Chapter 72: Brainwashing

Chapter 72: Brainwashing

Certainly, there is more than just a spell-casting class available for the mudbloods.

After finishing the morning class, the students went back to their dormitories. During the time when they did not have classes as well as work, as they did not have any leisure activities, they basically just stayed in their own little tiny space.

After lunch, they had one more class today, in the same classroom as the spellcasting class, and this class is a history of the magic class.

The professor for this class was not the ghost professor "Binns", it was strange; since Jon came to the castle last night, he did not know whether it was due to his bad luck or something else, but he did not encounter any ghost silhouettes.

The man who taught them the history of magic was a medium-sized male wizard named "Evan Rozier", from the Rozier family that belongs to one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight families, this male wizard is obviously an old faction pureblood.

Compared to Professor Sinistra in the morning, this Professor Rozier was much more hostile.

His face never showed any friendly expression since he entered the classroom, and after a quick glance at the students below, he coughed lightly.

"Well, I have to come here to face you all once again. To be honest, I have handed in my resignation request five or six times, but Sir Headmaster always refused to approve it, as if he thought, only I could teach you all the best. I'm not questioning the decision of the sir, but the gap between mudbloods and normal wizards just exists objectively, I don't think education alone will make you guys as good as you should be, the ones who should really be here to teach you should be those house elves" nove(l)bi(n.)com

He grumbled, talking nonsense for a long time in front of the students before he started his teaching.

There is certainly nothing to say about the history of magic that is meant to educate the mudbloods. The historical events he told were all about how ancient pureblood wizards fought for the interests of wizards, how pureblood wizards invented magical spells, improved wands, promoted the development of magic, and so on.

The mudbloods who tried to rebel against the pureblood rule would be nailed to the pillar of shame even after their death.

It is not strange to instil false values in the present by distorting past history, and it is fair to say that there are many ruling classes who have done this all the time in every society.

In the end, even the real history will be hidden and completely buried, only those fabricated stories will become the "history" known to future generations.

And now Voldemort's rule over the British magical world is still relatively short, and there is still a long way to go before the fake becomes real.

Here the students simply do not have any chance to resist, the absolute difference in strength in front of them can only make them accept the reformation passively.

In just two days of coming to this castle, Jon clearly perceived the so-called "taming camp" statement isn't actually exaggerated.

During the first two days of school, Jon did not act rashly.

He is not an impatient person, before completing the task given to him by Dumbledore and his desire to find the stone of the ring, he first wanted to ensure that he could safely stay in the castle.

This includes familiarizing himself with the interpersonal relationships of the boy named "Smith", as well as the gesture casting skill.

He first needs to make sure of his ordinary everyday life, in order to continue the next step of exploration work.

And just a week after Jon came to the castle, the time Dumbledore decided to give him the necessary ingredients for the polyjuice potion arrived.

Without any contacts, all Jon had is a specific location outside the castle near the forbidden forest, and he needed to find the opportunity to reach that place by himself.

And on the weekend of the first week of school, there was an opportunity for him to go out of the castle.

Dolohov had gathered all the Mudblood students to perform a major clean-up on the Quidditch pitch, which had been out of use for two months, in order to prepare in advance for the Quidditch matches that would be played by the pureblood and half-blood houses afterwards.


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