi Sheng arranged for them and excused himself.

Starlight Department Store wasn't far from the restaurant. Zheng Baozhu got into her car and noticed that Qu Zhi had opened the passenger side door and bent down to get in. She didn't say anything, just looked at him with a puzzled expression. Qu Zhi seemed oblivious to any discomfort as he fastened his seatbelt and turned to look at Zheng Baozhu, "Why are you looking at me like that?"


Zheng Baozhu tugged lightly at the corner of her mouth, withdrew her gaze, and started driving.

When they arrived at Starlight Department Store, Zheng Baozhu went directly to Bunny's counter. Being a regular customer, she was already a prestigious VIP member, and the store staff warmly greeted her. In the past, when Zheng Baozhu came to buy clothes, she would mostly come with her girlfriends. Today, with a handsome and outstanding guy beside her, the staff couldn't help but steal a few more glances at him.

One of the staff members, while helping Zheng Baozhu choose clothes, asked, "Miss Baozhu, is that handsome guy your boyfriend? Is he a model?"

Zheng Baozhu glanced sideways at Qu Zhi. A man with such a tall and slender figure and a handsome face naturally stood out. Not only were the staff occasionally stealing glances at him, even some customers were looking at him.

Qu Zhi's looks indeed caused quite a stir.

"No, he's a scientist researcher," Zheng Baozhu replied.

The staff member looked surprised and glanced at Qu Zhi again, "A scientist? I couldn't tell. He has a great physique and a good temperament. Why don't you buy some men's clothing? We have a few new designs that would suit him well."


Zheng Baozhu said, "No need. He spends all his time in the lab and doesn't have a chance to wear them."

"Alright," The staff member took out a half-knit gold tie and handed it to Zheng Baozhu, "I saw this tie and thought it would suit you perfectly! The gold color exudes elegance, and the pattern is subtle and natural."

"It really is beautiful," Zheng Baozhu felt an immediate liking for the tie; it seemed tailor-made for her.

"Let me put together a set for you. It's the end of the year now, you can wear it for attending events and such."


"You can also try this bag; it's one of our new arrivals and complements the tie well."

Zheng Baozhu took a look at the bag; it was nice, but she had received a bag as a gift from Meng Yaxin recently and hadn't had a chance to use it yet. That bag was also sparkling, and it could match this tie as a set, "I don't need the bag for now; help me find a shirt."

"Sure," As the staff member brought over the matching shirt, they also brought a few accessories for Zheng Baozhu. She tried them on, and the overall effect was impressive, exuding an aura of luxury.

"Miss Baozhu, this tie looks exceptionally suitable on you. Not everyone can pull off a gold look like this!" The staff member began showering Zheng Baozhu with compliments, "And with these accessories, you look so dazzling and luxurious!"

Zheng Baozhu knew they were exaggerating to encourage her to buy the entire set, but it did look good, and she wouldn't regret the purchase. As she changed direction in front of the mirror, she noticed the spot where Qu Zhi had been standing earlier was now empty.

The staff member astutely noticed her gaze and said, "That gentleman just left suddenly without saying anything. He might have gone to the restroom."

Zheng Baozhu didn't believe he had gone to the restroom; he probably just didn't want to wait around while she tried on clothes. After all, Qu Zhi was never fond of people who dress up with jewelry and accessories.

"Never mind him," Zheng Baozhu said to the staff member after she finished looking in the mirror, "I'll take the entire set."

"Sure, sure. Is there anything else you find not quite right? We can make alterations for you."

"No need, everything fits well," Zheng Baozhu was about to change back into her own clothes when she saw Qu Zhi return. He was carrying a bag with the logo of Sweet Treats, a famous dessert shop. Zheng Baozhu walked over and glanced at the paper bag in his hand, "You bought some desserts?"

"Yes," Qu Zhi nodded, "I heard Sweet Treats is famous here."

Zheng Baozhu understood and responded with an understanding tone. Qu Zhi had a similar preference to her for enjoying desserts. Sweet Treats had been established in the past few years, and as Qu Zhi had spent most of his years abroad, he hadn't been to this place yet for desserts.

"I also bought a piece of strawberry mousse cake; I remember you like this kind," Qu Zhi opened the paper bag to show Zheng Baozhu. She lowered her head and peeked into the bag, finding a piece of strawberry cake inside.

"Really? Are you planning to treat me to cake?" Zheng Baozhu looked at him suspiciously. Qu Zhi cleared his throat and explained, "You treated me to supper last time, so it's just returning the favor."


