Chapter 75: Responsiveness

Chapter 75: Responsiveness

The lively Hogwarts Castle during the day is silent after nightfall.

Jon went up the stairs and made his way to the seventh floor, treading on steps that were not as vibrant as they were during the day.

This particular floor is not only off-limits to mudblood students, but also to other half-bloods as well as purebloods.

Because, the current owner of Hogwarts Castle, Voldemort's Headmaster's office is located here, although he will basically only come to Hogwarts Castle once a year on the opening day of the academic year, his own authority in the school is not half diminished.

Plus, Deputy Headmaster Snape and Castle Caretaker Dolohov explicitly prohibited entry, so no students have ever thought of going near the Headmaster's office.

After Jon arrived at the seventh floor, he did not directly go to the Headmaster's office, even though the objective of his infiltration is most likely to be in this office.

He went to the blank wall opposite the tapestry of "Trolls Beating Barnabas (Troll Tapestry)" and wandered back and forth three times wearing the cloak of invisibility. Read latest chapters at Only

'I need a room that only Jon Green can open to make potions.'

He repeated these words silently in his mind, and without realizing it, a normal-looking door emerged on that blank wall.

Jon focused on the door, and did not try to open it, but stood still and took a deep breath while reaching his left hand into his sleeve and feeling the Fawkes feather that had been hidden under his sleeve.

Opening the Room of Requirement is a gamble for him.

In the original story, this room was not discovered by Harry Potter until much later, in fact, Voldemort had already discovered this room when he was a student, and later he even hid the Ravenclaw diadem that was made into a Horcrux.

Jon has no idea whether or not Voldemort has Horcruxes, and if so, will he continue to store them in the Room of Requirement? - However, what is certain is that Voldemort is aware of the existence of this hidden room.

Since he knows about it, there is a possibility that he might have placed some arrangements here; so, for Jon, opening this room is a very risky move.

There were all kinds of discarded miscellaneous things piled up here, there were crippled desks and chairs, there were broken flying brooms, broken statues and portraits with broken frames.

Jon carefully looked through the various piles of miscellaneous items, and he searched for about 20 to 30 minutes according to his memory before finding the wooden cabinet with a blistered surface, and there was a statue of a wizard covered with pockmarks on top of the cabinet, with a certain wig on his head.

But there is only that, Jon did not find any suspicious circular objects around, let alone a diadem.

Voldemort must have taken the Horcrux.

Although this trip did not bring Jon any actual harvest, but it confirmed a suspicion in his mind.

The reason why Voldemort has now changed, there is a great possibility that it is related to his Horcruxes; since his repeated soul splitting made him more and more crazy and irrational; then what if he retrieved his split souls, he would inevitably change back to the once "Tom Riddle".

Jon did not continue to stay in the room, he exited the room, and then watched the door in front of his eyes slowly disappeared into the wall.

There is still a long time left to the night, and he actually has quite a few things he wants to do, such as visiting the library in the castle or making a trip to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class professor's office, or to at least take a look at the Headmaster's office entrance that is not that far from him.

The cloaked Jon stared at the entrance to the Headmaster's office, and after a half minute of hesitation, he took a step forward.

He would not do something as reckless as going straight in, but sooner or later he had to find out exactly what the situation inside the office is, so why not check the way in and entrance tonight?


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