Chapter 208: Durmstrang's School Trip (False)

Chapter 208: Durmstrang's School Trip (False)

Justin didn't turn things around in the afternoon in the end and win the championship for a second time, but he at least ended up scoring better than Ron and took third place, while Ron came in fourth.

The winner of this session fishing tournament was actually a young girl in the second year - Luna Lovegood. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

She had never fished at all before, and this time she participated in the tournament purely to accompany her roommate Ginny, even the fishing rod was created by Fred after Ginny asked for help.

Perhaps because of the novice protection or simply because of her good luck, she eventually got the Championship of the second Hogwarts fishing tournament.

As roommates, Ginny and Gabrielle acted much happier than Luna, as if it was their victory.

In the end, all the fish caught in today's tournament became the students' dinner tonight.

Right after dinner that night, Jon called out both George and Neville and climbed up the mast together.

"Look at this pattern."

He pulled out a piece of parchment which depicted a crest consisting of a two-headed bird and a deer head with Cyrillic letters.

"We're going to change all the patterns on the sails and anything with the Hogwarts school crest into this."

Neville and George, are both of them from pureblood families, so they recognized what this crest is even though they spent their time on the Hogwarts wagon after the age of 11, closed and studying like everyone else.

"This is. Durmstrang's school crest?"

Jon nodded.

"That's right, it's Professor Dumbledore's insurance plan for us, there's no way that the things we did in Azkaban won't reach the Dark Lord's ears, he must know that someone is looking for the path he took in the past, so we'll have to make the necessary disguises, especially if we have to visit a wizard who has an ambiguous attitude about which side to lean afterwards. "

And in front of them, he drank the polyjuice potion and turned into a middle-aged male wizard with a big beard and a rugged and tall body.

"Professor Johnson, this is what you will call me for the next few days, and from now on there will be no Jon Green on board. Take care of yourselves, you should better think of a Dutch name for yourselves to use when you meet outsiders, and then students who only speak English will claim to be of Dutch origin."

"Also, any students who are proficient in a second language besides English come to me and report it."

Jon set the task down, and giving themselves a Dutch name made the students feel relatively fresh and novel, especially since someone with knowledge explained to them the various quirky and interesting Dutch names.

As for the students who knew foreign languages, there are actually quite a few of them.

A dozen students came to Jon to sign up for this, they either have one parent who is from another country, or they lived abroad for a long time when they were little, and mastered a foreign language through exposure.

For example, Hermione knows some simple French, her parents had promised her that they would take her on a trip to France after she started high school, and out of advanced preparation and interest, Hermione taught herself some common French sentences in elementary school.

And Luna, because her father used to be the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler" (this newspaper in the early days of Voldemort's rule had a hard time sustaining itself for a while, but later it was declared to have violated the "Blood Advocacy Act", and from the person in charge the editor-in-chief to the reporter was either taken into Azkaban, or became a wanted criminal), to dig out juicy news, some of the languages of the countries around the British needed to be explored, and Luna herself is relatively proficient in Spanish.

And the Weasley twins' best friend in the same class - Lee Jordan, a black boy whose father had lived in Germany for a while, so he knew a little German.

It was certainly impractical to bring all the students on the ship with him when he visits the tower, but he could pick some of them who knew other languages and were a bit more resourceful and bring them along.


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