Chapter 212: Assistance

Chapter 212: Assistance

In fact, there was no need for Jon to explain and arrange anything more on the ship. The reason he chose not to stay on the tower the first night was just for insurance.

If the friendliness at dinner was all pretended by this Sir Stoker, who in fact figured out Jon and the group's identity at the beginning, then tonight he would definitely try to report this matter to Voldemort.

The entire Hogwarts students, there is no doubt that the value is huge enough to tempt Voldemort, as long as the students can be captured in his hands, he can make Dumbledore throw in the towel, which will be of great benefit to the next consolidation of his reign in France.

And this first night is the most dangerous.

Not that after tonight if there is no problem the suspicion on Sir Stoker can be ruled out, but if he has a problem, then there is no reason for him to continue to wait.

The further you delay, the more things will go wrong, reporting the findings as early as possible is a must, then even if something goes wrong, he will still receive the credit.

A night has passed.

The whole night was as calm as the sea they were in, without any surprises.

So early the next morning, Jon took Neville and the group back to the tower with him again.

They were still greeted by the house elf named Rabier, who led them into the living room.

Sir Stoker was having breakfast, and he even made sure to prepare a portion for Jon and the gang.

"This tower is actually very big, some of the floors have been converted into a pasture where I keep a lot of poultry as well as pigs, cows and sheep, which are usually tended by Rabier, thereby ensuring that I can be self-sufficient even if I live such a life far away from people."

Breakfast was sandwiches, with an omelette and milk, although Jon and the group had all already eaten on the ship, they did not refuse what was served.

"I've made all the arrangements on the ship, Sir, and will bother you for the next few days by staying over."

Jon exchanged pleasantries and spoke without much ado, and then asked with a smile.

"I wonder if you could show us a glimpse of this tower? You know that children of this age are very curious, but since we accepted your invitation to stay, we have to respect your rules."

Sir Stoker wiped his glasses, his movements were serious and elegant, he was dressed and groomed as meticulously as a proper nobleman, and he said calmly in the face of Jon's query.

Hermione first glanced at Rabier to make sure he did not hear Luna's obviously somewhat disrespectful statement, then lowered her voice and said.

"It's a matter of custom, for example, the raven is also black, but in Britain, it's a symbol of good luck, and muggles used to keep some ravens with their wings clipped off to make sure they didn't fly away from the Tower of London to ensure the country doesn't suffer bad luck."

Lee overheard their chatter from the sidelines and couldn't help but sputter.

"If I am a raven and have my wings clipped to keep from flying away, then I certainly wouldn't still be in the mood to bless them."

"So it's just an allegory and a symbol." Hermione said, "People only care whether the symbol exists, but will not consider whether its existence is reasonable."

While they were chatting, Neville began to make his first move.

In Jon's absence, he is the one in charge of making decisions to act among the five students.

He looked at Rabier, who had been standing at the side respectfully.

"Can we have a casual tour?"

"Of course, you can, my lord has said that you can go anywhere in this tower without restriction."

After getting confirmation from him, Neville brought Ron, Hermione and co. out of the living room, went down the stairs and began to wander around in this tower.

As Sir Stoker promised, Rabier did not stop them from going somewhere, but also did not let them loose completely, and kept following them, saying that it would provide convenient to give them services at any time.

But Neville is not some ordinary 14-year-old boy who grew up in protection and care, and from the way Rabier is acting now, he can clearly understand that Sir is actually not giving them as much freedom of action in the tower as he verbally said.


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