Chapter 68: Hell and Heaven

Chapter 68: Hell and Heaven

A boy who looked about 14 or 15 years old stood up from the ground with a numb face.

Dolohov looked at him, and he looked at Dolohov.

"Do you know what your score for this holiday is?"

The boy named Tyler said in a voice that sounded like it was devoid of any emotion.

"My work did not satisfy the gentleman who provided me with room and board, and he gave me a failing grade."

Dolohov smiled sinisterly and held the pair of shackles in front of his body.

"Put your hands in them yourself."

Taylor cooperated like a robot as he placed his skinny, bony hands into the shackles.

Dolohov slammed the shackles shut, then threw the chain attached to them onto a ring in the centre of the room.

The next moment, the boy, who in normal society would have been in junior high school at most, was hoisted up!

With his feet off the ground, his entire body looked like it had been hung up in a slaughterhouse, lifeless dead meat, gently swaying in mid-air.


With a loud popping sound, the whip struck him hard on the back!

The pain made Taylor's breathing ragged, his stagnant water-like eyes seemed to have some kind of fluctuation, but his face still had the same dead expression.

"You were part of that gang last semester, weren't you?"

Dolohov's smile never disappeared, and this kind of violence seemed to bring him great satisfaction.

"What is the only meaning of living for a mudblood? Answer me, Stebbins! This is something that you have learned in your very first class at school!"

The boy spoke with difficulty, each syllable he uttered now seemed to take a great deal of effort.

"To serve the purebloods, sir."

The freshmen were dumbfounded by the brutal scene, and many were already crying out, this is completely different from what Mr Crouch had said when he coaxed them into signing the letter.

There is no lively great hall, no loving professors, and no friendly classmates.

There was only a dark, damp basement, a tyrannical professor, cold shackles and brine-stained whips.

The contrast between heaven and hell was too much for them to handle, but they could only cower helplessly in the corner, crying their heads off. Follow current novels at

Jon couldn't help but take a deep breath when the whip fell on Taylor.

He is a freshman from a new pureblood family, and if we follow the old pureblood classification in the magical world, this kind of person is just a "half-breed", not qualified to sit at the same table with him to share a meal.

But after Voldemort ruled the magical world, he identified purebloods, half-bloods and mudbloods according to the situation at that time.

A wizard whose parents were not wizards was naturally the lowest-class mudblood.

The requirement for half-bloods is that one of the parents must be a wizard or both of them.

In addition to the twenty-eight recognized families in the magical world, purebloods, those whose parents are all wizards for three generations upwards, are also included in the pureblood class.

This kind of class classification is only unique in the year that Voldemort just took power in the magical world, once all the existing wizards determine their own class, this class would be completely finalized and passed on hereditarily forever.

The children of purebloods will always be purebloods, the children of half-bloods will always be half-bloods, and the children of mudbloods will always be mudbloods.

And it is forbidden to intermarry between different classes.

Those wizards who are classified as purebloods because three generations of their parents' ancestors were all wizards are also known as new faction purebloods in the magical world.

This particular faction could be considered Voldemort's hardcore followers, a group of people who are most loyal to him in the entire magical world, far beyond most of the old pureblood families like the Malfoys in this regard.

The number of new purebloods is not small, Voldemort partly pulled and divided the wizards with the status "half-blood", which allowed the largest group of wizards to be further reduced in volume, and it also generated conflicts and contradictions between half-bloods and new purebloods, as well as new purebloods and old purebloods, which is more conducive to his control of the entire British magical world.

The strategy of subdividing the different identity labels within the different classes, so that the external conflicts they are meant to cause are transferred into internal ones, proved to be very successful.

This is evident in Hogwarts Castle, where Draco, who comes from the old faction of purebloods, simply does not recognize the freshmen from the new faction of purebloods.

In his eyes, these pureblood wizards are just 'fakes' with pureblood status who have no family history and are purely the product of the great gentleman's muddled mind.

Of course, such thoughts could only be mused in his head, because in the middle of the high platform at the great hall, the Hogwarts Headmaster, who always looked as handsome as he did in his youth, had already sat down in the main chair at some point.



If you want to be considered a pureblood, your family should have to be wizards for more than three generations, and this is in fact even true in the original book, the pureblood status isn't just limited to the twenty-eight families.

For example, when I wrote my first two books, many people questioned why even though Harry Potter's parents, James and Lily, were clearly wizards, he was considered a half-blood; it was mainly because although Lily was a wizard, her parents and grandparents were pure Muggles.

That's why the original Harry was always emphasized as a half-blood.


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