Chapter 242: Two Meetings (2 in 1)

Chapter 242: Two Meetings (2 in 1)

All the members of the council who were in the room with ulterior motives, when they saw the male wizard who was panicking about how to explain in one second, had turned into a cold corpse in the next second, caused their bodies to tremble sharply, but no one dared to express the fear in their hearts with their voices.

The entire meeting room fell silent, the man standing in the middle although looking incomparably wretched, yet no one dared to rise a hint of defiance in their hearts.

"This time there was a little accident that I did not anticipate."

Voldemort's cold and emotionless voice echoed throughout the room.

"The re-educational camp has fallen, and we have suffered some setbacks that we hadn't originally anticipated, but I don't want anyone to have doubts about the future of Pureblood. That makes you look short-sighted, sickening, stupid and incompetent, and when dealing with such people, I usually only treat them in one way, and that way you should have seen just now."

The councillors were obedient, and no one dared to be the second to die.

The meeting room was quiet, only the sound of sticky blood "tick-tick" falling on the floor heard from time to time.

After sweeping the room with a cold gaze, not seeing anyone dare to raise their heads and look directly at him, Voldemort spoke again.

"Failure is a failure, I will not deny my own failure. Next, Adele will replace me to be in charge of all the duties of the Ministry of Magic for the time being, everyone should face her as they face me, I have to deal with some other matters. The mudbloods are bound to rebel in the meantime, and I don't care what kind of efforts you might put in, my last bottom line is to keep Paris!"

His voice returned to calm, but that calmness held a chilling note in it.

"If you can't even defend Paris, then when I return, there will be no need for the French Magical Council to exist."

Nobody failed to understand the horror behind Voldemort's words, if the French magical council did not need to exist, what about them, the councillors?

Would simply be dismissed from office and sent home?

The councillors' faces were pale, but everyone did not dare to show half a look of frustration, and there were voices everywhere making oaths, and everyone sitting here expressed their determination to live and die with Paris.

In the face of their statements, Voldemort simply looked with a cold stiff face and finally said.

"I hope that in the end, you will not let me down."

Then, his whole figure disappeared from the meeting room.

In the next second, in a pitch-black room, Voldemort's figure suddenly appeared.

After returning to this private and secretive room, he was finally able to remove all his disguises and curled up on the ground like a boiled prawn!

Then he went crazy and used his right hand, which was still bleeding, to pound on his left hand!

"Give up those illusions! These are mine! You're mine too! It's all mine! Don't you dare think of stealing it from me!!!" The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

He hissed and roared, his distorted face no longer able to return to its previous coldness and calmness.

The next moment, his neck suddenly twisted to one side, that bloodied left hand raised uncontrollably, and soon half of his body once again underwent that bizarre loss of control!

"It was you who first reneged on the agreement we made at the beginning! I helped you! After helping you so much! You tricked me like this! And you sneakily signed that pact! I won't trust you anymore! Absolutely not!!!"

"There can only be one me in this world! There will never be another Tom Riddle! There will never be another Voldemort!"

"So let me eat you! If we become one, then we are truly invincible! Come on! Come on!"

"You are the one who should be eaten!"

In the space filled with boundless darkness, where there was nothing but dead silence, Voldemort bickered in two very different tones, his two hands seemed to belong to two different minds, and his body rolled on the ground struggling to the death

On the other hand, the last muggle-born wizard who had been freed from the dungeon was also taken away from the already empty re-educational camp.

At Lyon's headquarters, all the wizards were celebrating this unprecedented victory achieved during tonight's operation.

Compared to the others, Lily is undoubtedly the one who keeps the calmest thinking among these people.

Through Dumbledore's words, in fact, as long as their thinking became free without a prejudice for a second, they could roughly guess the key to the matter.

"He took the students and found the critical thing at sea that can affect the strength that the Dark Lord can exert?"

Everyone held their breath and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded.

"I guess this is the biggest possibility, exactly what happened, still need to wait for Fawkes Nirvana to complete, he was hit by a killing curse, and needs time to grow again."

His words made the people in the room for the first time unsure of what to say, even if such an explanation is reasonable enough, but no one can ignore the significance of what this matter itself represents.

How old Jon is, everyone here knows very well.

A 14-year-old boy who should only be in his third year this academic year, captured two Aurors with another student not long ago, as well as breaking into Azkaban has been enough to make people feel shocked.

Now, even the defeat of Voldemort also has a lot to do with him or can be said to be directly related.

This further made the people unable to use words to describe the feeling in their hearts, at the same time it intertwined with some emotions similar to embarrassment.

They have always considered themselves as protectors, wanting to protect the future hopes of the magical world, but in the end, it is a child who is trying to solve the problem that they were all unable to solve.

At this time Dumbledore continued to speak.

"But there is also another thing in front of us, as the most directly affected person, the dark lord understands exactly what has gone wrong in this matter more than we do. The previous incident in Azkaban had raised his alarm and he sent someone to pursue this matter, only at that time the object of his suspicion was the Durmstrang Headmaster."

"This means that the students are in a dangerous predicament, and the Dark Lord was bound to have handled them with the same standard as he treated that person, and now something like this has happened which might even cause him to personally block the path ahead of Jon and the others."

His words drew everyone's attention to this matter.

The situation certainly would be like this, after such a defeat, Voldemort will certainly do everything possible to find the person who caused him to meet such a heavy setback, and the current trajectory of the Hogwarts voyage is in accordance with the original route Voldemort took when he went to sea, so as long as he wanted, he would be able to find some traces.

Of course, this is also given Voldemort's current condition, in the premise that he still has the strength to personally intervene in this matter.

What kind of state Voldemort is in now, no one knows except himself.

"Do we need to send someone over to protect them? If the Dark Lord really goes after them, then they simply have no way to resist." Flitwick said gloomily.

Sirius, on the other hand, made a different suggestion.

"Now is the perfect time for us to grasp the fruits of this victory to expand, if we divide the manpower out again, it will not play any role at all if we have fewer people, and there will definitely be a shortage of personnel on this side. What I think is that since they have found the key to influence the strength of the dark lord, we should just pick them up and settle them in the rear side, which will not only be more convenient for us to protect them but also will relieve the pressure of shortage of manpower."

In this regard, many of those present were moved, But Dumbledore shook his head to deny it.

"It's precisely because it comes to this, their voyage can not be abandoned halfway. We also won't have to send more people on board to protect them, that ship was originally transformed from the wagon, and later it was patched up by me with extremely perfect age restriction magic, as long as they don't leave the ship, then their safety can be temporarily guaranteed."

"Only the route afterwards will require some changes, no longer following the same path that the dark lord has taken before to repeat, now that we've determined the ultimate destination, we can choose a safe path again."

"At the same time for the sake of final insurance, I will let Fawkes stay there, if there is any further accident that they can not solve, we can also timely be informed."


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