Chapter 256: The Biggest Crisis

Chapter 256: The Biggest Crisis

Nick has spent nearly a thousand years in this world as a ghost.

Enough time for a conscious creature to see many things clearly, Nick is also worthy of the years he spent.

He has met enough people, read enough books in the Hogwarts library in his idle time, and travelled to many places after leaving Hogwarts Castle.

With so much experience, Nick can actually teach Jon a lot of things, such as now.

His words allowed Jon to let go of his original restraint in learning the Unforgivable Curses, and things are exactly as he said.

The Unforgivable Curses are just a magic spell, yes many dark wizards have sunk into darkness because of it, but many great people have used it to forge their own glory.

Jon pondered the words that Nick had said to himself and no longer suppressed the emotions that he had been afraid to let loose.

His target is a tightly bound crab fished from the sea, which is treated as a white mouse, his mind could not help but think of Hogwarts Castle, the muggle-born students with numb, dead eyes.

That memory, although still crystal clear, it has happened more than a year ago, what has truly mobilized his emotions is the scene half a month ago, before the collapse of the tower.

The old man and his family's house elf stood at the top of the tower, between the dark clouds and the blue sea, and the moment the rocket that held all his dreams and wishes flew out of the sea, everything was like a bubble, in the loud noise and blazing heat dissolved into nothingness as if it had never existed.

It was sad and memorable, and there is not even a hint of positive emotion in the scene that makes a lasting impact.

All he felt at that time was a kind of anger, an anger at the development of the era and the dream of Sir was destroyed, an anger that noble ideas were stifled for despicable ambition.

Such anger can bring many emotions, which are all negative ones, hidden emotions that are not known to outsiders unleashed from repression!

Jon's face did not show any change, rather he became more and more calm, calm like a dead deep pool.

He waved his wand and indifferently recited the unforgivable curse under his breath.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A ghastly green beam of light shot out from the tip of his wand, crossing the short distance of lesser than 5 meters in the blink of an eye, and then hit the crab that kept waving its crab pincers, precisely in the centre of the bullseye drawn on it.

Those two wizards did not leave and always followed far behind their ship was something he knew, so the situation that occurred right now, Jon actually anticipated it.

Although some things can be anticipated in advance, the solution can not be that easy to find.

Right now he can only choose to meet them head-on and act according to the situation.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Jon and Nick together walked out of the charms' classroom, and when they came to the cabin corridor, Fawkes also flew to his shoulders.

No matter what kind of situation they encounter, he is the biggest reliance on the entire ship.

In the case of Voldemort's unknown state and whereabouts, Fawkes on board is the same as Dumbledore on board, and as long as there is Dumbledore on board, then Hogwarts ship is in total protection.

When he came to the deck, there were not many people gathered there, most of the students were still in class, and only George, Neville and Colin, who were assigned to keep an eye on the two people remained.

Even without any special indication from Neville and the others, just by squinting from a distance, Jon could see a group of wizards on flying brooms approaching at their back, not concealing their whereabouts.

Because the distance was still far away, the number of people could not be accurately visible, but from that blackened range, the group approaching Hogwarts had at least two dozen people.

This caused Neville and others to become nervous, and Jon also looked grave.

This could be said as the biggest crisis they will encounter after sailing.

More than twenty wizards, the probability of all of them being the most elite Death Eaters under Voldemort is quite high, how to deal with them, is an incomparably serious question.


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