Chapter 62: The Leaky Cauldron

Chapter 62: The Leaky Cauldron

London is bustling.

Voldemort's rule over the magical world does not seem to have affected the muggle world for the time being, after all, the time he took real control over the magical world is still a little too short.

Moreover, if he really is rational enough, he will not go after the muggles without any advance preparation.

Because if he were to do that, the enemy would not just be the muggles and the resistance within the British magic community, but the whole world's magic government, who would not allow the Statute of Secrecy to be broken.

The matter of ruling over wizards based on class division by bloodline can be said to be an internal matter of British wizards, but trying to expose the magical community to the public eye is tantamount to making enemies with wizards all over the world.

Jon believes that with Voldemort's almost unending desire for power, he certainly will not give up the ultimate dream of wizards ruling Muggles and classifying all Muggles as the lowest class than even Muggle-born wizards.

It's just, right now, he's far from ready to counter all of this.

At least until he completely standardizes his ideology throughout the international magical community, he probably won't do anything yet.

Dumbledore led Jon down the street, both of them still wearing their wizard robes, such a costume certainly looks very conspicuous in the modern world, attracting a lot of attention along the way.

Finally, they stopped in front of a bar that didn't fit in with the surrounding buildings. Compared to the other neon-lit signs, the wooden sign that said "The Leaky Cauldron Pub & Inn" looked like an antique handed down from the Middle Ages.

The muggles passing by here seem to be completely oblivious to this incompatible scene and ignore the old bar that seems to have travelled through time.

Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Jon, Jon nodded slightly, and then the two walked into the bar side by side.

While pushing the door in, Jon, in accordance with Dumbledore's instructions to him before coming, deliberately pulled out the wand that had been hidden in the sleeve, and then put it into the robe's coat pocket, revealing half of the obvious wand outside.

Not only he did do so, but Dumbledore also did the same, the wand he inserted in his pocket is not his very easily noticeable Elder Wand, the wand is very smooth and looks very ordinary.

After the bar door was pushed open, the doorbell made a "ding-dong" crisp sound.

"Well, I wish you all the best for today."

Jon remained silent throughout, only nodding slightly in greeting when Mr Borgin looked at him, showing a sharp contrast to his "brother's" character.

Dumbledore led him all the way through the bar, where not many wizards were seated, and they were all like Jon and Dumbledore, with the end of their wands exposed as if this is a kind of identification proof.

After walking out of the back door of the bar, they came to a backyard-like open space, where a brick wall, unpainted, stood directly facing them, and a dustbin was placed beside it.

This is the entrance to Diagon Alley, which is the same as the one in the original book without any changes, they walked towards the brick wall when Dumbledore said to Jon in a quiet voice.

"Wand is our proof of identity, in accordance with the 'Law of Wands' introduced by the Ministry of Magic five years ago, it is illegal for Muggle wizards to have any access to wands, they are deprived of the right to use them, and now the same applies to our entry into Diagon Alley, Muggle wizards without wands have no means to even enter that bar just now. The wall is also a barrier that requires a wand to open, which means that all Muggle wizards are also barred from entering and leaving Diagon Alley except in special circumstances."

Jon listened to the explanation Dumbledore gave him in silence, he spent the whole year of his contact with the magical side in the Hogwarts wagon, and all information he has heard about the current situation of the magical community was from hearsay.

This is the first time he has ever visited the magical side other than the wagon, and he didn't even enter Diagon Alley yet, but the whole class system of the magical society was already in front of him.

And just when he was reflecting, Dumbledore at some time took the wand in his hand and gently tapped a certain brick on the wall.

The next second, the brick shivered and began to move, a small gap appeared in the centre, and the gap became larger and larger, in no time a wide archway appeared in front of them, which led to a winding, twisting, cobblestoned street with no visible destination.


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