Chapter 54: Win-Gardi-Um-Le-Viosa-!

Chapter 54: Win-Gardi-Um-Le-Viosa-!

"To attempt to be brave is certainly a choice that one will never regret."

Slughorn praised as he raised his wand as well, and he looked pleased with Jon's choice, without the slightest hint of faked delight.

"If Hogwarts is still the same Hogwarts, I'm still the same Slytherin Head, then regardless of what, I would have taught you especially when you entered Slytherin House."

"Would such a pureblood house accept a student with a mudblood like me?" Jon scoffed in a low voice.

Slughorn said with undeniable seriousness.

"A true Slytherin is never judged by bloodline as an absolute standard, as long as the heart is noble, visionary, and willing to take absolutely daring action for their goals and ambitions, that is a perfect Slytherin."

"And then? Now in that Hogwarts castle with the snake as the school crest, is there a person who can be called a perfect Slytherin like this?"

"I'm sorry, actually, after leaving my position as Head of Slytherin, I never went back to that castle, but after I leave from here, I might visit there." Slughorn said with a relaxed tone.

He had completely run out of patience to continue chatting with Jon, and the tip of the wand in his hand aimed precisely at Jon's body.

"That's all for today, Jon. Don't worry, I'm looking forward to what you can grow into when we next meet, so no matter what choice you make, whether you stop me in the end or not, I won't hurt you."

As soon as his words fell, the tip of his wand glowed bright red!


Jon's voice also sounded almost at the same second!


The wand he held in his left hand didn't swing, but the moment the spell showed its effect, he dodged the stunning spell flying towards him with a speed far beyond that of a normal human, and charged straight towards the fat walrus!

Jon knows very well about the gap between himself and a veteran magic professor, whether it is the number of spells learned or the strength of the spell, even if he learns another decade he may not be able to catch up with the current level of accumulation Slughorn has.

The bright red spell shot out from the tip of his wand, so close that the spell itself had no chance of being shot out of line, and retained the fullest possible impact!

The shield charm protecting Slughorn's body was tainted red by the full body-bind curse!

But even so, the gap between the quality of the magic spell between the two still did not allow Jon's spell to break through the layer of protection, and it did not even manage to break a little, simply leaving some fine cracks like a spider web on the surface of the shield charm.

Even this was enough to bring an expression of surprise to Slughorn's face.

"A very satisfactory full body-bind curse, first-year students should not be taught about this in their classes at all, you have already surpassed the vast majority of your peers by being able to reach this level just by self-study."

During the time he was speaking, the vipers that littered the ground had already reached Jon's feet.

Jon's face did not show much disappointment when he failed to land a blow, and his eyes stared at Slughorn's eyes through the cracked gap of the shield charm that appeared as he calmly said.

"I originally intended to give you a surprise the day I saw you brewing the polyjuice potion, teacher. But now it's not too late to let you know."

He didn't swing his wand, didn't even bother to raise the wand in his hand again, and simply uttered softly through his lips, the incantation that is used by most wizards when they first learn magic.


The next moment, the "Levitation Charm", which had never been shown to the world besides Neville, showed its effect!

Just when the fastest viper had touched his shoes, the earth's gravity suddenly lost its pull on Jon, and a strange force made him float in mid-air!


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