Chapter 2: Hogwarts and Hogwarts

Chapter 2: Hogwarts and Hogwarts

"Hog, Hogwarts?"

After hearing the words of the young man in front of him, Jon's face showed complete shock.

The parchment that floated in front of him contained a bolded English title "Notice of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" at the top.

The letter of acceptance is too long, but apart from the title, the text below is written in a language that Jon has never seen before, and at the bottom of the letter, there is a school crest.

It is not the crest with four animals, a lion, eagle, badger and snake, surrounding an H, as he recalls it.

Rather, it consisted of a dark green, tongue-spitting snake coiled around an H.

Jon had certainly seen the Harry Potter books and films in his previous life, and only a week before he crossed over, he had rewatched the first four films and remembered this whole magical story very well.

What he had never anticipated was that the world he had arrived in is actually the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

The parchment that is currently floating in front of him, and the quill that approached his hand as if it couldn't wait for him to hold it, is definitely not a magic trick.

At such a close distance, Jon is certain that the parchment and the quill are not manipulated by any transparent threads or any other blindfold tricks, but are just floating in the air in front of him!

The way the young man is dressed, the era he is in, the name of Hogwarts and the magic on display all ascertain Jon that he has indeed arrived in the world of Harry Potter!

But not only he didn't feel any excitement, but he was getting calmer and calmer, and the feeling that something wasn't right just kept building up in his heart.

Why did the Hogwarts crest no longer match the one he remembered?

Why this method of recruiting new students for admission is so different from the one in the original?

Why this acceptance letter is written in a language he could not understand, shouldn't this be in English?

Who is this young man in black robes that is recruiting him? Which one of the Hogwarts professors is he?

The first two questions he simply could not ask at this time, and just as Jon hesitantly thought of asking the name of the young man, the other man had spoken before him.

"I inquired about your life here, Mr Green."

His voice sounded very gentle, and he seemed to have enough patience to explain to Jon about this school of magic.

"A year or so ago, something happened to you that the muggles around you had no way to understand; it is a sign that the gift of magic has manifested itself in you, and these people at the orphanage had no way of accepting the existence of magic, which is why they rejected you like this."

"But in Hogwarts, it is very different, it is where all your kind is, you have the same kind of origin as them, along with the same abilities, you don't have to suffer the same exclusion as you do here, and the professors at the school will teach you magic exclusively."

"There will be a welcome dinner for you when you enter the school, there will be a warm common room, a variety of food that will vary from day to day, the professors will be kind, the students will be friendly, Hogwarts Castle is the best place for you to belong."

The young man's words were unhurried, but Jon always felt he seemed hurried, so hurried that he had forgotten to even introduce himself.

"Sir, you-"

"Just sign your name on this notice, Mr Green. Or do you have any doubts about what I've said?" He asked with a smile.

It is easy to gain the trust of a young child with that smile, but his eyes didn't match the smile at all. There is an extremely deep hidden coldness and boredom that Jon caught keenly at the very beginning of their meeting.

Precisely this contrast made Jon feel alienated to the core.

"No, I have no doubts sir, it's just that you..."

"Since you have no doubts, sign the acceptance notice, we have other things to do next, like getting you a wand and buying a school uniform or something."

Lily Potter.

Both the name and the family name seemed incredibly familiar to Jon, but if he really had crossed over into the world of Harry Potter, then the owner of that name shouldn't even be here at this time!

So he did not, at first, give his trust to the woman known as Lily.

If she really is the same Lily from the story, then she is credible, but who can prove that the person in front of him is the same witch who should have died 10 years ago?

So instead of making a choice right away, Jon looked over at the young man in black robes, with the quill in his hand, he took a deep breath and finally this time he managed to ask the question that he had been repeatedly interrupted from asking three times.

"Sir, what I've actually been trying to say is that you haven't introduced yourself to me as who you are?"

Such a question was obviously very out of place in such a situation, because in the perception of the other two, even if Jon knew the youth's identity it would be meaningless to his next choice.

The youth suppressed the annoyance and impatience in his mind and simply dismissed it as a childish fit of temper on Jon's part, his face reverting to the gentle, patient smile he had worn before.

"I'm sorry, Mr Green, I just forgot to introduce myself to you. My identity is that of a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic stationed at Hogwarts and also a Professor of Charms Class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Barty Crouch"

The moment he heard the young man's name, Jon's entire body froze, and the first thing that came to his mind was the image of a serious and old-fashioned Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation, who is already in his old age.

Barty Crouch.


Not that Barty Crouch!

It should be. Barty Crouch Jr!

Jon didn't hesitate any longer after his realization, now even a ghost knows who to choose!

He slapped away the acceptance notice that was floating in front of him, threw away the quill and without hesitation placed his hand in Lily's!

Lily was obviously a little taken aback by Jon's reaction, but she moved with unparalleled swiftness, waving the wand in her hand with a fluid motion.


The bodies of the two were instantly distorted into a swirl, and then in the next second, they completely disappeared from the spot!

And it was at that point that the young man, who should more precisely be called Barty Crouch Jr, spoke out the enticement he prepared to give to Jon earlier.

"- I can give you plenty of care when we get to Hogwarts-"

Before Barty Crouch Jr could finish his sentence, Lily had taken Jon away in front of him.

He stared blankly at the yard that had reduced to just him playing a one-man show, the disguise on his face finally unable to maintain anymore.

His pale face became incredibly grim and hideous, his fury made the veins on his forehead bulge, and then he yelled out the boy's name word by word.

"Jo! En! Gre! En! Damn it! Lowlife mudbloods!!!"


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