Chapter 96: Blood Magic

Chapter 96: Blood Magic

Neville heard the most ridiculous thing he ever thought he will hear from any being in his life.

"Atone for a Sin? A Sin? Do I look like a muggle preacher to you? You said you atoned for your sins, and I would read muggle holy scriptures, ask Muggle God for forgiveness, and then let you free?"

Neville mocked the serpent.

"Then what? The killing, the only killing in my life was an accident. I was bound by the 'blood magic' and even though I have my own intent and purpose, I cannot overcome the blood magic itself!" The Basilisk spoke in anger. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"I have protected Hogwarts for centuries. For centuries. Do you think otherwise the monsters hiding in the forest outside would leave the kids alone? The Acromantula colony, alone would destroy the entire forest and attack the Hogwarts kids without my presence.

So, tell me the great righteous fledgling, have I not done enough? Have I not served my cause?

Why must I die?"

The Basilisk finished his monologue and almost roared in Neville's ears.

In a jerk, Neville was pushed outside of the fog, and he came back to his sense. He was still on his bed and his suitcase was still under his bed. But he knew. He knew everything that just happened, was not a dream or an illusion.

"Why must I die?"

"Why must I die?"

"Have I not served my cause? Have I not done enough?"

These questions that Basilisk asked Neville were still loud and clear in Neville's ears and he couldn't sleep anymore. There are things he needs to know and information that must be verified.

However, it's not like he can ask these things from his professors without raising enough suspicion or getting grilled by his Nan. What would he say? Hello Nan! Caught a live Basilisk that can kill me if I just look into its eyes, and I had a perplexing conversation with it?

No, he must go back and check Longbottom's library. There must be books related to blood magic and beasts and contracts.

Unable to sleep or think properly, Neville put this matter on hold for the time being and got freshened up. Soon, Harry and Ron also came with Dean and all the four boys wore their uniforms properly and left for the party.

"Headmaster's Phoenix! Headmaster dropped one drop of his tear and it healed perfectly." Hermione whispered in Neville's ear and Neville realised he missed another detail from this year's adventure story.

Phoenix tears have the ability to heal anything. It is imbued with the magic of rebirth and the essence of Phoenix's life magic.

'I should try to find a Phoenix myself!' Neville thought but then he caught a key point.

'No one apart from Dumbledore's family ever had a phoenix. There is no one in Britain and even in America. No one. Why? and How?' Neville thought of this and kept this point in his mind.

"Let's go to Party. I think Pansy would be happy to find you there," Neville dragged the bushy head by hand and soon mixed with the cheerful crowd going for the same.


"Ting...Ting...." Headmaster Dumbledore knocked his glass with a metal spoon silencing the whole crowd.

"Before we begin the feast, I hope you can listen to few words from this old man.

Dance, Eat and Laugh.

Now, Begin!"

Professor Dumbledore finished his speech in the shortest time possible and the whole Hogwarts was enveloped with the festive mood.

There were some ghosts that were invited by the Professors like the headless horse rider and Pumpkin head Swordsmen who scared and amused the kids.

The large towers of delicious food designed in scary beasts shapes and monsters also increased everyone's appetite.

And finally, before the end, Fawkes suddenly came flying from somewhere and sang a beautiful uplifting tune before flying away. That just detonated the cheering of kids before the party ended.

All in all, this was one of the best Halloween in Hogwarts and it was partly credited to Halloween Hero, Harry Potter who won 200 points for Gryffindor.

(Hermione disapproves the silly and dangerous action from Harry Potter and excessive points given by Professors. Both she and Pansy lost in the points fight because of this injustice.)