Chapter 203: Midnight Snack

Chapter 203: Midnight Snack

"There is also a message from Mr Iniesta, he reported that all the muggle-born wizards in France who can be rescued now, have already been rescued, the rest have basically had their wands seized and taken to that reformatory camp, while some others have escaped from France, can we proceed to the next step of the plan?"

Dumbledore rubbed his forehead with some headache.

"His men, have not given up the idea of breaking into the re-educational camp as the first step?"

McGonagall said with a frown.

"It does not seem like they have, they look like they can't wait any longer and put the re-educational camp as the first priority, followed by Beauxbatons."

"They are too impulsive and don't understand the Dark Lord's determination." Dumbledore said in a hushed voice, "That re-educational camp is the heart of the Dark Lord in maintaining the bloodline rule, and it's even possible that he might personally be there. There are too few of us, and even fewer wizards trained in professional combat, there is no way we can break through that fortress he has built up, let alone Beauxbatons after that."

McGonagall's face was also filled with worry.

"So what do we do now?"

"Although we established a unified organization, the leadership is actually not clearly divided, and there are many people under Javier who do not trust us. Before doing anything else, it is necessary to ensure the coordination of unity of movement in the front, which from the current situation, there is no way to complete in a short time."

McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, she opened her mouth and looked like she wanted to say something.

Dumbledore blinked and smiled.

"We've known each other for so many years, Minerva, there's nothing to hold back if you have any thoughts."

"I think you should be more assertive, Albus." McGonagall said seriously, "In this situation now, our main opinion can only be dominated by you."

"But don't forget that I'm actually a loser."

Dumbledore spread his hands and said.

"If I had not lost at the hands of the Dark Lord before, the current situation would not have reached this level."

McGonagall said sharply.

"But that's-"

"I know, I know, you have been following me for so long, of course, you will feel that way." Dumbledore interrupted her gently, "but others will certainly think differently, we can not force everyone to think the same, of course, it is not impossible to do, but if we did so, how are we different from them?"

McGonagall fell silent.

Dumbledore said slowly.

"If you don't agree from the heart, then the so-called obedience is worthless, Minerva."

Jon glared at him.

"So now that I'm back, why don't you all get to bed? What are you still doing here? Waiting for a party?"

At once, someone cheered.

"This is indeed the time to celebrate!"

"Yes, Captain, you are back, who can sleep? We are also hungry, let's go to the kitchen and prepare something, let's not talk about a banquet, let's take it as an extra midnight snack."

Watching all of their eyes looking at him, Jon's face could not help but ease down as he said helplessly with his hands stretched.

"You all already decided, can I still refuse? If you want to eat a snack, move quickly, or it will become breakfast."

The students in the great hall all instantly cheered.

They walked out in a line and began to divide the work clearly and went to the deck to set up the arrangements while letting the group that usually had the best cooking skills go to the kitchen.

Jon looked at their departing backs, and his face could not help but reveal a smile.

He also did not stay idle but called out to Fred.

Fred's expression was a bit sheepish, whether Jon had the intention to lie to him in the beginning or not, but now that he has kept his promise of coming back, the "rumour" that Fred spread, even if his skin is thicker, now he does not want to directly face Jon.

"I'll give you credit for the past few days, and I'll find you for other things later."

He said wickedly, but Fred was relieved to know that Jon was not really angry.

"Where are that Scabior and the other guy? I forgot about them before, now that Hogwarts has the age line magic that Professor Dumbledore helped us cast, you shouldn't have been able to bring them on board."

Speaking of that, Fred turned smug.

"How hard can it be for me? I'll show you them."

Fred led Jon out of the cabin to the right side of the ship's bow, and Scabior and Macnair together were tied to the arms and hung over the bow.


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