Chapter 246: The Compensation of Fate

Chapter 246: The Compensation of Fate

In the Great Hall, the bright yellow fire after sprinkling the floo powder soon turned into a cluster of green flames.

Immediately after, the flame changed into a human face, and Dumbledore's face that has not changed much appeared in the fireplace.

On this occasion to meet with Dumbledore, Jon did not bring all the students together.

Some of the things that are happening on land won't bring any benefit to them to know it early when they are on the sea, and the issue regarding Voldemort's pact, before things are made clear, there is a need for a certain amount of secrecy.

So it was just Jon and Nick in the great hall for this meeting, and the rest of the students were in class.

"I asked Fawkes to bring you the letter that you should have read, Jon, but we should leave the contents of the letter aside for now, there is another very important thing you need to do."

Dumbledore had a serious expression.

"On the Headmaster's office in the cabin, on my desk, I put a crystal orb commonly used to keep divination, but that orb did not contain any divination information, rather it has the voyage route mapped out for you guys to follow. But in line with the recent events, you must change the next route."

Jon frowned as he followed his thoughts, on the letter yesterday, the battle regarding the attack on the re-educational camp was very clear, especially what Voldemort said to Dumbledore.

He could think of the reason why Dumbledore had to make such an arrangement.

"The Dark Lord, he's going to send people to find us?"

"Not going to." Dumbledore corrected his words and said seriously, "He is bound to have sent someone there already, he should have noticed the problem after we showed those two Azkaban Aurors in public, and at that time he probably would have already sent someone to look for you guys, and he speculated you as another person, someone who is also very powerful."

Jon caught what Dumbledore was trying to emphasize.

"The men he sent out were based on the standard of his guess of us being that powerful foe?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"If he had requested you and wanted to come to Hogwarts as a professor, would you have granted his application?" Jon asked.

Dumbledore's answer was not half hesitant.

"That's for sure, Jon. A talent for magic would perhaps attract the attention of most wizards more than anything else, but Sir Stoker himself possesses a mind that the vast majority of wizards do not, and a professor at a wizarding school must not only teach his students magic but also impart the right philosophy to them about magic and the world.

This is what Hogwarts previously did not have. Since the loss of Hogwarts Castle and the beginning of the exile, I have been thinking about whether it is right or wrong that magical education has not changed much since the beginning of time. If it is wrong, then what is it that we lack? I would love to make improvements in this area, but because of the turbulent times, there has never been the right opportunity or person to do something about it.

Sir Stoker is obviously a very suitable candidate, if he is willing to come to Hogwarts to teach, I don't have any reason to refuse."

Jon said with some sadness.

"But Sir, he is dead, I had a chance to save him, and his house elf had a chance to save him, but he himself has chosen to give up his life completely."

Dumbledore sighed.

"You've done well enough Jon, it was his own choice, you claimed that what he had done had received little recognition in his life, but in the end, you praised his beliefs, didn't you? This is perhaps fate's final compensation for him."

Finally, Dumbledore mentioned the matter of the pact.

"Luck is on our side, you broke that pact at the right time. If it had been a little earlier, the Dark Lord would likely not have confronted me head-on, and if it had been a little later, then my own life would have been in question."


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