Chapter 197: Jon also Fell Silent (2 in 1)

Chapter 197: Jon also Fell Silent (2 in 1)

But Jon's side was very rough.

The deterrent effect caused by the unformed Patronus Charm was ultimately limited, and the silvery filaments of light that surrounded him were constantly being worn down under the deadly coldness.

The dementors, who had only kept their distance to surround Jon in the middle, began to shrink their circle around him.

And Jon calculated the time, after making sure that Fred at this point in time has escaped the prison, he re-waved his wand.

"Expecto Patronum."

This time the silver light coming out of the tip of the wand was obviously much weaker than before, the Patronus Charm, a magic that is extremely emotionally dependent, was different from the other spells, and even if Jon was just one step away from summoning the real Patronus, it is still a failed casting.

Such a failure will interfere with the next casting state if it casted in just a short time, otherwise, he could have kept using this half-assed Patronus Charm to rush out with Fred.

With the renewed Patronus charm, Jon from the first floor of the main hall in mid-air took a turn, and then rushed back to the blocked cellar through a gap that had been prominent in the dementors that surrounded him.

The magic left by Voldemort still has no signs of diminishing and seems to last for some time, so Jon is safe here for now.

The lead dementor obviously felt the naked humiliation, it went even angry and tried to get all the jailers to start impacting the chains that blocked the entrance, but not even the edge of the enclosure was able to break through by them.

Jon did not lie to Fred.

After learning the Patronus Charm for close to a year, he was indeed only one step away from summoning his own Patronus.

Lupin analysed his spell casting and failed the Patronus charm effect, in fact, according to the normal progress, Jon should have been able to reach the standard at the beginning of the third year of school.

But those silvery filaments of light just did not do coalesce into an entity, they are like wool scattered all over the ground, obviously can be woven into a jumper, but every time they are picked up, it was just kneaded into a mess, not taking shape at all.

What went wrong in the middle Lupin had no clue, he had the experience of teaching thirty to forty people who learned to form a Patronus Charm, but it was the first time he saw an exception like Jon.

So, it is not wrong to say that there is only one step away from summoning the real Patronus.

However, in front of this step, there is a locked door in the way, if Jon can not open this door, then he will always be stepping on the last step.

Of course, this does not mean that he gave up on saving himself.

After he returned to the cellar, in order not to be disturbed by the dementors outside, he climbed down directly into the underground chamber left by Voldemort.

After using the Wand-Lighting Charm, Jon began to sort out the process of casting the Patronus Charm with a contemplative look on his face.

His gestures and pronunciation are naturally standard and error-free, the only thing that can go wrong is the richness of emotion.

To be honest, he has never felt that he is a dark person, and always insisted on the idea that there are many bad people in this world, but there are still more good people.

Whether in thought or action, he could consider having sufficient positive energy, but how he could not meet the requirements of the Patronus Charm, was something that baffled him.

Even sometimes he could not help but wonder if his own perception of himself is what is wrong, he actually is not as good and positive as he imagined ...?

There was also the time when he asked Lilly for advice, she said something, which Jon still hasn't forgotten.

When summoning a Patronus, the emotions required are not necessarily all happy and positive, some feelings as long as they are positive and can touch the caster, can also meet the requirements.

But Jon recalled for a long time, he still could not think, of those so-called emotions that can really touch his heart.

After coming to this world, he thought that the most striking thing that touched him was the time he got his wand in the Headmaster's office, and at the freshman dinner.

Sea waves, sandy beaches, starry skies, a group of homeless people sticking to a wagon facing the sea, singing the school song which had finally been unified in tune after nearly a thousand years. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

There was no moment he found more touching than this.

Especially when he knew that in the right course of history, these people should have been in the warmth of the castle, cheerfully greeting a wonderful new year.

But at the end of that school year, Slughorn and Dumbledore finally came to the final step in a plan that had been conspiring together for several years.

"Near the time when the sun was going down, I felt that the stunning spell on that Auror was about to expire. But I didn't dare to leave him and come back to you guys, so I just waited, but it didn't take long for Fred to come out and strengthen the stunning spell on the Auror, and then dragged him and another Auror to the Hogwarts ship."

"By that time I knew from him what had happened to you, the other students on the ship also knew, they were very anxious, and many others proposed to get off the ship to save you on the island, but at least I was able to persuade them."

Nick had a fairly relaxed look on his face as he looked over at Jon.

"Fred asked me to find you immediately after the two Aurors were settled, so what do you need my help on? You already have a plan to escape from here, don't you? I saw the magic that blocked the entrance when I came in, and it looks like it won't be long before it fails, so tell me what arrangements you have."

Hearing Nick's words, Jon couldn't help but frown.

He first climbed out of the chamber, the dementors are still in front of the entrance to the cellar, blocking the entrance in front of those green chains, and just as Nick said, the green chains have become dark and light, it seems that not much time later, it can no longer continue to maintain the effectiveness.

Jon took a deep breath, he turned his head to Nick with a serious face.

"I do need your help, Nick, later you have to get back to Hogwarts immediately, no matter what you try, coaxing or tricking, to get the ship going and get the others off the island!"

Nick froze.

He stared blankly at Jon, and it took him half a second to make a sound.

"You don't have a way to get out, did you lie to Fred?"

"I didn't lie to him, I have a way to stay on the island, and continue to wrestle with these dementors, but there is no way to get rid of them, and once they find the ship on the island, they will definitely attack the others on board, I can't protect them, they have to go first."

Nick's eyes stared at him unblinkingly as he said with a trembling voice.

"You lied to Neville and George at first, then to Fred, and now you want to start fooling me as well?"

Jon rubbed his forehead with a headache.

"No, Nick, I really do have an idea."

"If you have a solution, why don't you break out of jail now!" Nick's voice got louder as he glared at Jon, "Who do you think I am? Leaving me to do whatever I can to trick Neville and the others into sailing the ship! Abandon you here? I'm not capable of that! Jon Green!"

"They won't be able to sail on without you, each and every one of them, how can they sail on without you? This is only the first stop on a voyage, and not even a month has passed!"

Jon tried hard to convince him.

"Neville, he is excellent too, Fred and George are not that out of tune, Hermione, she has always been very calm, and there is you, you will help them."

"I'm a ghost! A dead man who couldn't even save his own life! You're asking me to help these kids?" Nick grumpily said, "Do you know what those kids were doing when I got off the ship?"

"They got every spell book related to the Patronus charm out of the library, and all the students over the third year are ready to start teaching themselves how to summon a Patronus!"

Jon froze.

"I told Fred to wait three days. ..."

"Yes, they are willing to wait for you for three days, but after three days, if you don't show up, no one will leave!" Nick interrupted Jon's words, "They plan to die on this island until you can get out of here!"

"So, if you want me to find a way to coax them to sail, fine, I'll do it, but you'll have to figure out how! What kind of words and lies should I tell to get a group of kids like them to leave you behind and sail away?"

Nick gasped violently because of the agitation, the cellar went silent, and the dementors outside were also silent, coldly emitting that cold dead silence.

Jon was also silent.


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