Chapter 77: Caretaker's Office

Chapter 77: Caretaker's Office

When the afternoon class was over, Hermione went to get the tools they needed to clean the lavatory, but Jon found an excuse not to go over together.

He walked out of the classroom alone, and then entered the special lavatory for mudbloods, and put on the invisibility cloak.

The time was already late in the evening, but not yet completely dark. In such an environment, Jon could not be easily detected by other students as long as he walked close to the wall and paid some attention carefully.

He also cast a levitation charm on his body at the same time after putting on the cloak of invisibility, so that he can move more swiftly and more feather-light next.

As he made his way up a staircase that no mudbloods were normally supposed to step on, he encountered a number of half-blood and pureblood students who had also just got out of their classroom and were walking down the stairs towards the great hall to have their meal.

They talked and laughed, just like normal students in a normal school, passing by Jon, without noticing that a mudblood who is not supposed to be there is heading upward.

Jon moved quickly, counting the stairs silently in his mind, and took less than half a minute to get from the ground floor to the fourth floor, which had already become deserted, with most of the students leaving to go to the great hall.

And just as Jon arrived at the fourth floor, Dolohov happened to be coming out of his office, he turned over and closed his office door, then passed by Jon and walked down the stairs.

This was certainly no coincidence. In the three weeks of his arrival at the castle, Jon had been observing Dolohov's behaviour every day, and he had basically figured out the castle caretaker's daily routine.

Some professors would have their meals brought directly to their offices by the house elves, while Dolohov liked to go to the great hall, where he seemed to enjoy the feeling of his students bowing to him and calling him "Mr Dolohov".

So his three meals a day are served in the great hall, just like the normal students. That means that right after mealtime, his office will be empty for roughly half an hour, and this is the opportunity Jon has been eyeing all week.

After personally watching Dolohov walk down the stairs, Jon approached his office door with quick steps.

The door was not locked, because no student in the castle would dare to sneak into this perverted caretaker's office.

Jon carefully pushed the door open, and then closed it again.

"What are you afraid of, he is only fond of those shackles he has, and will never check if the collected confiscated items missing or not, we will not be found out. Besides, what can he do even if we got found out? My father is the head of the Auror Office, and both of your fathers are working in the Ministry of Magic, so he will only detain us for a few days at most, he won't do anything to us."

The conversation at the outer door continued, and Jon had already tightened the invisibility cloak on himself and hid under the desk.

The door to Dolohov's office room once again was opened from the outside by three students, and Draco Malfoy and his two followers, Crabbe and Goyle entered.

With nowhere near as much caution as Jon, they just poked their heads into the office, as if trying to steal the prohibited items from here that had been taken away by Dolohov earlier.

"Go look in that cabinet over there, Goyle, and watch your movements a bit, don't make a mess of things."

Jon watched from under the desk as the three of them also made their way to the wooden cabinet and began rummaging through it, but they were obviously much luckier than Jon and soon found what they were looking for.

The item was found by Crabbe, it is a blue orb, roughly about the size of a ping pong ball.

Draco took the orb as soon as he was able to, with an excited expression on his face.

"I brought it to school secretly from home without my dad's knowledge, and luckily Dolohov didn't throw it into that room on the ground floor like he threw the other half-breed bastards' things. I don't want to go over to the ground floor to find my stuff and meet up with the mudbloods!"


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