Chapter 124: The Wagon that cannot leave the land of England

Chapter 124: The Wagon that cannot leave the land of England

The view from the third floor of the Knight Bus was quite impressive.

With his back leaning on the side of the seat, Jon could see the bus passing through a muggle city thanks to the window on his side.

The magic bus was modified to travel incredibly fast, and the way it moved forward was very unique, rather than rolling forward on four wheels, it was more like jumping forward, which also caused its forward movement to be unusually bumpy.

The houses in front of the bus, before the bus hit them, they have moved from the route to the sides, and then after the bus departure, they returned to the original position, but it did not attract the attention of the roadside muggle pedestrians and people in the houses, seems very magical.

When the bus was passing between these houses, the nearest Jon could even hear, through a window, the sound of two boys plotting to steal the grapes from the neighbour's vine.

This sensation was novel, a bit like Jon's previous view from the driver's seat of the wagon, watching Hagrid driving the Hogwarts wagon, but with a very distinct twist.

"I went to see Professor Potter the day after I got back, intending to return the invisibility cloak to her, but she didn't accept it." Jon talked to Dumbledore about what happened when he returned the cloak of invisibility, "She said it would be in my custody for now, and if she needed it, she would ask for it back from me."

Dumbledore settled comfortably on the bed-like seat as well, as if he really had brought Jon out on just an ordinary trip this time.

"That thing means someone from her past that she misses, but it's incredibly painful for her to remember, and it's a good thing you're holding this cloak of invisibility for her."

Jon quickly changed the subject to something else, and he turned his head to Dumbledore.

"Professor, even if we are going to travel without Apparate directly to France, why do we have to go through the official channel of the Ministry of Magic? Wouldn't that carry the risk of exposure?"

"If we leave the country privately, that would only be more risky." Dumbledore explained softly, "Of course, the Order of the Phoenix has mastered a method to create an independent and secure temporary Floo Network, and also has a number of Portkeys for various parts of Europe, which we can use if we really want to bypass the restrictions."

"But the Ministry of Magic, under the control of the Dark Lord, has been tightly restricting the management of the entry and exit of British wizards for the past two years, and that branch of the Floo Network Authority in Wales is a new department that was set up only two years ago. I'm interested to see exactly what kind of preparations are required if two half-blood wizards with clear backgrounds and legitimate reasons for leaving Britain want to leave."

Jon could tell that Dumbledore really didn't try to cover it up, he truly wanted to learn about these things first-hand, but there must be a deeper reason why he wanted to find out about the departure procedures required for British wizards, which he didn't specify, and Jon didn't choose to ask. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

As the British Ministry of Magic did not have any solution to deal with these monsters, soon one of the former ministers decided to find a different way to tranquillize these positive emotion-sucking monsters.

Then the island of Azkaban became a prison, and the dementors living there were used as jailers. Wizard prisoners who committed major crimes would be imprisoned here and become a food source for the dementors, to pacify the monsters and prevent them from going to the British Isles to cause disturbances.

This measure has been used by the Ministry of Magic to this day, but the implementation of this process has always remained controversial, because the key is that the Dementors are the purest form of evil, the Ministry of Magic and their relationship, indeed, a case of a loss of moral justness.

And now Voldemort's government certainly does not have such concerns, so under his command, the current Ministry of Magic has become the government which has the most in-depth communication with the dementors.

So much so that they are now allowed to come directly to the British territory to search for escaped prisoners.

"The one you are looking for is not with us."

At the first sight of the dementor, Dumbledore said in a calm and emphasized tone.

But the dementor does not seem to listen to his words, it slowly floated forward, and the cold and despairing atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker, which nearly overwhelmed Jon enough to gasp for breath.

And at that point, the tip of Dumbledore's wand flashed with a silver ray, he used a tone of voice that didn't sound half threatening and slowly spoke.

"I advise you. It's best to leave now."


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