Chapter 6: Hogwarts on the Wagon

Chapter 6: Hogwarts on the Wagon

No words can even describe the complexity in Jon's heart.

Facing this familiar and unfamiliar world, the thing that could bring him a slight sense of security most would be the news of the main protagonist group in the original story.

But now that Lily, who was supposed to have died protecting her son, is about to lead him to Hogwarts, the odds of Harry Potter, the prophesied saviour, being doomed are likely high.

Now there is news that Hermione Granger has been taken to Hogwarts, the "domestication camp" as Lily calls it.

The original golden trio seemed to be completely destroyed, and Voldemort's dark forces are many times more powerful than in the story.

This completely shattered Jon's initial illusion that the Plot-armour of the fated protagonists would still be there, and the world would still be saved.

His mood also sank to the bottom like the sun that is sinking in the west.

The sky gradually became completely dark, and both sides of the road, were illuminated by dim street lamps, and the secluded road lit up.

Lily suddenly stood up from the bench, unclenching the hand that had been holding her wand in her trouser pocket and pulling a silver, lighter-like object from her jacket pocket.

She pressed the button on the lighter and the next moment all the street lights on both sides of the road went out.

Once the light went out, it became completely dark. Read latest chapters at Only

When Lily pulled out her lighter, Jon stood up with her, his arm held by Lily, and it wasn't long before a sound of hoof beats could be heard faintly in the darkness.

"Hogwarts is coming."

The windows of the house in the distance shed bright light. As if it came to life, it jumped abruptly to one side and then jumped all the way back, as if to make way for something.

The sound of horses' hooves grew louder, almost close to his ears, and soon in the darkness, Jon could faintly see a huge wagon!

The wagon loomed about the same size as the safe house he had been to during the day, two or three metres high and five or six metres long, but the odd thing about it is that there is not a single shadow of a horse in front of the wagon, as if there is no creature pulling it at all, yet the clear sound of hoof beats sounded so real.

The wagon, which was pulled by nothing, came to a halt in front of Jon and Lily, and there is a man sitting in front of the wagon.

He looked like a gigantic and stout man, so well-proportioned for a wagon as big as a small house.

In his hands, he held two reins that connected to the air ahead of him, and in the darkness, Jon could not see his face, but he felt the caring gaze that was directed toward him.

Jon is no stranger to the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, who featured quite a bit in the original story, but he still visibly froze for a moment when he heard Professor McGonagall's self-introduction.

Noticing his reaction, Professor McGonagall asked with a slight frown.

"Do you have a question?"

Jon took a deep breath and shook his head.

"I don't have a question, Professor, I'm just a little nervous about being here for the first time."

Professor McGonagall looked at him, her serious face easing up a lot.

"Strange surroundings do make it hard to adjust at first, Green, but the professors and students at Hogwarts are easy to get along with, well a life in exile is something that basically no one will like, but this is a place where you could make friends."

Jon nodded with a serious look on his face and then followed Professor McGonagall towards the long corridor at the end of the entrance hall.

In fact, all he could think about now is a position that Professor McGonagall had just mentioned that she held on top of her original one.

Professor of Herbology.

After walking out of the entrance hall and not more than a few metres into the long corridor, Professor McGonagall pushed open a door on her left and led Jon in with her.

As they entered, a total of four pairs of eyes looked at them from the room behind the door in unison.

All of them are children about Jon's age, three boys and one girl, sitting on a bench in the middle of the room, and before they entered they did not look quite honest, each one talking to the other and exchanging ideas, but when they saw Professor McGonagall, they all became well-behaved and sat upright.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the children with a sharp gaze while gesturing for Jon to go and sit on the last empty seat on the bench.

"Wait here for a moment and I will take you all to obtain your wands later."


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