Chapter 143: The Patronus Charm and The Invisible Sword

Chapter 143: The Patronus Charm and The Invisible Sword

Jon was very interested in an advanced defence spell like Patronus Charm.

This spell may seem to be highly limited, only posing a greater threat to creatures like dementors without being able to kill them completely yet, but in fact, in most combat scenarios, a Patronus can be of great help to a wizard.

It is by no means just an illusory entity, but an actual creature that is coalesced by positive emotions.

And in future battles, the Dementors will certainly always be firmly on Voldemort's side, and the sooner he learns this charm, the better it will be.

Lupin did not object to teaching Jon the Patronus Charm, he was just a little surprised that Jon who only entered the third year wanted to learn such an advanced defensive art.

But he also knew that the boy in front of him is far more talented and intelligent than his peers, so he did not refuse, and from the beginning of the summer holiday, he spared time for Jon to come to his office, to teach him about the Patronus Charm.

Lupin's teaching ability is not bad at all, not to mention the Patronus Charm is one of his specialities.

During the three years he spent lurking in Azkaban, he taught more than thirty wizards imprisoned there to successfully summon their Patronus to eventually break out of the prison.

So he has a rigorous teaching system when it comes to this charm.

"In fact, if we have a dementor to cooperate with our teaching, to personally experience that feeling, you should be able to learn this charm at a rapid pace." Lupin's face, which always looked a little pale, had a serious expression, as he always does when teaching, "However, we are not in a situation where we are in the middle of an emergency, so we don't need to rush to speed up the progress so much."

"Come on, show me a demo, Jon, and let me see how well you've practised this charm over the course of this week." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Jon smiled as he took out his wand, and he followed Lupin's words and cast the Patronus Charm.

"Expecto Patronum."

He waved his wand, recited the incantation, all in one go, and it was clear that he had practised frequently.

But although there is not much progress in learning the Patronus Charm, in the other spell The Invisible Sword: Sectumsempra, Jon has made rapid progress.

He has been practising this spell for nearly half a month, Jon experimented with an old school desk, and he was able to use it to leave a half-centimetre-deep scar on the wooden table, which is enough to cause a fatal injury if it is replaced in a key area of the human body.

The effect of the Memory Charm is not visually obvious, this kind of magic spell can not be used freely on the human body, Jon also has no way to test to what extent he has practised it, but when he cast it on the experiment frog, it can make the memory of the dumb frog mistakenly think it is a fish, and sprawl on the ground on all four legs.

The summer holiday passed gradually in this way.

Still, no accidents occurred on the wagon, as if the speculations that Dumbledore had mentioned to Jon before, were all his imagination.

The two professors at Hogwarts, Lily and McGonagall, who were usually in charge of bringing in the new students, left the castle and went to look for all the magically gifted 11-year-olds according to the names and information on the Book of Admittance that Jon had brought back to the wagon.

Their target was only those students of Muggle origin, while students of half-blood and pureblood unless they were from the kind of families in which both parents knew them personally very well, they would not go to initiate contact.

Since Dumbledore was able to get Jon to infiltrate the castle, Voldemort could certainly think of letting children of the right age into the wagon.

This year, Lily and McGonagall's recruitment of students has become extremely smooth, without the Book of Admittance and the Quill of Acceptance, it is not an easy task for Hogwarts Castle to even screen the children of the right age from wizarding families to identify whether or not they have magical talent, let alone find a needle in a haystack like a Muggle child.

The fruits of what Jon risked his life to achieve last year are manifesting little by little on the wagon.


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