Chapter 112: Question

Chapter 112: Question

Mudblood students were scheduled to clean the Owlery on Thursday morning.

Even after going to a club gathering hosted by Barty Jr, Dolohov did not miss out on his work the following day.

He rushed back to the castle early in the morning to open the underground dormitory door, let the Mudblood students out for their first class of the morning, and then arranged for them to clean the Owlery after class.

This is where the owls owned by pureblood and half-blood students are housed by the school, which can smell worse than the lavatory and is the hardest place to clean.

Jon mentally measured the time, Dumbledore gave him a time range from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m., but he needs to take the students out before 11:30.

If it is dragged until after 11:30, it will be lunchtime, when most students and professors will head to the great hall, and the more people there are, the more difficult it will be.

The best time period is between 11:00 and 11:30 when the pureblood and half-blood students are not yet out of class and there are not many professors in the hallway, so Jon can quickly bring these first and second-year kids to the entrance of the secret passage on the third floor as long as he moves quickly.

The distance from the ground floor to the third floor didn't require much time, but the width of the one-eyed hunchbacked witch statue is limited to one person at a time, and there are close to twenty students in the first and second years, including Jon.

And even if they are really fast enough to send everyone into the secret passage, it is at least will take half an hour to go down from the entrance to the exit of Hogsmeade, during which time those who discovered the problem will definitely do something, and will find a way to block the area around Hogwarts Castle, including the Hogsmeade village.

That time even if Dumbledore sent the Order of the Phoenix men, a vicious battle is bound to follow.

In that kind of scenario, there is no way to guarantee that there will be no casualties, it may be the members of the Order of the Phoenix, or maybe the children who were rescued.

But Jon could not think of any other better way, as he said to Aberforth last night, they can only try their best.

Jon let Hermione inform the first and second years about it last night because Hermione organized the gatherings this year, and her reputation among this crowd is very high, so these children will obviously be willing to listen to her words.

They arrived at the Owlery at 9:30 am and cleaned up at 10:50 am, which is not far off from the time Jon had predicted at the beginning.

"Mr Dolohov, can you answer a few questions for me?"

Everyone in the entrance hall heard her voice, and every one of the mudblood students who walked in front, except for those senior students with numb expressions, looked at Hermione who suddenly left the group and stood in front of the middle-aged wizard who was in name the castle caretaker but actually the jailer.

Dolohov, who had just closed the castle door behind him, also heard her voice, and he turned around with a gloomy face to look at the little mudblood who had obviously not followed the rules and had broken away from the group directly without any request.

However, before he could utter a word of reprimand, Hermione had pursed her lips and asked the "treacherous" question.

"Everyone is equal, this is the truth that even the muggles you despise the most and think that they are no different from animals can see, why do wizards think that people should be divided into three, six and nine classes?"

All the students who had not yet stepped out of the entrance hall were frozen, even Dolohov stood stunned.

"Why should a human being in the magical world be assigned his place in society at birth? Why is it necessary to define a person's life by that senseless bloodline?"

Dolohov finally reacted when she asked the second question, his face flushed red, and he became furious, not bothering to answer Hermione's question, nor did he instantly attack, but instead he yelled at the mudblood students who were still frozen in place and looking at Hermione in shock.

"Get back to the cellar! Immediately! Immediately! Bitter, Kate! Tell them all to stay in their dorm rooms! Keep an eye on them! Today's lunch is cancelled! No one is allowed to come out without my orders!"

The two heads panicked and began to scold the dazed students, rushing them to the dormitory, and by this time Dolohov had grabbed the collar of Hermione, dragging the thin girl along the floor and pulling out the chains he carried to bind her hands!


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