Chapter 132: Hogwarts Professors

Chapter 132: Hogwarts Professors

"Can I call you Jon?"

Gabrielle's mood was obviously much more relaxed than before she chatted with Jon, and she unconsciously wiggled her tiny transparent legs from above the tree branch.

Jon raised an eyebrow and said.

"Sure, is it alright for me to call you Gabrielle as well?"

The girl was obviously a cheerful character, and soon she became familiar with Jon.

"I've always wanted to go to a magic school, my sister is a Beauxbatons student, and she has very good grades, Madame Maxime has told me, that she has never seen a witch smarter than my sister before. But mama and papa said I need to be 11 at least to enrol in magic school."

" Well, you can enter magic school a little early now." Jon said.

"But the way I am now, there's no way to learn magic when I attend magic school." Gabrielle said with her hands on her chin, lost in thought, "Originally Papa had promised to give me a wand on my birthday this year."

"There is more than just learning the magic that you can do at school."

Jon laid back and relaxed on the grass, his mouth chewing on the bitter grass root, as he told Gabrielle about the people on the wagon.

"The people there are very interesting, although there are no Abraxans, the wagon is pulled by Thestrals, only those who have seen death can see this magical creature. Hagrid, who drives the wagon, has a Niffler named Beech, though he loves to steal things, he will befriend you if you are willing to give him a share of your cake."

"Professor Flitwick, who teaches the Charms class, usually keeps some cupcakes in his office drawer, and if a student happens to be sad about something, he will take out a cupcake he has to comfort the student, and the taste of the cupcakes he makes are much better than Hagrid's rock cakes."

"Professor Potter requested a small part of the greenhouse from Professor McGonagall, where she planted all kinds of flowers, Professor Potter never locked that room, if you are in a bad mood, you can go to that greenhouse full of flowers to spend some time alone; if you search behind the flower pots, you may probably be able to find some amulets made by the professor, if you like, you can take it. Professor will not ask you to return it, but she will make a new one when she has time and put it in the same place."

"Professor Dumbledore has a phoenix named Fawkes, he may seem very proud, but, in fact, I have found him more than once sneaking into the kitchen to steal chocolate, but it is best not to let him find out that you know about it, or he might become small-minded and not bring you with him when he Apparates."

"If you see a cat with a pattern around her eyes like glasses passing by on the wagon in the future, be sure not to pet her head or try to tease her with dried fish or other food, or else Professor McGonagall will stare at you quite badly in the future."

"The new Professor Lupin is not in good health, each month he will be very weak for a few days, but he is really nice and gave me a book when we first met, but I advise you not to go to his office easily, recently he is preparing teaching props for teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and they are not exactly playful creatures."

"Good evening, Mr Dumbledore, and Jon, and this ..."

He saw Gabrielle floating beside Jon and Dumbledore, and Hagrid, who had been a gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts Castle for decades before, had obviously seen ghosts, he just wasn't sure what to call Gabrielle at the moment.

Although she had relaxed enough after a few days of getting to know Jon, Gabrielle still seemed a little timid and reserved when meeting strangers.

"Gabrielle Delacour."

She looked at the male wizard, who seemed nearly as tall as Madame Maxime, and hid behind Jon and said her name.

Hagrid smiled and waved at her.

"First time seeing you, Hello Miss Delacour, you can just call me Hagrid."

"You can also call me Gabrielle."

After they had briefly acquainted themselves, Hagrid turned his gaze back to Dumbledore, his expression becoming slightly grave.

"Sir, there is something I have to tell you, during the time you have left, the magic on the surface of the wagon has been somewhat disturbed for some reason."

Dumbledore did not continue to talk with Hagrid here.

"Later I will come back to you to understand the specific situation, Hagrid, for now, it is best for us to continue our journey."


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