Chapter 121: The Traitor

Chapter 121: The Traitor

Lupin is wearing a decent black robe, his hair and beard have obviously been purposely tidied, or at least look much neater than Jon.

The prison escape plan from Azkaban and Jon's plan to escape with the children from the castle was synchronized, compared to the castle side, the escape from that prison is obviously much more violent.

Similarly, Dumbledore also let Moody with a lot more members of the Order of the Phoenix pick them up, after breaking through the Dementors' encirclement, they used the afternoon to get rid of the subsequent pursuit of Death Eaters who came to reinforce.

The prisoners who escaped were exhausted from the long torture they had endured in prison and the fierce battle they had fought today, so they fell asleep as soon as they returned to a safe place, so no banquet had been organized tonight for the wizards who had regained their freedom.

The celebration and welcome party within the Order of the Phoenix will not begin until Sirius and the rest have completely recovered.

However, Lupin's state is quite good, he was lurking and wandering around the island, without suffering any dementor abuse, so apart from the energy he consumed in today's battle, which was basically recovered after half an afternoon of rest, he has no other problems. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Originally, Dumbledore intended to let him continue to rest for a week before taking up his post here in Hogwarts, but Lupin took it upon himself to suggest that his state is all right and that he can come to the wagon today.

The students were obviously relatively unfamiliar with him, but Neville whispered an introduction to Jon and the rest of them.

"I know him, my father took me to meet him at the banquet when the Order of the Phoenix gathered a long time ago, he has a very nice personality and gave me a box of candy at that time."

Lupin took his seat at the long table and nodded with a gentle smile as he looked at the students who welcomed and applauded his arrival even though they might have felt uncomfortable or unfamiliar with him.

Jon looked at Lupin's appearance, his face looked a bit odd, in his memory, this messy, male wizard who ended up tragically in the original story also entered Hogwarts as a professor, but that was at the beginning of the third year, and now it is near the end of the second year, the time difference is not that far.

This makes Jon can't help but feel a sense of loss caused by the fact that things are not quite the same.

The banquet was over after Dumbledore finished announcing all the things, the students rescued from the castle were assigned to their dorm rooms in the wagon, they experienced a lot of shock and worry today, but they were not allowed to rest immediately, Dumbledore took them into an empty classroom alone, to deal with their enrolment pact.

Only near midnight, the children lay in a soft and comfortable four-poster bed that they had never experienced in another school, and soon slipped into dreamland.

Her body obviously tensed up, and breathing could not help but become rapid, Lupin also looked gloomy and stared at the corner of the desk.

This name, which seemed to have disappeared from the magical world, was never forgotten by them.

Seeing their reaction, Flitwick also could not help but sigh and raised his hand to pat Lily's arm to offer comfort. Dumbledore knew exactly why they became like this when they heard the name, and he took off his glasses with a slightly weary look.

"Do not relax your focus yet, we did achieve some success, but compared to the original loss, these successes are not enough to convert into our capital to obtain victory. Let's stop here for today, about where his attention is actually placed, that is left to me to investigate."

After Jon returned to the wagon, he found that life here remained the same as before he left without any major changes.

The rescued students are still divided according to their original grades, except for Hermione, Hanton, and other second-year students who are not temporarily attending classes with Jon and them, but instead, they have been integrated for the targeted remedial classes when they will receive their wands.

Their study time will become more compressed, after all, compared to the students on the wagon they have fallen behind quite a few essential classes that they should have taken.

But no one complained about this, after officially integrating into life here, Hermione and others studied magic with a lot of enthusiasm, they even use less rest time than others, and continue to spend most of their time outside of class to learn magic.

Jon was also catching up on the lessons he had missed after entering his second year, but it didn't affect him much.

On his fifth day back on the wagon, Dumbledore suddenly called him to his office.

"You did a great job with that task, as a reward for that, do you want to go out with me and relax for a few days?"


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