Chapter 150: Hallucinations (2 in 1)

Chapter 150: Hallucinations (2 in 1)

On the first day of the new academic year, Hogwarts was not affected by the Dementor attack last night.

According to the class schedule, the students ate breakfast and then went to the classroom where their classes would begin in the new academic year.

But although classes were not affected, students could not really treat yesterday's events as if they had never happened.

Only a dozen students actually saw a dementor at that time, and most of the other students on the wagon didn't even know what a dementor really is, which is something they have yet to learn.

During class time, the students who had seen the dementors were describing the monster to the other students in graphic detail.

But in fact, in that situation, most of them were stunned by the deadly aura, and now if you really let them describe the specific look of the creatures they saw, it would turn into all kinds of strange shapes and sizes.

Many were just able to state the gray tattered robe and tall thin body correctly, then break it down, some said the dementor had a demon face, some said it had a skull on its head, while others said the creature had nothing at all on its neck and was a headless monster.

Such remarks soon met with a rebuttal from the parents of one of the young wizard children, saying that if the dementors were a skeleton or had no head at all, it would be impossible for them to kiss others, and even more impossible for them to suck the souls of wizards in this way.

As the person who was closest to the dementors at the scene, Jon didn't join in their discussion either.

He was not interested in what kind of face the dementors had hidden under the cloak, what he was most concerned about now was his progress in learning the Patronus Charm.

Before he started learning this charm, he expected that in the future Patronus Charm will definitely be very useful, but he never expected that even before his third-year student life had begun, the dementors had already launched an attack on the wagon.

This time, the attack actually took place in a very strange way.

Jon had learned from Lupin that the reason why they successfully escaped from Azkaban Island earlier this year was that more than thirty members of the Order of the Phoenix who were imprisoned there used the Patronus Charm together.

The positive emotions that overflowed out completely knocked off the Dementors' siege, which gave them the chance to meet up with Moody who rushed to pick them up.

The Ministry of Magic could not be unaware of such information, there are more than thirty people in the Order of the Phoenix who have learned the Patronus Charm, and were able to rush out of Azkaban Island, the home base of the Dementors, so how can these monsters who have now arrived at their home ground British Isles be able to cause effective suppression on the Hogwarts wagon?

Jon did not see what happened last night, but despite so many dementors swarming, Dumbledore alone was able to solve such a crisis outside the wagon, so he really couldn't see what kind of significance such an attack that can be described as "harassment" could possibly have.

This is exactly similar to abetting Percy's betrayal, in addition to giving the students on the wagon some psychological impact, there is no other practical effect.

If this is Voldemort's response to what happened in the first half of the year, then his behaviour is more like a vanity project, without getting any semblance of tangible results.

But the reason the dementors can't affect the wagon is that the Professors and the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix are skilled in the Patronus charm, and Jon doesn't like the feeling of putting his safety in the hands of others to be protected, he badly wants to speed up the learning progress of the Patronus charm to prevent the situation where he has to face the dementors alone one day, yet he has no means to fight back.

After the last potion class in the morning, Jon went to the great hall with Neville, Hermione and the rest of them to settle their lunch.

On the way, they met Ginny and Luna, who had also just left class, except it seemed like they were walking over here on purpose.

"Green senior."

The red-haired Ginny hesitantly called out to Jon, and Jon could see that they had something to discuss with him, so he stopped in his tracks and gestured to Neville, Hermione, Ron and the others to go to the great hall first.

"Just call me Jon, I have a good relationship with a few of your brothers, there is no need to address me so distantly." He said casually.

"Can I also directly call you Jon?"

Next to Ginny, the girl with wooden corks around her neck and Plum-shaped earrings hanging from her ears blinked her prominent eyes and asked in an ethereal voice.

She seemed a little homely and spoke with a sort of wispy voice, yet her gaze was as serious as ever.

Of course, Jon knew the girl's name, and he smiled at Luna.

"That's perfectly fine, you can call me Jon, I can also call you Luna can't I?"

The girl with the plum-shaped earrings said matter-of-factly.

"I miss my mama, papa and sister." She whispered, "I wonder where they are now and if they're doing well ..."

Until now, four or five months have passed since Gabrielle was picked up from Madame Maxime, but she has never received any semblance of a reply.

The former Headmistress of Beauxbatons, before leaving, promised to get in touch with Dumbledore after finding Gabrielle's parents and would take her to her family.

But even after so long, there is still no news.

But sometimes, in fact, no news is the best news.

Jon looked at her and said.

"If you want to see your family, you don't have to hide your feelings in your heart. Many of the students here, maybe older than you, but they all have the same experience of being separated from their families as you do, and at least your mom, dad and sister can still remember having a family member like you around, while their parents don't even know who they are anymore."

Such a comparison will undoubtedly resonate with an already emotional little girl like Gabrielle, who has been on the wagon for so long, naturally knows a lot about the students on board, and knows very well that compared to her current situation, there are many people who should be more upset and sad than her.

Her original sadness subsided a fair deal, but she looked at Jon hesitantly, as if she wanted to say something.

"I had a hard time last night, so I wandered around the wagon ..." she whispered, "and then while I was crying alone and thinking about my mama, papa and sister, I don't know if I just imagined it myself or if I actually saw a person ..."

Jon was keenly aware of the important information in Gabrielle's words, and he raised an eyebrow lightly.

"What kind of person? Was it a student or an adult?"

"An adult, I ... have seen him in my own home before, he came to my house and discussed something with my papa in private." Gabrielle looked like she was trying very hard to remember the scene she could recall, "but Papa was very upset that day, he ended up kicking that guy out of the house, my sister and I had never seen papa that angry before."

Jon turned his head and exchanged a glance with Hagrid.

It was obvious to both of them that this was a very important piece of information!

"Where did you see him? Gabrielle."

"I... I can't exactly recall." She shook her head, "I actually still feel like I didn't actually see him at all, I might have just missed my mama, papa, sister and the others too much to recall seeing that man, but ... I'm not sure ... "

Gabrielle's description was very vague, and her tone was very unconfident, which gave them a feeling of not being very reliable.

But whether it is Hagrid or Jon, they didn't take this matter lightly.

Jon stood up from the driver's seat of the Hagrid and said with a serious look on his face.

"Whether you really saw this man in the wagon or not, we have to tell Dumbledore about it, this may be an important clue."

He never thought of relying on himself to start any investigation and going alone to do the heroic deed.

Now the danger faced on the wagon concerned the lives of many people, and Jon consciously knew that the professors, after knowing more, would certainly make a more correct decision than he would.

He did not hesitate, together with Gabrielle left the driver's seat, then returned to the wagon, went straight to the door directly opposite, and knocked on the door of the Headmaster's room.

Dumbledore was writing something with a quill in his office, and after entering the door he didn't say much else, Jon directly asked Gabrielle to restate the words to Dumbledore.

After listening quietly to Gabrielle's unconfident narrative, Dumbledore also could not help but frown and said softly.

"Can you describe the specific physical characteristics of this adult male wizard you are talking about child?"


#Matthew Lepcha and #Kodi Brown, Thanks for all your love and support.

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