Chapter 159: Going forward (2 in 1)

Chapter 159: Going forward (2 in 1)

Lily and the gang are still on the wagon looking for traces of Wormtail.

Only that they never gained even a semblance of anything these days, the discovery in the astronomy classroom at that time seemed to be the last trace left by Wormtail.

Sirius and Lupin, have a hidden suspicion in their hearts that they did not say, or subconsciously do not want to believe.

That is, Wormtail has completed his goal and escaped from the wagon.

Dumbledore told them in the Headmaster's office, that he might have left, but they didn't want to listen.

Wormtail's exposure of his identity on the wagon was indeed fishy, but it was just the hatred inside them that had intensified their urgency for revenge.

They seem to have been played by that betrayer who was once their friend, and they don't even understand yet what his aim really is.

In the evening, the dusky evening sky gradually and completely darkened.

Lily, Sirius and Lupin once again arrived at the place where they had found the traces left by Wormtail in the astronomy classroom.

"We have once again searched the entire wagon thoroughly, but still did not find anything, that can only mean two possibilities now."

Lupin looked at the enchantment left under the movable plank, which has not been triggered so far and said in a deep voice.

"Either our previous guess was wrong, this rat did not rely on luck to hide on the roof of the wagon to avoid all the previous searches, but he used some kind of special method. Which he still uses to hide in the wagon, and we all failed to find him."


He took a deep breath and looked at the expressionless Lily as well as the gloomy Sirius.

"He's already left this wagon."

Sirius clenched his fist the moment Lupin uttered these words, Lily looked like nothing had changed, but anyone familiar with her could see a touch of coldness and hatred hidden under her eyes.

The night has gradually gone completely dark.

The cold wind at the end of October slapped them in the face, giving Sirius the illusion of being whipped in the face by the tail of a rat.

It was like he saw the short traitor laughing wildly, but he could only stand here helplessly.

Lily said nothing, she turned around and walked towards the spiral staircase.

Sirius was gripping the railings around the roof of the wagon as his knuckles turned whitish from his grip, gazing at the receding scenery as he thought about something.

Lupin sighed, he passed by Sirius, patted him on the shoulder, said nothing, also ready to walk down the wagon.

However, just as Lupin and Lily, one after the other, were ready to walk off the roof of the wagon, although they did not say anything, they silently accepted the fact that Wormtail had left the wagon.

Suddenly Sirius's body trembled and he stared dead in one direction!

He shouted at Hagrid, who was driving the wagon in the front, with a near-roaring volume.

"Stop the wagon! Hagrid!"

Hagrid's reaction was quick, the next second he heard Sirius's voice, he pulled the reins tighter in his hands!

Almost at the same time, Sirius turned into a big black dog and leapt off from the roof of the wagon!

Lupin and Lily, who had not yet walked down the stairs, noticed Sirius's movement at first.

They looked at each other, and then moved incomparably quickly back to the wagon roof!

In the direction that Sirius rushed out, a large black dog was running wildly, and in front of him, in the light of the moon that had just risen, a grey rat could be vaguely seen desperately fleeing forward!

Lily immediately gripped the wand in her hand.

Without even thinking, she relied on instinct to recite the incantation!

"Accio Flying broom!"

A flying broom flew out from the wagon with great speed, and was held in Lily's hand with pinpoint precision!

She got on the broom and shot up into the sky in the direction Sirius was chasing!


Jon frowned tightly, he still felt a little incredulous about Dumbledore's words.

"Get out of this place? Leave Britain?"

"Yes, you must stay away from the battlefield. In the French magical community, even if the Dark Lord relies on such means to gain access to authority, his position and the implementation of policies will certainly not be stable. So whether it is to us or those in the French magical community, he will not hold back anything, do everything to destroy all the resistance, with the most bloody suppression to maintain his rule."

Dumbledore said gruffly.

"This is very dangerous at the same time an opportunity for us. He gained the authority of new land which also means that we will gain more allies. We will not remain inactive during the time he is solidifying his rule in the French magical community, and even if there is no way to defeat him by doing so, we will delay the time that it will take for him to gather authority and solidify the status quo."

Beech seems to have been informed long ago that he will be separated from Hagrid, his small eyes flooded with tears, looking at the back of Hagrid and wanted to chase, but finally did not run out of Jon's embrace.

Jon followed the three of them out of the wagon and came to the driver's seat in front of the wagon.

Dumbledore and the group jumped out of the wagon, then there a bright red-golden light flashed, and Fawkes settled back on Dumbledore's shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, countless apparition sounds resounded, and the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix appeared one after another around the wagon.

At the back of the wagon, McGonagall and Filch had led those sixth and seventh-year students out of the wagon, where Kingsley was waiting for them to take them to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Dumbledore looked at Jon, and all the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix around him looked at Jon.

They all seemed like they knew him, and everyone smiled and nodded at him.

Jon saw two red-haired youths among them, that were obviously Ron's already graduated brothers, and a couple beside them, the Weasleys, their parents.

There was also a middle-aged male wizard in the mix who looked a lot like Neville, his gaze was both calm and firm.

The lame Moody was short yet very conspicuous, his magic fake eye darting around and his other good eye glaring at Jon.

There was also a witch with bubblegum-like pink hair, she had a peachy face and waved excitedly toward him after seeing Jon's gaze.

Some of these wizards were recognizable to Jon, and many were not, but they all looked at Jon with goodwill.

Dumbledore handed the reins to Jon's hand.

"Remember my words, Jon, no matter what comes."

Jon's eyes have never been so serious as he received the reins.

"Are we all going to go on alone next, Professor?"

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head.

"Don't forget we still have Fawkes between us." Fawkes tilted his head in time to make his presence known, "I'll let him find you guys as soon as I can after this."

"But for the most part, you will have to face the choice later on by yourselves and I believe this is going to be the best adventure for you guys ever."

In the distance, the sky was covered by a dark cloud at some point.

Dumbledore's eyes looked at the black cloud, as he said in a loud voice.

"It's time to go!"

Those Thestrals which Jon could not see as if hearing the command began to run towards the front!

And all the Order of the Phoenix wizards who were originally guarding the wagon got on their flying brooms and shot up into the air.

The black cloud began to creep closer and closer in the sky, and it was only through the faint moonlight that it could be seen at this time.

It was not a black cloud at all, but a large group of wizards wearing black robes and riding on flying brooms swooping down!

Their target was very clear, each of their wands was aimed at the wagon that had gradually accelerated and was speeding along the terrain.

But when the tips of their wands lit up with the light of various spells, the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix, who had risen into the air in advance, had also recited spells one after another!


"Protego Maxima!!!"

"Pestis Incendium!!!"



These attacks forced the vast majority of the black-robed wizards to change their targets and start defending against the spells of the Order of the Phoenix wizards.

But there were still a small number of wizards who still tried to bypass these Order of the Phoenix wizards who were in front of them and continued to chase the wagons that were already getting farther and farther away.

And at that moment, Dumbledore has blocked in front of them.

He did not recite an incantation, just waved his wand and a crimson flame raged out!

The flames lit up half of the sky, and at the same time completely isolated all the black-robed wizards outside this red semicircle!


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