Chapter 156: No way to go (2 in 1)

Chapter 156: No way to go (2 in 1)

Sirius got together with Lupin and Lily in the Professor's common room after Dumbledore had introduced him to the whole school at breakfast.

This is not the first time they have met since the prison break-out from Azkaban, as early as last semester when Lupin first came to the wagon as a Defense class professor, they had a private get-together.

They have shared hatred for a long while, all three were once most directly affected by that ridiculous Saviour Prophecy.

And now they have reunited on the wagon, just as they did back then.

"If the man who infiltrated the wagon from the beginning is Wormtail, then he has done only two things so far. Persuaded the third son of the Weasleys to betray; and reported the location of the wagon to the Dementors."

Lupin is undoubtedly the calmest one among them all, and he knows that if he wants to find Wormtail successfully, it is best to understand his purpose of coming to the wagon first.

Lily, however, said in a cold voice.

"In fact, inquiring about what he came to the school to do simply has no way to provide us with any aid, these orders must have been given to him by his lord, it is likely that he himself does not know why he is doing this. We want to catch him, we can only rely on what we know about him before."

She looked at Lupin and Sirius.

"All of us know that he is a very timid person, and when you guys were in school before, he was the one who was usually the most afraid to break school rules in your little group of friends. A large part of the reason he chose to betray later on was also because he succumbed to his fear of Voldemort."

In private, Lily had no qualms about just calling the Dark Lord by his old name that no one dared to even mention.

"So coming to this wagon is also certainly not his own intention, he must know that I have always been in this school, and know that I live each day with a strong desire to kill him with my own hands, this must be Voldemort's strict order to him, forcing him to comply!" nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Being coerced to do it, even if he came to the wagon, he wouldn't likely stay with us every day, watching me, Lupin, and Dumbledore every moment, it would scare the rat out of him! If he wants to hide, it must be in a place where he would not normally meet with us every day."

"And previously, Dumbledore has brought us to conduct three inspections throughout the wagon, in which we have likewise speculated whether the infiltrator would be an Animagus. Dumbledore for this possibility also cast the Animagus reversal spell fully throughout the wagon, but there was no gain, which means that he found a place in the wagon where he could avoid this magic, and this place also meets the last condition, usually we won't notice, and will not go there."

While Lupin is the calmest among them, Lily undoubtedly for sure is the smartest among them.

The reason she wasn't able to get a clue about the infiltrator's whereabouts before was that she simply didn't have any information about the person, but now that she knew his identity, still he was once one of the people she knew best, then everything that could be deduced became traceable.

Sirius had come to the wagon only a handful of times, and he could tell that Lily's analysis made sense, yet he still stared.

"So where is that place?"

Lily didn't bother to look at Sirius, she had always known that this male wizard, who was closer to James than his own brother, was just as dumb as his Animagus form, a dumb guy who was only good at receiving orders and then carrying them out.

Of the three people in this common room, the only one she could discuss it with is Lupin.

"We usually take classes in the wagon, the potion class needs me to cultivate and store a lot of potion materials, your Defense Against the Dark Arts class after the start of this year also applied for permission from Dumbledore to find a lot of empty classrooms to keep some dark creatures, so basically we have been to every room in the wagon. So is there any room that we have not or rarely go in, and never actively think about?"

Lupin had been listening carefully to Lily's analysis, his gaze showed a thoughtful look, his brow unconsciously furrowed.

The atmosphere went silent, not only Lupin was pondering, but Lily was also recalling with a cold face, wondering if they had missed any place.

Sirius was fidgeting a little anxiously in his chair, and now at this moment he could not help much, and could only wait for Lily and Lupin to come up with the results after using their brains.

And in the quiet time in the common room, they suddenly heard faint, somewhat messy footsteps above their heads.

The sound of footsteps made Lupin and Lily, who were originally in deep thought, all freeze.

Both of their eyes suddenly lit up with a flash of brilliance.

"That doesn't have to be a room!" Lupin said excitedly.

He then restored the movable floor plank to its original state.

They found new evidence that Wormtail was on this wagon, but still hadn't really found out where he is.

Lily's suspicions were all correct, but Wormtail was also obviously more cautious, and the location in the astronomy classroom was probably only one of his three caves.

After that, they carried out an extensive inspection throughout the wagon roof but still found nothing more, and finally had no choice but to return to the wagon.

The new clues found in the astronomy classroom gave Lily more motivation, and for the rest of the day in October, they carried out a complete inspection on other suspicious areas on the wagon, but no new clues were found.

This gave them strong uneasiness, and none of them uttered the most likely guess - that Wormtail is most likely no longer on this wagon!

The investigation of the Lily trio, on the other hand, had little effect on the students in the school. Jon had been working hard on the Patronus Charm all this time, and for some reason, he had a vague sense of a very bad feeling in his heart, so he has been working hard.

Although the school is now calm and quiet, from the beginning of the school year after the dementor attack, there has never been any other accident, but Jon's heart still somehow felt uneasy.

This uneasiness has a source, in this wagon, Jon can be said to be the person who is now most familiar with Voldemort who is in a high position except Dumbledore, even if he becomes more sensible, but a person's personality rarely changes.

He is vengeful and dark-hearted, in the first half of the year he suffered humiliation caused by a piece of flesh cut off from his home territory, Voldemort absolutely will not just let it go.

It seems that the less he fights back, the more Jon feels that there is a shocking storm hidden behind it.

In the last week of October, five days before Halloween, late that evening, Dumbledore suddenly called Jon to the Headmaster's office.

The Headmaster's office is still the same as before without much change, but Jon felt a different atmosphere, and this unusual feeling came from the portraits of the Headmasters on the walls.

When he came here before, most of these portraits would be pretending to sleep and secretly open a small slit to look at him, but now all these portraits are empty.

None of the people inside still remained in the portraits, leaving only empty frames, and the whole wall looks like a gallery store displaying its wares.

"Perhaps the situation now has reached the most critical scenario since the fall of Hogwarts Castle seven years ago, Jon."

Dumbledore looked deeply at Jon, he did not say anything unnecessary, but directly cut to the chase and said a message like a thunderclap in Jon's ear.

Even if there had been a forewarning in his mind before, Jon still looked at him with a dumbfounded face.

"Professor. I do not understand, are we already unknowingly surrounded by people sent by the Dark Lord?"

Dumbledore's voice was calm, but it was because of this kind of cold calmness that he had, unlike his usual tone, it carried an inexplicable meaning that gave people a more uneasy feeling.

"If we are surrounded, we just need to find a way to break out of the encirclement, even if the Dark Lord personally came, I am sure to hold him in check, and then let the Order of the Phoenix lead you guys to continue to escape, but now the situation is that we have nowhere to go."

He pulled a French-language newspaper from the side of his desk and placed it in front of Jon's face, on which a determined-looking witch was raising her fist for the camera.

Knowing that Jon could not read French on it, Dumbledore read the headline in the newspaper directly.

"[Interim Council of Councillors convenes in advance and will decide the future of the French magical community on October 25]"


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