Chapter 168: Muggle Government

Chapter 168: Muggle Government

The relationship between wizards and muggles has always been very complicated.

However, due to the special nature of magic, the maintenance of this relationship has always been decided by the wizard's side.

Since the Statute of Secrecy came into effect in the magical world, the two parties have completely severed their legal ties, and the title of "wizard" exists only in muggle folklore.

But it's not that the two parties really don't interact with each other. In the majority of magical governments, wizards and muggles are allowed to fall in love freely.

The muggles who have relations with wizards, or who form families later, gain the right to know about the existence of magic.

From this aspect, you can see that while the "Statute of Secrecy" is strictly enforced, there is also a certain amount of flexibility in the application of certain issues.

For example, today's magical governments are actually dependent on the muggle political system, to ensure the enforcement of the law, the leaders of local muggle governments will be informed of the existence of the magical world by the Minister of Magic on their first day of office, to strengthen the cooperation between the two governments.

According to some norms that Jon learned from the original book, the exchange between the leaders of both governments is definitely dominated by the Minister of Magic's side.

The existence of magic allows them to have too much possible human memory manipulation; to maintain the Statute of Secrecy, and at the same time to strengthen cooperation, letting the highest leaders such as the Muggle Prime Minister know the existence of wizards simultaneously, it is unlikely that the ministers of magic could not possibly think of imposing some restrictions on their perceptions.

For example, it was clearly depicted in the original book that Fudge once visited the current British Prime Minister personally when he came to power and introduced him to the existence of the magical community.

This reveals a lot of the hidden underlying aspects involved behind the scene.

The British Prime Minister, before becoming Prime Minister, must also be a high-level political figure in the Muggle government. However, he still doesn't really know about the existence of wizards and magic until after he becomes Prime Minister.

This probably means that the Statute of Secrecy is relaxed only for the top political figure like the Prime Minister, otherwise, Fudge would not have come to say it in person, instead of the previous Prime Minister or other Muggles to convey it to the new Prime Minister in advance.

In all likelihood, after the prime minister stepped down, a wizard would specially visit him to wipe out the memories of wizards and magic from his mind, and even during his term of office, all kinds of restrictions would be imposed in his subconscious mind and memory to prevent him from leaking the information about the existence of the magical world.

After all, once a person of such status has broken the Statute of Secrecy, there is no room for reversal.

George and Neville both looked toward the top of the map.

Britain is directly north of the Faroe Islands, a Danish territory, Faroe Islands further northwest is Iceland, and if you go toward the northeast, there are Norway, Sweden, Finland and other European land countries.

Looking at where Hogwarts is sailing now; if there is no major deviation from the route in the middle, then they should be going to either of these places.

Jon and the other two pondered for a while without being able to figure out what kind of things Hogwarts or the Order of the Phoenix has in store for them in Iceland or Norway.

But George after a moment of hesitation still frowned and recalled.

"I seem to remember that in Ron's first year of school, Charlie complained to me that they were going on a mission to a very cold place, and at that time he even asked mom to prepare several sweaters and coats for him, I wonder if this has anything to do with our destination this time."

That's all he could remember, even in the Weasley house, his two older brothers Bill and Charlie usually won't talk about their work in the Order of the Phoenix at home, especially with George and Fred, two troublemakers, keeping a lot of information hidden from them.

Jon stroked his chin, looking at the map, without saying much.

Now judging the location of their position and the direction of the voyage, at least the students on board can be reassured that they are not too far away from Britain.

And after this, there are many other things on board that Jon needs to deal with.

For example, they are about to spend their first major holiday away from the professors at sea - Halloween.


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