Chapter 145: Image

Chapter 145: Image

A student is missing, the first time this has happened in the wagon since it went into exile.

Moreover, Percy will be moving up to seventh grade after the summer break and is considered a half-adult wizard, not to mention that he has excellent grades and can be said to be at the top of his class in terms of strength. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Even if someone had sneaked into the wagon and abducted him, it would have been impossible without making even a little noise.

The originally scheduled small welcome dinner was cancelled, McGonagall after searching the entire wagon without any results, immediately sent a message to Dumbledore who was dealing with other matters in the Order of the Phoenix, and soon Dumbledore came to the wagon with a pale Weasley couple.

Apparently, at the time when the message was received, Ron's mother and father - Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley were with Dumbledore, so the moment they learned of their son's disappearance, they also followed to the wagon.

In the Headmaster's office, the professors all came here, except for Hagrid, who was driving, and Filch, who was watching the students in the great hall.

Arthur and Molly fidgeted, especially Molly whose eyes were a little red, but at least they kept their basic composure and listened to the professors sort out the day's situation.

"Percy was not found on the wagon, the odds of him being no longer here are high."

McGonagall's voice also became obviously a little anxious, it is clear that she actually cares a lot about Percy's well-being. It's not that she's partial to Percy, she would be this nervous if it happened to ANY of the students on the wagon.

Lily's voice, on the other hand, was much flatter.

"I brought the last of this year's freshmen back to the wagon this morning, and that's when Hagrid stopped once. The fireplace on the wagon was only connected to the floo network in Grimmauld Place, and there was no way to use the Apparition inside the wagon, so without the assistance of others, he could only have left the wagon at that point."

Arthur took a deep breath, his thoughts were fairly calm.

"Why did he need to leave the school without a word? When he came home some time ago, he was obviously happy about being a head boy when school started, and kept bragging to his younger siblings about it."

"You forget, Arthur." Molly's eyes were red, "He had a big fight with Fred and George before he went back to school from home, saying they had no respect at all for him as a brother."

"They've had a lot of fights like that before." Arthur shook his head and sighed, "I hardly think this one is any different from the previous ones, and even if they had a falling out between brothers he shouldn't have left school, now where would he go?"

The Headmaster's office abruptly went silent, and all the others obviously followed Dumbledore's train of thought.

Molly's face turned frighteningly pale.

"I, my son-he must have been abducted!"

Arthur's lips were trembling, but he still grabbed Molly's hand, reassuring her that he is still with her, and he did his best to remain calm and said.

"Whoever left this behind, let's take a look at it, Dumbledore."

Dumbledore nodded, and he handed the glass vial to Lupin, who dumped the powder from it into the fireplace that had been extinguished in the summer.

And the moment the powder fell into the fireplace, green flames rose up, and soon, the flames formed a familiar face, which appeared in the fireplace.

This person is none other than Percy, who disappeared from the wagon!

Seeing the familiar face that could not be any more familiar, Molly's tears flowed down from her eyes.

Everyone in the Headmaster's office was looking at the boy who was nearing adulthood, wearing spectacles and has a slim build. The face composed of green flames could clearly shows that he looked very cold while recording this image.

He looked ahead as if he were looking at all the professors and his parents in Hogwarts in person.

"I have always believed that outstanding people should acquire more power and privileges, Professor Dumbledore."


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