Chapter 227: Doing Things and Dealing

Chapter 227: Doing Things and Dealing

Jon slowly opened his mouth and said.

"It's nothing Sir, I just helped a little bit, the reward or whatever if you think it's possible, can you give me that slab? I'm still interested in the ancient runes on it."

For this request of his, Sir Stoker showed quite a generosity, he said readily.

"That's certainly no problem, you can take that slate away with you at any time if you want."

Then he stood up from his chair and said politely.

"Because of this memory, I have some personal matters to ascertain, can you excuse me for a moment, Professor, of course, you and your students can still tour around this tower as you please."

"That's fine, go ahead and get busy."

Sir Stoker walked out of the study and disappeared from Jon's sight as he walked past the corner of the stairway.

Jon looked at his departing back and slowly reached into the inner pocket of his robe and pulled out the corner of the cloak of invisibility, but then he also touched the pact that he had hidden in advance.

Without dwelling on it for long, Jon stuffed the cloak of invisibility back in and walked quickly down the stairs to the lower level instead.

He arrived in the living room, where Neville and the four of them were still having afternoon tea and chatting, and the house elf, Rabier, was not there. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Come and help me out, Hermione."

Jon didn't bother with any unnecessary nonsense, he placed the pact directly on the coffee table.

"Translate as much as you can read on it, interpret the context for me."

Everyone could see Jon's seriousness, Hermione did not linger, she looked at the old parchment with a serious expression, and quickly read it.

Soon she got a preliminary result.

"This is a pact, there are many professional terms on it, which I do not know many of them. But the approximate meaning of the pact is that it helps the signer of the pact to maintain a balance, a balance between beast and man. The term should mean blood curse."

Jon's brain spun quickly, he quickly thought about his previous visits to Sir Stoker's study, where he saw those materials about the treatment of Maledictus blood curse.

"That is to say, this pact is roughly a treatment plan about curing a certain kind of blood curse?"

In response to Jon's question, Hermione nodded affirmatively.

"You're helping the Dark Lord!"

"Not doing much." Sir Stoker shook his head, "I haven't lied to you, professor, you must be a professor at another magic school. Although I come from a pureblood family, I don't agree one bit with the theory of so-called pureblood supremacy, and I really dislike that man Tom Riddle, but I had to make a deal with that man somehow."

He looked up and stared intently at Jon, the sky had become somewhat overcast at some point, dark clouds loomed over their heads, and the sea breeze, which had been abated by magic, gradually began to become faster, blowing up the robes they were wearing, making the sound of fabric being jerked.

"You took that deed?"

Jon's right hand stayed tucked in his sleeve at all times, the hidden hand clutching the end of his wand tightly.

"Such a powerful dark lord can't have a Maledictus blood curse, right? What is he trying to balance by getting you to make this pact?"


Without a moment's pause, Neville and the others stepped on the stairs that could move on their own and darted away towards the lower part of the tower.

However, just when they had descended to a distance of about the twentieth floor, the staircase that was still moving suddenly stopped.

Not only did it stop, but immediately after it began to drive sharply in the opposite direction, to the top of the tower!

Neville reacted quickly, or rather all five of them reacted quickly, holding hands together, and then stared at the gap in the passing floor as the stairs went up.


Neville shouted.

The five of them jumped together down the stairs that were moving rapidly, with huge inertia that threw them off a considerable distance, eventually colliding with the wall before stopping in their tracks.

"He wants to keep us?" Ron asked in disbelief.

Lee rubbed his arm, which was sore from the impact, and sucked in a cold breath.

"It must be the discovery that Jon made that caught that Sir's attention, and he wanted to keep us behind to restrain Jon!"


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