"And besides, I don't have anything to do while waiting here," Qu Zhi added.

Hearing his words, Zheng Baozhu playfully raised her hand and said, "Who said you have nothing to do? Can't you help me pick out clothes? Look, how about this one?"

Qu Zhi's gaze stayed on the outfit for a few seconds before he slightly averted his eyes, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, "It suits you."

Zheng Baozhu was waiting for him to mock her, but she didn't expect him to respond that way. It almost caught her off guard.

What's going on with Qu Zhi? Did he change his stance?

Looking at him, Zheng Baozhu said, "Really? Are you actually praising me? Aren't you supposed to say, 'Huh, I think you should change your name to Zheng Baoqi; it suits you better'."

Qu Zhi: "..."

He had indeed said that before.

Zheng Baozhu observed him curiously when he didn't respond, "Why do I feel that you've been acting strangely recently?"

"... Do I?" Qu Zhi slightly pursed his lips.

"Yes," Zheng Baozhu stated firmly, "You're not secretly planning something big, are you?"

Qu Zhi remained silent for a moment and then asked, "Are you done with your selection?"

"Yes," Zheng Baozhu glanced at him and went to change into the outfit. Afterward, she paid and left with Qu Zhi.

On the way back, Qu Zhi still sat in the passenger seat, and Zheng Baozhu realized she had become accustomed to this arrangement.

So Qu Zhi was adopting the strategy of befriending the enemy? It must be that; he might be waiting for the right moment to strike!

However, he wouldn't have tampered with the strawberry cake, so she could still take it back to eat.

Qu Zhi bought himself a matcha fruit mousse cake. After finishing it, he took a shower and prepared to dry his hair before going to bed. After he was done bathing, he put on a bathrobe and held a large towel to dry his hair as he walked out.

The phone on the bedside lit up. Qu Zhi picked it up to check. It was a message from Qi Sheng.

Qi Sheng: Have you and Miss Baozhu gone back already? 

Qu Zhi: Just say what you want.

Qi Sheng: ...You really lack humor.

Qu Zhi: Strange, why should I humor you?

Qi Sheng: :)

Qi Sheng: Then I'll just say it directly. What bad thing did you do when you were in school that caused Miss Baozhu to have a bad impression of you until now?

Qu Zhi: ?

Qi Sheng: Stop pretending. She mentioned it today. It seems she was still angry about it.

Qu Zhi furrowed his eyebrows. What bad thing did he do when he was in school? He also wanted to ask Zheng Baozhu about it.

Qi Sheng: Did you abandon some kid back then? I think that's the mistake you're most likely to make.

Qu Zhi: ... My biggest mistake was joining the same company as you.

Qi Sheng: :)

Qu Zhi put down the phone and didn't bother responding to him further. However, while drying his hair, he kept pondering about this question.

What bad thing did he actually do?

On the other hand, Zheng Baozhu had finished her cake and went to sleep immediately. She wasn't concerned about the calories or anything like that. The next day, she still didn't receive any acting job, so there was no need to go to the Film and Television City. She realized that in this industry, there were many actors vying for limited roles, and not getting a job was a common occurrence for supporting actors.

However, Zheng Baozhu wasn't worried. Without any acting gigs, she continued practicing acting and lines in her room while watching videos. The morning passed quickly. She checked the time and sent a message to Xiao Yu, asking for lunch to be delivered by the robot.

These days, Zheng Baozhu had been particularly fond of using the robot and didn't bother going downstairs to eat.

At this moment, Xiao Yu was teaching a delivery guy how to use the robot. The delivery guy wore a helmet and listened attentively.

"How is it? Isn't it easy to operate?" Xiao Yu, who had already learned from Qi Sheng for two days, was now a proficient user of the robot and explained everything to the delivery guy, "This way, when we're busy, you can also use it on your own. It will save time."

"Yeah, got it," the delivery guy nodded and lifted the round robot, "Technology is really advanced nowadays."

"Exactly, technology changes lives!" Xiao Yue said, then noticed a young man walking into the hotel's lobby. He was wearing a big coat and a plaid scarf. After entering, he looked around.

"Hello," Xiao Yue greeted him, feeling that the man seemed familiar.

Strange, where had she seen this person before?

Before she could figure it out, the man had already approached the front desk and said, "Hello, I'm looking for Liang Huihui."

Xiao Yue was taken aback, but she finally remembered where she had seen this person!

Wasn't this the scumbag, Li Yifan?!